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Muslims protesting against CAA NRC live

After taming what will happen to that 5% If history is proof then Muslims should be ruling us not the other way.

You guy's will never get out of the maze of Hindu-Muslim divide it seems. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

No wonder, idiots like you (Both Hindu & Muslim religious bigots) were the reason for a few Business motivated foreign COMPANIES, especially the British East India COMPANY, Dutch East India COMPANY, Portuguese East India COMPANY, French East India COMPANY etc. could easily rule us for over 300 years, and we couldn't do a jack until they voluntarily agreed to go back. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

And please don't forget to read the word COMPANY that I had wrote loud and clear.:woot:
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What if 95% turn against it?
95% isn’t supporting it BJP has 35-40% vote shares at best and even losing opposition maintain vote shares of 25-28%.
And rest are 30% are not BJP supporter for sure otherwise would have voted for them.
Nothing wrong with CAA. I am opposed to NRC.
Everything wrong with CAA as if like INdia is resource reach country. Can’t even satisfy existing huge population and wants add more. No should be allowed neither muslim or hindu and either give them refugee camp or send them back.
95% isn’t supporting it BJP has 35-40% vote shares at best and even losing opposition maintain vote shares of 25-28%.
And rest are 30% are not BJP supporter for sure otherwise would have voted for them.

37.36% to be precise. :-)
Everything wrong with CAA as if like INdia is resource reach country. Can’t even satisfy existing huge population and wants add more. No should be allowed neither muslim or hindu and either give them refugee camp or send them back.
Reasonable point. But I would always welcome persecuted people. Immigrants have been good for India. Eg- Sindhis and Parsis.
95% isn’t supporting it BJP has 35-40% vote shares at best and even losing opposition maintain vote shares of 25-28%.
And rest are 30% are not BJP supporter for sure otherwise would have voted for them.

The calculation is flawed here without any research. 37% vote share is only BJP alone, but if you take supporting parties of BJP into consideration that increases to 40-42% alone. Now lets say from parties not aligned to BJP, if that even says 1% then it takes us to 41-42%.

Let me show some more stats here. A pooling booth voting % ranges from 40%-80% max. Which means to say the vote share which is counted against total voter population from that booth where 20-60% didnt vote for any party gives a ~10% average (considering its 40% to 80% range). Then do an integration of total population supporting this bill.

BJP knows its math very well. Only ignorant will say he knows what BJP knows.
The calculation is flawed here without any research. 37% vote share is only BJP alone, but if you take supporting parties of BJP into consideration that increases to 40-42% alone. Now lets say from parties not aligned to BJP, if that even says 1% then it takes us to 41-42%.

Let me show some more stats here. A pooling booth voting % ranges from 40%-80% max. Which means to say the vote share which is counted against total voter population from that booth where 20-60% didnt vote for any party gives a ~10% average (considering its 40% to 80% range). Then do an integration of total population supporting this bill.

BJP knows its math very well. Only ignorant will say he knows what BJP knows.
Yes that’s why we have really high growth rate right ?

The calculation is flawed here without any research. 37% vote share is only BJP alone, but if you take supporting parties of BJP into consideration that increases to 40-42% alone. Now lets say from parties not aligned to BJP, if that even says 1% then it takes us to 41-42%.

Let me show some more stats here. A pooling booth voting % ranges from 40%-80% max. Which means to say the vote share which is counted against total voter population from that booth where 20-60% didnt vote for any party gives a ~10% average (considering its 40% to 80% range). Then do an integration of total population supporting this bill.

BJP knows its math very well. Only ignorant will say he knows what BJP knows.
I must admit they are really good at social profiling and utilising it for polls.
Nothing wrong with CAA. I am opposed to NRC.

The CAA is wrong in it's fundamental criteria. Let me explain the premise.

This all happened after the NRC result of Assam came few months back. The claim of the BJP that at-least 5 crore illegal Muslims where in Assam was immediately shattered when the results proved that only 19 Lac illegal immigrants were there and out of which 14 Lac turn out to be Hindus.

Now two question remain ??

1) How long have been they staying in India ??

2) Why didn't they applied for asylum/refuge due to religious persecution officially rather choose to stay ILLEGALLY ??

Here my Government is not saying that they will provide citizenship to all persecuted minorities from our neighboring countries who are staying here as refugees or seek refuge. Rather they had blatantly say that they will provide refuge to all those ILLEGAL immigrants except Muslims. Please see their tweet regarding that from the screenshot below though they seem to have deleted it now from twitter.


So our Government is hell bent to provide citizenship to someone who haven't even complained about religious persecution in the first place and thereby adding additional burden on our already ailing economy. What kind of logic is that ??

I'm of the opinion that whatever may be the reason for illegal Muslim immigrants to enter India, the same is applicable to most if not all Illegal immigrants from other communities as well. They reason why none of them had even cared to seek refuge all these years.
Time when Sindhis and Parsis came we were quite economically sound. Neither we had population issues.
Immigration has a net positive effect on the economy and job creation. Long term, the benefits are immense.
Immigration has a net positive effect on the economy and job creation. Long term, the benefits are immense.

Then why does U.S with it's low population density and growth is planning to fence the entire Mexican border ?? Ever thought ??
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