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Muslims invented alcohol


Geography fail.

Indus River is only called Indus River once it enters Pakistan. Before it enters Pakistan, the Indus is hardly a river.
That's great, we have you surrounded. Do anything funny, and you got over 100m enemies on your west, east and within :lol:

We Make You Fight, Make Borders between the Islamic Brothers, Make you Coverts kill Million of Other Converts, Rape Other Converts, Atlast Take the Surrender of all Converts.

Who Wins and Who is Humiliated?

Who is Poor and With No Respect? :azn:

Who is Frisked for Beards and Burkhas?

The Converts. :lol:
Btw, Pakistan is not going to be annexed by India, because there will be no India once India invades.. :P
Looks like Indians bringing up us being converted... It's just showing 2000 years of colonialism... LOL at Indians talking about dividing and no unity, when was there ever a indigenous empire that ruled india? only foreign empires ruled india LOL
Muslims did not invent alcohol. Arabs did (before they were muslims) and when they became muslims, they started throwing all their alcohol away to the point where there would be a foot of alcohol on the streets and it would flood the streets!

Dude , just use your brain before choosing to write words. Read the freaking timeline of the invention.
Btw, Pakistan is not going to be annexed by India, because there will be no India once India invades.. :P

Funny lot, just leave them. They know the origins of pretty much their whole culture lie within Pakistan, so will bring up stupid arguments to sound wise and knowledgeable and to give 'India' (Pakistani) glory and history :lol:
Looks like Indians bringing up us being converted... It's just showing 2000 years of colonialism... LOL at Indians talking about dividing and no unity, when was there ever a indigenous empire that ruled india? only foreign empires ruled india LOL

History fail.

Maurya empire ruled the entire subcontinent from Magadha in Bihar.
Stop dreaming abt Pakistan being annexed by india or Somalia or Afghanistan.

Just Tell me Will Pakistan History Become Indian History Once Pakistan Ceases to exist? :lol:

If you have no Answer, Then You Provide No Evidence that the Indian History you are claiming is by any means to do with Pakistan.

Geography fail.

Indus River is only called Indus River once it enters Pakistan. Before it enters Pakistan, the Indus is hardly a river.
Tell me why we have Indus water treaty between India and Pakistan?

You guys should first stop destroying what ever is left of your ancient history. Then you can try claiming all for yourself along with Arab, afghan, Turk and Persian histories
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