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Muslims of india and their hate for Pakistan

It's simple logic. Do you think the creator of the universe would make itself look so hideous?
Beauty is subjective. We and most of the world finds it beautiful. :) Ganesha statues for instance are considered beautiful all over the world.
And who do you think is the creator of the Universe? And how was it created? And when? :D

Do I really need to explain what's wrong with worshipping an animal?
Yup. Of course. Animals are respected and loved/worshiped in most cultures (except yours - which does not even respect all humans, let alone others). Much better than revering pedophiles and dacoits, don't you think? :azn:

There's that, but we are also growing due to actual conversions too.
Nope. Actual conversions - NOPE. Check out the Pew Research new data (actually since 2015). Even the vast majority of the sustained conversions have happened in Syria (Yazidis) - it is likely that most of those will be allowed to lapse into their parent faiths.

Heck, even in Pakistan Islam's share is falling and in India also - the Islamic percentage hovers around 10% officially (not counting those who consider themselves Shia, Ahmedis etc.) Even among them there are non practicing folks. Numerically you are losing out - because in this 21st century (Information age) - dogma has no place. :D

Muslims are wasted idiots, kafirs are brain dead drools
Are you using a computer, mate? Do you have an internet connection? Powered by electricity? Wearing clothes? Hand sewn or from a factory?
Beauty is subjective. We and most of the world finds it beautiful. :) Ganesha statues for instance are considered beautiful all over the world.
And who do you think is the creator of the Universe? And how was it created? And when? :D

Yup. Of course. Animals are respected and loved/worshiped in most cultures (except yours). Much better than revering pedophiles and dacoits, don't you think? :azn:

Most of the world doesn't consider tjem fit for worship, and view the deities as rather hideous. It's only the statues which people admire, but that's because the craftsmen behind them did decent jobs.

The creator of the universe should be omnipotent, and not a bloody elephant. The creator doesn't need to have his own creator, likewise, the universe doesn't necessarily need a creator itself. Hence why I said I understand atheism. When it comes down to it, you have to decide based on what evidence is available.

Hahaha, another proof of how retarded people from your filthy region are. Muhammad wasn't a pedophile, anyone who comments such clearly displays their lack of knowledge. He was easily a much better person than anyone to ever crawl out of Hindustan, a country which has been subject to countless invasions and occupations (in fact, you're probably descended from one of those invaders).
Most of the world doesn't consider tjem fit for worship, and view the deities as rather hideous. It's only the statues which people admire, but that's because the craftsmen behind them did decent jobs.
Nonsense. The Chinese revere Dragons, the Vietnamese worship whales (pretty common), Horse worship is very popular in Central Asia even today. There are far too many examples to count. Your culture does not allow any of that - that is YOUR loss. Not mine. The admiration itself is also a part of reverence. You follow an ism that does not go deeper than the materialistic veneer of existence. You will not be able to understand these. Follow some Muslim YouTubers who have become Buddhists or Hindus or taken up a liking for Shintoism/Daoism/Confucianism etc. You may be able to get a glimpse into the beauty of the world. Your imaan seems strong. Give it a try with an open mind. :)

The creator of the universe should be omnipotent, and not a bloody elephant.
Forget the elephant. Even an ant, heck, even an unicellular organism is a mark of divinity. Human beings have been unable to replicate even that to this day. Even discounting the act of a Divine figure, it is remarkable. No need to ridicule and reduce the attributes of Nature.

Muhammad wasn't a pedophile, anyone who comments such clearly displays their lack of knowledge
I never said that, did I? :D But I guess you know ... :devil:
You did not even refute the 'dacoit' part. :P

He was easily a much better person than anyone to ever crawl out of Hindustan
No. Gautam Buddha was perhaps the best man to walk on this holy land. Nobody comes close. Read about him.

country which has been subject to countless invasions and occupations
But here I am.
Practicing the faith my forefathers followed. Going to temples that my forefathers used to go to. Since as long as we can draw our lineage. It IS a matter of pride. :)
You can also do this.

