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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

He is delusional and thinks that indian hindus can take on UK Muslims............ :rofl::rofl:

Years of getting away with killing indian Muslims and bollywood propaganda have made him and other indians believe that Pakistanis are the "same" as indian Muslims..........:bad: and can be subjugated like them when in reality Pakistanis are as different to indian Muslims just as much as we are different to Australian aborigines.
Hindus have never been this bold in foreign lands, it seems a little suspicious to me and there could be more to this all. It could be purposefully orchestrated, perhaps to sway public opinion to pass a bill or something. There was something going around about turning Muslims into second class citizens.
Hijab is not a pakistani, he is an Arab
He is an Egyptian-born activist, my younger brother has acquaintances with him as he is in dawah as well. Nearly all of Hijab's friends are Pakistanis.


Hindus have never been this bold in foreign lands, it seems a little suspicious to me and there could be more to it. Perhaps to sway public opinion to pass a bill or something. There was something going around about turning Muslims into second class citizens.

rss have been emboldened to increase their Islamaphobia in the UK after rishi sunk stood for the running of prime minister.
Hijab is not a pakistani, he is an Arab

Pakistanis have straight hair, he has an Afro
This is common knowledge, but him getting involved is important as he has a massive following because of the dawah he gives.

It shifts the focus from a more Indo-Pak perspective to a Hindu-Muslim angle which becomes much more large scale considering other communities.
Hindus have never been this bold in foreign lands, it seems a little suspicious to me and there could be more to this all. It could be purposefully orchestrated, perhaps to sway public opinion to pass a bill or something. There was something going around about turning Muslims into second class citizens.

I want rss and other indian hindus to increase their Islamaphobia in the UK so that ALL Muslims regardless or race or creed can unite to destroy and obliterate our eternal enemies.
I want rss and other indian hindus to increase their Islamaphobia in the UK so that ALL Muslims regardless or race or creed can unite to destroy and obliterate our eternal enemies.
It doesn't make much of a real world impact apart from British society though, Indians (Hindus) will just be more hated throughout society that's it.

Their origin countries won't sever ties with India etc. We've seen that with all the Palestinian protests but the politics continues in its own sphere.
It's about time we all unite against this RSS menace, you never know UK might become the global launch pad against them.
We need to spread Mohammad Hijab's speech on social media alongside some context and videos. It needs to go viral across the country between Muslims especially.
It doesn't make much of a real world impact apart from British society though, Indians (Hindus) will just be more hated throughout society that's it.

Their origin countries won't sever ties with India etc. We've seen that with all the Palestinian protests but the politics continues in its own sphere.

True, but as long as they get their heads kicked in and out in hospital it's all good. indian hindus need to be taught a lesson they won't forget.
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