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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

True, but as long as they get their heads kicked in and out in hospital it's all good. indian hindus need to be taught a lesson they won't forget.
Either way it's a good outcome, people should be aware of Hindutva at the same level they are of the Palestinian issue. Then you can raise concerns of the safety of Indian Muslims in India and of course the Kashmir occupation.

Our narrative control is quite weak, now is the best time with the riots to push it out there.

Hindu-Muslim riots break out in UK’s Leicester

Tensions have been high since Asia Cup
<p>Leicester Media Photo</p>

Leicester Media Photo
Large-scale riots broke out between Hindus and Muslims on Saturday in Leicester, a city in the central UK.
Tensions have been high since August when India defeated Pakistan in a cricket match during the Asia Cup. The match was played in the UAE, but the bitterness of the two arch-rivals played out on the streets of Leicester when Indian supporters took to the streets chanting anti-Pakistan slogans.
Over the past 24 hours, media in the United Kingdom have been reporting street clashes between large groups of Hindus and Muslims.

People took to social media Saturday evening sharing footage and pictures of a mob chanting “Jai Shree Ram” (Victory to Lord Rama) slogans and attacking Muslims as it marched through Belgrave Road, the centre of the Asian community in the city

UK Police said two arrests had been made, and that the trouble flared up after “an unplanned protest”.
Suleman Nagdi, of the Leicester-based Federation of Muslim Organisations, told the BBC, “What we have seen on the streets is very alarming.

“There have been problems in the community since the India and Pakistan cricket match and while that game often sparks gatherings they have not in the past turned this ugly.
“We need calm - the disorder has to stop and it has to stop now. There are some very dissatisfied young men who have been causing havoc.
“We need to get the message out that this must end and try to do this through parents and grandparents talking to their sons.”
Police were dispatched to increase security, authorities said.

“Violence and disorder will not be tolerated in our city. Dispersal and stop and search powers are in place and are being used. We are calling for calm and telling everyone to return home. Only share information that has been checked and is true,” the police department said in a tweet.
The police also dispelled a rumor circulating on social media that a mosque had been attacked.
Reality is that Pakistanis are a COMPLETELY different race, breed, dna, bloodline etc compared to indian Muslims, however years of low IQ indian propaganda has taught the gangus that Pakistanis are the "same" as indian Muslims when in reality nothing could be further from the truth............Pakistanis, blacks and Albanians run the most violent gangs in the UK. That is a fact.

Does this include Muslims Migrated between 1947 and 1950?
I also recently came back from Leicester. Was travelling through on my way down to London to attend a wedding, not one to get involved in pointless scraps at my age but an Indian did randomly try to loudly start discussions on cricket with me. He was clearly drunk, and I think the only way he picked me out as Pakistani is because I was wearing shalwar kameez. When I stopped and looked at him to understand what he was saying, he refused to make eye contact and continued his rant about how great Indian cricket team is. He didn't sound native, so was clearly a student/recent arrival from India. Don't they know that this is not India and that we Pakistanis know how to defend ourselves?

People here with no knowledge need to know that this whole thing was started by drunk Indian cricket fans. They beat up random Pakistanis, then they got more emboldened when Police didn't do sh@t, and went around asking people if they were Muslims and jumping them.

The local Muslims (Pakistanis, Indians, Somalis etc) held some peaceful marches but nothing happened and then the Pakistanis from other cities went down and ran a bit wild in areas where these attacks were happening. Only then did the police get all active and involved, and the Right-wing Hindus and English accounts online suddenly became active and started crying about "Muslim gangs" running wild and attacking innocent Hindus.

To me it's eerily similar to how Bradford riots started after BNP/NationalFront/Combat 18 members deliberately launched a campaign of stabbings and attacks on Pakistanis in the run up to the elections in early 2000s. I don't usually condone conspiracy theories but this one seems like a well planned event to trigger violent responses in the city for electoral/political gains due to its large Indian population.
Does this include Muslims Migrated between 1947 and 1950?