Leave behind the cloak, shed your trauma and taste the beauty of Dharma. I don't ask you to hate anyone - just see this world in a different light. You will know.
Nonsense. The Chinese revere Dragons, the Vietnamese worship whales (pretty common), Horse worship is very popular in Central Asia even today. There are far too many examples to count. Your culture does not allow any of that - that is YOUR loss. Not mine. The admiration itself is also a part of reverence. You follow an ism that does not go deeper than the materialistic veneer of existence. You will not be able to understand these. Follow some Muslim YouTubers who have become Buddhists or Hindus or taken up a liking for Shintoism/Daoism/Confucianism etc. You may be able to get a glimpse into the beauty of the world. Your imaan seems strong. Give it a try with an open mind. :)

Forget the elephant. Even an ant, heck, even an unicellular organism is a mark of divinity. Human beings have been unable to replicate even that to this day. Even discounting the act of a Divine figure, it is remarkable. No need to ridicule and reduce the attributes of Nature.

I never said that, did I? :D But I guess you know ... [emoji317]
You did not even refute the 'dacoit' part. [emoji14]

No. Gautam Buddha was perhaps the best man to walk on this holy land. Nobody comes close. Read about him.

But here I am.
Practicing the faith my forefathers followed. Going to temples that my forefathers used to go to. Since as long as we can draw our lineage. It IS a matter of pride. :)
You can also do this.

Leave behind the cloak, shed your trauma and taste the beauty of Dharma. I don't ask you to hate anyone - just see this world in a different light. You will know.

Most Chinese are irreligious, and most Central Asians are Muslim. As for Vietnamese, I don't know and don't really care, but I highly doubt the worship cows or elephant-human hybrids. There's a fine line between respect and worship.

I've looked into these more mystical religions back in my atheist days. Didn't like them then, don't like them now.

Yes building complex organisms from scratch is quite an achievement, but it's the builder who deserves the praise. Not the creature that's been built.

You're right, my mistake for leaving that out. Muhammad wasn't a dacoit either.

These silly Buddha's and Vishnu's don't hold a candle to what Muhammad and his companions have done, or earlier prophets such as Abraham, Jesus or Moses. Read up on their achievements.

Lineage shouldn't be a matter of pride. You are not your forefathers, you didn't choose which vagina you crawled out of or which country you would thrive in.

It's okay to think they did cool stuff, but to think it makes you better than others is pitiful. Especially when your ancestors got attacked and raped on numerous ocassions, or your ancestors were the ones doing the raping.

Nah, I currently see the world as a large, complex place with good and bad things (but mostly bad).
Most Chinese are irreligious, and most Central Asians are Muslim. As for Vietnamese, I don't know and don't really care, but I highly doubt the worship cows or elephant-human hybrids. There's a fine line between respect and worship.

I've looked into these more mystical religions back in my atheist days. Didn't like them then, don't like them now.

Yes building complex organisms from scratch is quite an achievement, but it's the builder who deserves the praise. Not the creature that's been built.
Its a path. Worshiping the Divine is not easy. Appreciation of the creation is a path as per all Oriental philosophies.

You're right, my mistake for leaving that out. Muhammad wasn't a dacoit either.
Umm, nope. He was.

These silly Buddha's and Vishnu's don't hold a candle to what Muhammad and his companions have done, or earlier prophets such as Abraham, Jesus or Moses. Read up on their achievements.
Nah mate. The former's message is more all - living, humans, animals, non living. The latter's message is more humans who believe in him. Not very Universal at all. Being a very good (and brutal) military commander does not count as an achievement. And I hope you don't believe in the Buraq thingy, right?

Lineage shouldn't be a matter of pride. You are not your forefathers, you didn't choose which vagina you crawled out of or which country you would thrive in.
True. But it is something like this - if they could do it then, then so can I. Not very useful - true. But still helps. The lineage is not the primary concern here. The values they stood for do.

(but mostly bad)
This is mainly because you subscribe to a very materialistic worldview. Taste the Dharmic worldview and see for yourself. If your imaan is strong, I can suggest you some Gurus who can give you some guidance (for free). :)
Its a path. Worshiping the Divine is not easy. Appreciation of the creation is a path as per all Oriental philosophies.

Umm, nope. He was.

Nah mate. The former's message is more all - living, humans, animals, non living. The latter's message is more humans who believe in him. Not very Universal at all. Being a very good (and brutal) military commander does not count as an achievement. And I hope you don't believe in the Buraq thingy, right?

