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Muslims just 3 in Indian Army but account for 6% of martyrs

Sikh 2% of India ,20%of INDIAN ARMED FORCE and martyrs well that should be left for you to do the maths...

Are not the Muslims in India the subject? We know Sikhs are more in Indian Army than Indian Demographics, while Muslims are only 3.3%. If you can explain that then we will be on the subject.
keep the word kafir to relate only hinduism, christians are are people of the book, their prophets are our(islam) prophets, and our prophets are theirs and most of all it is a monotheistic religion not a polytheistic religion

So jews are not the people of book?
their prophets are our(islam) prophets, and our prophets are theirs and most of all it is a monotheistic religion not a polytheistic religion

Similar judgement applies to Ahemedya - why are they non Muslims??
the article is from an Indian source and i simply copy-pasted.

The intent with which u posted this ............. is to fabricate that we are harassing muslims in india but ur wrong without knowing how freely and independently they live in this country do not fabricate it and more over it is a annual press release from the army................ u hi lighted only the muslims officers 6.41% dead but the rest belongs to other religion i do not want to say hindus and muslims and insult the brave soles who laid their life for our country.........
First of all there are NOT 3 percent muslims in the Indian Army. That article is not credeble.
their prophets are our(islam) prophets, and our prophets are theirs and most of all it is a monotheistic religion not a polytheistic religion

Similar judgement applies to Ahemedya - why are they non Muslims??

Because Ahmediya deny the end of prophet and believe in their own self-appointed prophets which accounts to blasphemy. One of the pillar of Islam is to believe at Mohamed being the last prophet. Jews do not equate as Muslims they still remain jews as such your question makes no sense.

So why are they apes and swines as per the holy scripture of Islam, despite being people of the book??

The rebellious factions were turned to apes and swine who engaged open denial of god as well committing "shirk"

The intent with which u posted this ............. is to fabricate that we are harassing muslims in india but ur wrong without knowing how freely and independently they live in this country do not fabricate it and more over it is a annual press release from the army................ u hi lighted only the muslims officers 6.41% dead but the rest belongs to other religion i do not want to say hindus and muslims and insult the brave soles who laid their life for our country.........

Who asked for your advocacy?? Keep all your opinions to yourself until called upon.
So why are they apes and swines as per the holy scripture of Islam, despite being people of the book??

I guess you learned this from youtube, i dont get mt knowledge youtube

I challenge you to proove me where in quran it says christian or jews are swines
Are not the Muslims in India the subject? We know Sikhs are more in Indian Army than Indian Demographics, while Muslims are only 3.3%. If you can explain that then we will be on the subject.

i can see where you are trying to take this. let me give you the reason as to why there are more sikhs in indian army & less muslims!
It's a family tradition with the sikhs to serve indian army. this started during the british raj when sikhs started the uprising against them & have had role models like Bhagat Singh, Udham Singh etc. Reason muslims are under represented is because majority of mulsims did not want to serve in military as it's not their tradition. hopefully the things are changing. You can only recruit the once who wants to be recruited. Can not force them on to do something, if they do not want to!!
I guess you learned this from youtube, i dont get mt knowledge youtube

I challenge you to proove me where in quran it says christian or jews are swines


and then, when they disdainfully persisted in doing what they had been forbidden to do, We said unto them: “Be as apes despicable!


for you are well aware of those from among you who profaned the Sabbath, whereupon We said unto them, “Be as apes despicable!


Say: “Shall I tell you who, in the sight of God, deserves a yet worse retribution than these? They whom God has rejected and whom He has condemned, and whom He has turned into apes and swine because they worshipped the powers of evil.

YouTube - Muslim Sesame Street V: Pepsi Cola, the Apes, Pigs and Jews
a soldier when in his uniform and holding his gun - fight for his coutnry not his religion.

muslim or non muslim have nothing to do with it.

this artical what the hell is TWO CRICLE NET ???? ?LMAO - the whole stats and detail are wrong. they dont have 3% muslim in indian army.
Because Ahmediya deny the end of prophet and believe in their own self-appointed prophets which accounts to blasphemy. One of the pillar of Islam is to believe at Mohamed being the last prophet. Jews do not equate as Muslims they still remain jews as such your question makes no sense.

The rebellious factions were turned to apes and swine who engaged open denial of god as well committing "shirk"

Who asked for your advocacy?? Keep all your opinions to yourself until called upon.

this is a forum where u and i are here to register the thoughts or opinions like gentle mens............... and the way u talk u definitely sound like a "jungle man" and u do not have the right to ask me not to register my thoughts unless u r a MOD or ADMIN...... else Shut up....... get that straight........... if u cant take it then y post in this forum.....................
keep the word kafir to relate only hinduism, christians are are people of the book, their prophets are our(islam) prophets, and our prophets are theirs and most of all it is a monotheistic religion not a polytheistic religion

Quran 5:17 "Verily they are disbelievers and infidels (kafirs) who say, 'The Messiah, son of Mary, is God."

So yeah.. In your face on that one

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