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Muslims of india and their hate for Pakistan


This issue was brought out by one of my good friends Dr Fazal Mohammad in 1986---an indian muslim---at univ of utah salt lake city---one of the pioneer scientists of the Jarvic 7 artificial heart research team in the 80's.

He told me---you pakistanis do things in pakistan---make comments---pass threats at india and so many other similar things---and we have to pay the price.

And I agree to that---aur bolo pakistan---bulao pakistan ko apni madad key liay---ja saktay ho to jao pakistan---and so many other things---.

Pakistanis should nt hie their heads in the sand about this issue---.


Read my post one more time and then you read the answer.

It's not our fault , if India is showing eyes to us and threatening our sovereignty then we also have right to stand equal and answer their suppression . Most of the time , it's India passing threats and killing our soldiers . So what these Indian Muslims have to say about the oppression of India against us ?
Their hatred and 'bakwas' against Pakistan is only frustration they take out because they're too coward to stand for their rights in India .

Indian Muslims should keep one thing in mind , you're a foreigner to us and we have no any relation with them so don't expect us to be quiet and surrender over India's stupidity for your sake
, You facing discrimination in India is your country's problem not ours so work on your country rather than barking at us , we're not gutless like you and we'll keep answering your illegitimate country and you keep facing the consequences for living in that shit hole .
bjp came in power because of modi and how he drew foreign investments. The hate for Pakistan has always been there since 1947 different excuses,different parties. It's always been there. chaudhry nisar invited subhuman swami to talk it out but he said "me want holocaust against Pakistan" :taz:
:lol:How did someone draw foreign investment during election campaign? Read again what I said.
There are someone who see's Pakistan as an enemy, some don't. They just view as a pain in the rear.
Just like Ajmal Kasab, if you keep sending such boys don't expect so much love.
If indians don't care then why are they here? Why is Pakistan mentioned in their retarded media many times? There are other tactics for scare-mongering and manipulation.
Indians are here for some discussion. And how many Indians are here? 100? 1000? There are 1.3 Billion Indians.
Pakistan exist, so there will be news about it. It's a neighboring country and is connected to many organizations in India, you fund some organizations too like Geelani gangs. Hence there will be news. Let the people know.
Are you kidding me? Everything was directed at her, She married shoaib and indian politicians said "She is indian no more for marrying a Pakistani,C'mon bjp sadists let's morph her pics to nudes online for revenge" How dare she marry a Pakistani? in indian democracy she "muslim" needs permission from so called hindu consultants on whom she can marry. :lol:
You are not a south Indian, you are parroting what media says:lol:. Don't claim authority of something based on half baked truth. I know and I live there. She was always part of controversy because of her dressing, as per Islamic laws women should wear modest dress. (As they say), and so it's nothing. And did she get any permission? Or she requested for any. Stop making delusional comments. Hindu objected:lol:.
rss prayed to donald trump to destroy arabs man.They don't give 2 sh*ts about indian culture.
In a real democracy people can follow or choose any religion they want.
Some pure landers wish for Gazwa-e-Hind. Some mullas on the other side wish for destruction of India. What's new?

They do want to exterminate non hindus it's a fact. Quite frankly I don't care what they do in india but they should keep their filthy eyes away from Pakistan.
FACTS Please don't present BS as fact.

Yeah, exterminate non-Hindu. If we got exterminated, how our population is rising.

I like your footnote, ":lol:You don't care what they do in India, but all your comments seems otherwise, you spend time to read and comment these BS".
Pakistan should mind it's own business. Like we already said, there is no Kashmir, there is no land for you. Stop sending proxies. Then we will keep away from Pakistan.
Because they felt they always had more in common with those tribes West of them then the peoples East of them. Also there was no united india (or Pakistan) like there is now so which nation were you fighting to protect? Afghan perception or claims are irrelevant. There are millions upon millions of them living in Pakistan with many more risking life and limb to come to Pakistan each day.
This demographic issue of millions of afghans is a time bomb for pakistan

This issue was brought out by one of my good friends Dr Fazal Mohammad in 1986---an indian muslim---at univ of utah salt lake city---one of the pioneer scientists of the Jarvic 7 artificial heart research team in the 80's.

He told me---you pakistanis do things in pakistan---make comments---pass threats at india and so many other similar things---and we have to pay the price.

And I agree to that---aur bolo pakistan---bulao pakistan ko apni madad key liay---ja saktay ho to jao pakistan---and so many other things---.

Pakistanis should nt hie their heads in the sand about this issue---.


Read my post one more time and then you read the answer.

So fighting to protect our nation's soverignty against indian aggression and oppression is bad for indian so called alleged "Muslims"??????????..........WTF?????????............:lol:

Shall we let india destroy us just to please indian so called alleged "Muslims"?????.......:rofl:

Are they that important??????........:lol:
So fighting
Sometimes fighting for Pakistan is like having one hand tied. The legal position is simple. Provinces were asked if they wanted to go on their own destiny in a federation. They voted yes. I have no idea how that involved taking on the "contract" to take care or be responsible for Indian Muslims. For example when Sindh assembly voted for Pakistan (thereby being first) in 1943 to lay the first "brick" in making of Pakistan. The question you have to ask is did Sindh assembly represent the entire (i) "Muslim ummah" (ii) all Muslims in British Raj" or (iii) only people within it's provincial boundary. That being Sindhi.

Quote GM Syed -

"Sindh, Punjab, Afghanistan and the NWFP “formed part of the Middle East rather than of the Far East.”