True. But it is something like this - if they could do it then, then so can I. Not very useful - true. But still helps. The lineage is not the primary concern here. The values they stood for do.

This is mainly because you subscribe to a very materialistic worldview. Taste the Dharmic worldview and see for yourself. If your imaan is strong, I can suggest you some Gurus who can give you some guidance (for free). :)

Umm nope, he wasn't. Robbing people is haram you idiot. Again, clear example of the inferior intelligence of polytheists.

Yes mate. He created an empire which has achieved so much in terms of mathematics and science among other things, and his religion is the one that's the fastest growing on the planet and has more followers. By every viewpoint Muhammad was better than Buddha, Vishnu and whatever hippie you can name.

I told you, I tried this hippie Hindu crap. Didn't work at all.
Umm nope, he wasn't. Robbing people is haram you idiot.
Nope. Not if you get revelations stating that those you are 'robbing' are cursed by 'Allah' and all. :D

clear example of the inferior intelligence of polytheists.
Again wrong. Which OS are you using? :P

He created an empire which has achieved so much in terms of mathematics and science among other things, and his religion is the one that's the fastest growing on the planet and has more followers.
Yeah. And where is his Khilafat? Counting its last days being bombed to bits by Russian, French and US missiles? Where are the Ummayids? The Rashidun? Where are the vaunted Slave dynasties? Islamic civilization is in decline. It has been so for about 4 centuries now. Numbers mean nothing. The British ruled India based on technology.

By every viewpoint Muhammad was better than Buddha, Vishnu and whatever hippie you can name.
No. Only by the Islamic viewpoint such is the case. Lord Buddha for instance is revered ALL OVER THE WORLD irrespective of faiths (except Muslims and some other Abrahamics).

I tried this hippie Hindu crap. Didn't work at all.
You never had a Guru. If you have the confidence in the strength of your Imaan, let me give you some direction. Try it. If it does not work - you go your way and lead a good Life. It's too short to live someone else's Life anyway. :)
Nope. Not if you get revelations stating that those you are 'robbing' are cursed by 'Allah' and all. :D

Again wrong. Which OS are you using? [emoji14]

Yeah. And where is his Khilafat? Counting its last days being bombed to bits by Russian, French and US missiles? Where are the Ummayids? The Rashidun? Where are the vaunted Slave dynasties? Islamic civilization is in decline. It has been so for about 4 centuries now. Numbers mean nothing. The British ruled India based on technology.

No. Only by the Islamic viewpoint such is the case. Lord Buddha for instance is revered ALL OVER THE WORLD irrespective of faiths (except Muslims and some other Abrahamics).

You never had a Guru. If you have the confidence in the strength of your Imaan, let me give you some direction. Try it. If it does not work - you go your way and lead a good Life. It's too short to live someone else's Life anyway. :)

It says it's haram to rob as a general rule of thumb. Could there be exceptions? Yes genius, but I'm talking general rule of thumb. Again, your inferior mushrik mind cannot understand this.

ISIS isn't the first nor will it be the last to come up with the idea of a caliphate. There will be more and you know it. Oh and their days are far from numbered, again, you know this too.

Oh and we have the semi caliphate of the gulf states if we really need Islamic law, and that place isn't going anytime soon.

Islamic civilisation may be on the fall, but when we collapse we will take everyone down with us : )

He clearly ain't revered enough to gain as many followers lol.

I tried it, it didn't work. No point asking me to try again when I'm more than comfortable with Islam.
It is simple...Pakistan has made their life harder. For no fault of theirs, they are called traitors and looked down upon. They are at the lowest strata of the Indian soceity lower than dalits...all because of Pakistan.

No wonder Indian Muslims hate Pakistan...

What a load of BS! Pakistan has nothing to do with how you Hindus treat your minorities.

They are Indian citizens and Hindus, being the majority, are persecuting them for being MUSLIMS.

And if Indian Muslims should realise that Pakistan was made to avoid exactly the type of treatment they are getting by Hindus. It was their choice to stay in India.
we collapse we will take everyone down with us : )
that is not a very mature way to lead a life. Enrich it. Don't drown in hated.

I'm more than comfortable with Islam.
because you are not introduced to any alternatives. I am not forcing. Just give it a try. No one is asking you to leave Islam either. Om Shanti to you.
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