So you think that Pusthun, Balouch and Punjabi Pakistanis (95% of Pakistanis) are the "SAME" race as central indians, tamils, gujaratis and south indians?????......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:.............modi worship has REALLY messed up your IQ!!!!........:rofl::rofl:
Now hindus are whining and crying victims

Looks like boys have taught them a good lesson. Hopefully they would learn it by heart
What is this BS?

I have been up and down the country this entire week, and NOTHING IS HAPPENING.

It might be small clashes in certain areas, but majorly, nothing is happening. The Media is blowing this out of proportion to cause a Hindu and Muslim divide in the UK

Don’t believe the fake news

I have been to Leicester a few times in the last couple of weeks & it’s pretty serious over there, especially on this last Saturday.
Now hindus are whining and crying victims

Looks like boys have taught them a good lesson. Hopefully they would learn it by heart

In terms of violence nothing much happened tbh. It was more like a show of strength. But I hope they learn & desist from acting stupid.
I also recently came back from Leicester. Was travelling through on my way down to London to attend a wedding, not one to get involved in pointless scraps at my age but an Indian did randomly try to loudly start discussions on cricket with me. He was clearly drunk, and I think the only way he picked me out as Pakistani is because I was wearing shalwar kameez. When I stopped and looked at him to understand what he was saying, he refused to make eye contact and continued his rant about how great Indian cricket team is. He didn't sound native, so was clearly a student/recent arrival from India. Don't they know that this is not India and that we Pakistanis know how to defend ourselves?

People here with no knowledge need to know that this whole thing was started by drunk Indian cricket fans. They beat up random Pakistanis, then they got more emboldened when Police didn't do sh@t, and went around asking people if they were Muslims and jumping them.

The local Muslims (Pakistanis, Indians, Somalis etc) held some peaceful marches but nothing happened and then the Pakistanis from other cities went down and ran a bit wild in areas where these attacks were happening. Only then did the police get all active and involved, and the Right-wing Hindus and English accounts online suddenly became active and started crying about "Muslim gangs" running wild and attacking innocent Hindus.

To me it's eerily similar to how Bradford riots started after BNP/NationalFront/Combat 18 members deliberately launched a campaign of stabbings and attacks on Pakistanis in the run up to the elections in early 2000s. I don't usually condone conspiracy theories but this one seems like a well planned event to trigger violent responses in the city for electoral/political gains due to its large Indian population.

edl have been neutralised and obliterated. The indian hindus have been given the role to replace edl but they don't have the physicality, masculinity, fighting skills or means to take on UK Pakistanis/Muslims. 30 to 50 indian hindus attacking 1 Pakistani/Muslim shows how weak and unfit for purpose indian hindus are.
Either way it's a good outcome, people should be aware of Hindutva at the same level they are of the Palestinian issue. Then you can raise concerns of the safety of Indian Muslims in India and of course the Kashmir occupation.

Our narrative control is quite weak, now is the best time with the riots to push it out there.
Even bigger in terms number of muslims affected. So, it should have priority.
Pakistan was made by enormous sacrifice and efforts by the father's of Pakistan

Pakistan always has been a target not only for our enemies like Hindus but also for Muslims east and west of us, afghans have been nothing but donkeys for 70 years and Indian Muslims until very recently were no different at least in attitude

The hindutva situation in India has shut up the Indian Muslims and their diaspora including MQM types in Pakistan
The Afghan situation will in time shut the afghan wannabe's up

Hindutva has really fixed the narrative for us in multiple ways

I have said this multiple times, we should of course hate and target the hindutva types but really they are EXACTLY what we needed, their poisonous Hindu narrative puts everything in the right place for us
All kind of extremism fixes narrative of opposite side. Learn the right lesson.

Extremism in Pakistan fixed India's shaky foundations and gave them more global acceptance.
Can’t be a cricket match.

Bigger agenda, like from global zionists who trying to create unrest, chaos…..anything can cause ignition…..who’re they eager to detain/expell and blame?meanwhile destroy and depopulation agenda stays on course.
Muslims ofcourse will be easily blamed fir all the shit.

This has wef/zionist written all over it…..gotta see thru the fogs brothers, its really not just a cricket animosity……this is very serious how things r heating/boiling up in west….not just uk, this shit can cause civil wars and destroy economies and countries…..wars…..
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