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Muslims protesting against CAA NRC live

The CAA is wrong in it's fundamental criteria. Let me explain the premise.

This all happened after the NRC result of Assam came few months back. The claim of the BJP that at-least 5 crore illegal Muslims where in Assam was immediately shattered when the results proved that only 19 Lac illegal immigrants were there and out of which 14 Lac turn out to be Hindus.

Now two question remain ??

1) How long have been they staying in India ??

2) Why didn't they applied for asylum/refuge due to religious persecution officially rather choose to stay ILLEGALLY ??

Here my Government is not saying that they will provide citizenship to all persecuted minorities from our neighboring countries who are staying here as refugees or seek refuge. Rather they had blatantly say that they will provide refuge to all those ILLEGAL immigrants except Muslims. Please see their tweet regarding that from the screenshot below though they seem to have deleted it now from twitter.

View attachment 594661

So our Government is hell bent to provide citizenship to someone who haven't even complained about religious persecution in the first place and thereby adding additional burden on our already ailing economy. What kind of logic is that ??

I'm of the opinion that whatever may be the reason for illegal Muslim immigrants to enter India, the same is applicable to most if not all Illegal immigrants from other communities as well. They reason why none of them had even cared to seek refuge all these years.
I agree that most of the migrants are economic migrants from Bangladesh. These are small numbers in the context of India, and should be all absorbed in India, though not in the North East. For the future, the government should seal the Eastern border too, and only allow legal entry.
@Tom M doesn't want to see Hindu population from outside coming to India. Hence he is opposed to the bill. And he thinks majority of Hindus are opposed to this as well. Double Lol.
Then why does U.S with it's low population density and growth is planning to fence the entire Mexican border ?? Ever thought ??
They will be wildly unsuccessful at stopping Mexican immigration even with fencing. The cartels are involved in trafficking people across the border, and they are way too resourceful to contain. A lot of people get in via airports, too.
The US and every developed country benefits immensely(economically) from immigration.

A lot of them don't like the Mexicans because of the criminal activities, and because of the increased competition in the labor market.
They will be wildly unsuccessful at stopping Mexican immigration even with fencing. The cartels are involved in trafficking people across the border, and they are way too resourceful to contain. A lot of people get in via airports, too.
The US and every developed country benefits immensely(economically) from immigration.

A lot of them don't like the Mexicans because of the criminal activities, and because of the increased competition in the labor market.

Sorry, that is the matter of other discussion. But talk about it in a larger context w.r.t to your previous reply.

Immigration has a net positive effect on the economy and job creation. Long term, the benefits are immense.

The in my opinion,

If this were remotely true, then U.S shouldn't be blocking Mexican immigrants, since most Mexican's states bordering U.S have a substantial percentage of legal U.S citizens who were once Mexicans centuries and still share roots with Mexico. :(
Well I don't just seem, I'm a Christian my friend. :)

Where in the U.S ??
Oops I didn't notice your flag. I just knew you were an Indian. Okay now Indian Christian.
Sorry. I should have asked someone from India.
Yes that’s why we have really high growth rate right ?

I must admit they are really good at social profiling and utilising it for polls.

Growth rate is a combination of many factors and not about numbers alone. A lot of sentiments get played which itself has its own undertones.
CAA is for foreigners seeking citizenship in India.

Why Indian muslim are protesting is beyond any sound logic.
Indian have pretty low comprehension to begin with, so sleep tight lalu.
You might never understand why a law that is anti one community will make that community angry.
The CAA is wrong in it's fundamental criteria. Let me explain the premise.

This all happened after the NRC result of Assam came few months back. The claim of the BJP that at-least 5 crore illegal Muslims where in Assam was immediately shattered when the results proved that only 19 Lac illegal immigrants were there and out of which 14 Lac turn out to be Hindus.

Now two question remain ??

1) How long have been they staying in India ??

2) Why didn't they applied for asylum/refuge due to religious persecution officially rather choose to stay ILLEGALLY ??

Here my Government is not saying that they will provide citizenship to all persecuted minorities from our neighboring countries who are staying here as refugees or seek refuge. Rather they had blatantly say that they will provide refuge to all those ILLEGAL immigrants except Muslims. Please see their tweet regarding that from the screenshot below though they seem to have deleted it now from twitter.

View attachment 594661

So our Government is hell bent to provide citizenship to someone who haven't even complained about religious persecution in the first place and thereby adding additional burden on our already ailing economy. What kind of logic is that ??

I'm of the opinion that whatever may be the reason for illegal Muslim immigrants to enter India, the same is applicable to most if not all Illegal immigrants from other communities as well. They reason why none of them had even cared to seek refuge all these years.

Because they were well taken after by a certain section of political establishment and used as a tool to voice their demands. Now these voters who give these parties the entitlement as they declare to represent some section of society who are not even the citizens of India.

This particular system leads to many issues in a quasi federal democracy. For example the sterilite copper agitation or even the kundankulam NPP agitation, even the Singur TATA nano factory revolt.

The sole strength of our experienced politicians out here is to manipulate this section to further their politicak agendas.

CAA acts in that direction and NRC is the final nail in the coffin.

Indian have pretty low comprehension to begin with, so sleep tight lalu.
You might never understand why a law that is anti one community will make that community angry.

Thats fine, if Pakistanis have such high comprehension skills then enact a law to take persecuted Hindus from India, many of whom are in this forum as well.
Because they were well taken after by a certain section of political establishment and used as a tool to voice their demands. Now these voters who give these parties the entitlement as they declare to represent some section of society who are not even the citizens of India.

This particular system leads to many issues in a quasi federal democracy. For example the sterilite copper agitation or even the kundankulam NPP agitation, even the Singur TATA nano factory revolt.

The sole strength of our experienced politicians out here is to manipulate this section to further their politicak agendas.

CAA acts in that direction and NRC is the final nail in the coffin.

Thats fine, if Pakistanis have such high comprehension skills then enact a law to take persecuted Hindus from India, many of whom are in this forum as well.

Hey listen man, i get it that you are taking time off from trying to scam/rape 80 year old grandmas in the wast, but Pakistan was never brought up. So instead of doing what-about-ism, try to comprehend and answer the question.

Come to think of it, I think I saw your scam video earlier.

I do have a question, did you get tired after you yelled
Hey listen man, i get it that you are taking time off from trying to scam/rape 80 year old grandmas in the wast, but Pakistan was never brought up. So instead of doing what-about-ism, try to comprehend and answer the question.

Come to think of it, I think I saw your scam video earlier.

I do have a question, did you get tired after you yelled

No but the comprehension issue was brought up by a Pakistani so it was apt to address it that way. Anyway you just proved that you are a sand nigga.
No but the comprehension issue was brought up by a Pakistani so it was apt to address it that way. Anyway you just proved that you are a sand nigga.
sure thing rapist.
So by your logic, by talking to you I have to ask how many people you raped even if the conversation was about mangoes?

Did you ever manage to rape that 80 year old gorey grandma in the video?
sure thing rapist.
So by your logic, by talking to you I have to ask how many people you raped even if the conversation was about mangoes?

Did you ever manage to rape that 80 year old gorey grandma in the video?

No I didnt, since you are the record holder starting from 80 to 150 years old. How can I?
No I didnt, since you are the record holder starting from 80 to 150 years old. How can I?

Low Indian IQ at it again.
You literally pulled out the "I know you are but what am I" that a 7 year old would say.
I mean Indian IQ is not far from that.

I am still waiting for an honest reply to my question that is not just low IQ what-about-ism that street poopers like to pull out.
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