This nonsense that Pakistan is responsible for all of Indian Muslims is a legacy of the British Raj and nutured by some and I say some migrants from India who are in Pakistan. This must stop before Pakistan falls apart because of this "contract". Pakistan's primary responsibility is to the people of the provinces who made it possible for Pakistan to exist. You can't make countries in thin air.

Never it be forgotten that the provinces of Pakistan are what give "zameen" to Pakistan. Had they not voted for this federation and yes it is a federation there would have been no Pakistan. The provinces existed before Pakistan. Not the other way around. This country must learn to look after, develop the provinces before going off on tangents to look after the ummah.
Sometimes fighting for Pakistan is like having one hand tied. The legal position is simple. Provinces were asked if they wanted to go on their own destiny in a federation. They voted yes. I have no idea how that involved taking on the "contract" to take care or be responsible for Indian Muslims. For example when Sindh assembly voted for Pakistan (thereby being first) in 1943 to lay the first "brick" in making of Pakistan. The question you have to ask is did Sindh assembly represent the entire (i) "Muslim ummah" (ii) all Muslims in British Raj" or (iii) only people within it's provincial boundary. That being Sindhi.

Quote GM Syed -

"Sindh, Punjab, Afghanistan and the NWFP “formed part of the Middle East rather than of the Far East.”


This nonsense that Pakistan is responsible for all of Indian Muslims is a legacy of the British Raj and nutured by some and I say some migrants from India who are in Pakistan. This must stop before Pakistan falls apart because of this "contract". Pakistan's primary responsibility is to the people of the provinces who made it possible for Pakistan to exist. You can't make countries in thin air.

Never it be forgotten that the provinces of Pakistan are what give "zameen" to Pakistan. Had they not voted for this federation and yes it is a federation there would have been no Pakistan. The provinces existed before Pakistan. Not the other way around. This country must learn to look after, develop the provinces before going off on tangents to look after the ummah.

Pakistan 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The others have to look after themselves. They're on their own. So are we.
Pakistan 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The others have to look after themselves. They're on their own. So are we.
As long as you keep a firm eye on the constitutional construction of Pakistan and the legal/historical framework of the state everything is cool. You must use Pakistan consitution as frame of referance. It is simple. The fact is four provinces and one state have federated because the people of those provinces voted for their own interest. The result of the five units aggregating into a federation can be summed up by the cartoon below. Five "bricks" joined together to make a building we call Pakistan. This is exactly what the constitution says.

Pakistan is a legal federation to represent the interests of those five parts that make it.

As long as you keep a firm eye on the constitutional construction of Pakistan and the legal/historical framework of the state everything is cool. You must use Pakistan consitution as frame of referance. It is simple. The fact is four provinces and one state have federated because the people of those provinces voted for their own interest. The result of the five units aggregating into a federation can be summed up by the cartoon below. Five "bricks" joined together to make a building we call Pakistan. This is exactly what the constitution says.

Pakistan is a legal federation to represent the interests of those five parts that make it.


Precisely my sentiments. Also, Nationalism needs to be given a priority in Pakistan.
Well I'm a type of a Pakistani who would kill an Indian Muslim if I see him killing a Pakistani Hindu, so I'm perfectly fine with their hate.
They have to prove their loyalty towards India, else indian terrorists will kill them.

Just like that muslim bodybuilder,

Their 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches swines, do openly in IOK.

Being traveler , i felt it badly. According to Manmohan Singh report , Muslim living conditions are worst then Dalits. Can feel there pain.
So fighting to protect our nation's soverignty against indian aggression and oppression is bad for indian so called alleged "Muslims"??????????..........WTF?????????............:lol:

Shall we let india destroy us just to please indian so called alleged "Muslims"?????.......:rofl:

Are they that important??????........:lol:


Either you are so young and innocent---that you have no clue what you are talking about---or you lack intellect to understand what the issue is---.

Right now---I will leave it at the later.

So what these Indian Muslims have to say about the oppression of India against us ?
Their hatred and 'bakwas' against Pakistan is only frustration they take out because they're too coward to stand for their rights in India .

Indian Muslims should keep one thing in mind , you're a foreigner to us and we have no any relation with them so don't expect us to be quiet and surrender over India's stupidity for your sake
, You facing discrimination in India is your country's problem not ours so work on your country rather than barking at us , we're not gutless like you and we'll keep answering your illegitimate country and you keep facing the consequences for living in that shit hole .


Your post is pathetic and disgusting---. Your words about the indian muslims concerns are shameless---.
Well I'm a type of a Pakistani who would kill an Indian Muslim if I see him killing a Pakistani Hindu, so I'm perfectly fine with their hate.

I would do the same. That leads to the truthful but not PC fact that partition was more to do with race and ethnicity than religion.

Either you are so young and innocent---that you have no clue what you are talking about---or you lack intellect to understand what the issue is---.

Right now---I will leave it at the later.


Your post is pathetic and disgusting---. Your words about the indian muslims concerns are shameless---.

Nothing is disgusting in my post , it's just a reality check . They need to stop blaming and showing prejudice to us for their mistreatment in India .
These Indian Hindus should appreciate their Indian muslims for choosing India over Pakistan but they still blame these muslims and create problems for them when there's a hot arguments between India and Pakistan ( as per your post ) .

The source of the Indian Muslim's problem is India not Pakistan.

After partition , we're a different nation and we're not responsible for each other's problems .
It's like a closed door now !
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