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Muslims In America

By speaking of respecting Muslims in America is totally simple bullshit.

Many American Muslims don't agree with this opinion, some of Mosques and Muslims were known harassment, vandalism, hate languages, and spied by Officers authorities. They including Christians are still extremely hostile toward Muslims and Islam and don't welcome them anymore. It is not the same as good old days of America and external wars against Muslims countries does alot benefits to America.
I think the thread is about American Muslims and not about Foreign students who want to come to the US.

Back on Topic, I agree 100% with Abdul Quddus.

I have lived in the US for nearly 40 Years and have not experienced Overt or Blatant Discrimination.

The muslims who are already inside and in the system are treated equally because that is the law. but you cannot use that to prove that there is no discrimination when those trying to come in from outside are treated more harshly than those from other countries. that is my point.
People who are saying that Muslims fare better in America than in other countries are missing the point entirely. That's like saying that African-Americans shouldn't complain of discrimination since they are doing so much better than black people in Africa.

The proper question is: do Muslim Americans have the same opportunities as other Americans, or do they face discrimination?

Now, I believe that, barring inevitable exceptions, most ordinary Americans are fairly open-minded. However, the American media and some politicians continue to demonize Muslims.

Colin Powell said it well.

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I am a big believer in social profiling and believe that India can learn a lot from the US and Israel in terms of how they mange to largely keep their homeland safe in spite of the presence of those who would do them harm within their own populace, on their own soil. It is a fact that the US mainland has been attacked. It is a fact that the attacks have been carried out by people of different nationalities, races, linguistic groups, social strata and ethnicities. It is a fact that there is no other one single common profile that fits all these attackers except the fact that have all coincidentally been Muslim. So in the interests of security of the mainland, for all its citizens, including its own Muslims, social niceties and propriety will always take second place. As it always should. As it should in India as well.
People who are saying that Muslims fare better in America than in other countries are missing the point entirely. That's like saying that African-Americans shouldn't complain of discrimination since they are doing so much better than black people in Africa.

The proper question is: do Muslim Americans have the same opportunities as other Americans, or do they face discrimination?

Now, I believe that, barring inevitable exceptions, most ordinary Americans are fairly open-minded. However, the American media and some politicians continue to demonize Muslims.

Colin Powell said it well.

Before you complaint I like you to concentrate what your community can do behalf of improving inter-community harmony. Instead of demanding them how about we concentrate on creating better citizens on our side?
Before you complaint I like you to concentrate what your community can do behalf of improving inter-community harmony. Instead of demanding them how about we concentrate on creating better citizens on our side?

First you need to prove that Muslim Americans are worse than average citizens. It's evident that you haven't the faintest clue about the community outreach programs by Muslim organizations in America.

Then we can address the question why the media demonizes them.
Being pulled aside is not a minor inconvenience. I had to go through 6 hrs of waiting (no one really asked me a lot of questions). I missed my connecting flight and then the next flight was more than 24 hrs away. I had to find a Greyhound station (1st time in NYC), sleep at the station on the floor, hugging my luggage so no one steals it, then took a 5 hrs ride to DC.

Try going through the airports as a non-American Muslim in his mid-20s then talk.

If you would have made the same argument without defending those incompetent airport folks, I would have agreed. But something is truly wrong in their training and their procedures. If not then they are purposely designed to harass us. Pick one.

It is not just the inconvenience being pulled aside. It is the stares you get from everyone else after you are let go that is worst.
First you need to prove that Muslim Americans are worse than average citizens. It's evident that you haven't the faintest clue about the community outreach programs by Muslim organizations in America.

Then we can address the question why the media demonizes them.

I agree with out but that's how I feel about it. I believe it's our job to improve our image in the world.
The only reason there is no discrimination is because of the iron fist of the law. Which is a beautiful thing. You really do not want to know how people really feel if that fist was not shaking all the time. But I have to give it to the American people that the majority of them are excellent civilized and open minded bunch of people and that will continue to be their source of power for generations to come. Maybe the American government needs to see how it treats other human beings as well.
No more than many other countries.

it is nearly impossible from Pakistan, very high rejection rates.

But still not as high rejection as for Pakistanis.

Though I am not aware of the factual stats; I'd not consider it unbelievable.

But do think of something. When some major episode happens: then the people in that area/region go in to what I'd call a "Bunker Mentality" as a simple defensive mechanism.

I was in USA when 9/11 happened. The next day in SF; I attracted looks which did not seem very friendly (and I don't even wear a beard). It was indicative of that. And I was not surprised.

Of course, on that 9/12; I happened to attend a meeting with some people regarding security matters. Before commencing, one of the participants (in uniform) came upto me and asked where I hailed from. When I stated my country of origin, he shook my hand vigorously and said "Now I understand what your folks back home have to contend with. And we backed the wrong guys".
I did not expect that, and that encounter predated 26/11.

So there has been varying fall-outs of all the events since. Did Saleem Shahzad (the Times Square Bomber) for example or the utterances of other people help in any way?
Though I am not aware of the factual stats; I'd not consider it unbelievable.

But do think of something. When some major episode happens: then the people in that area/region go in to what I'd call a "Bunker Mentality" as a simple defensive mechanism.

I was in USA when 9/11 happened. The next day in SF; I attracted looks which did not seem very friendly (and I don't even wear a beard). It was indicative of that. And I was not surprised.

Of course, on that 9/12; I happened to attend a meeting with some people regarding security matters. Before commencing, one of the participants (in uniform) came upto me and asked where I hailed from. When I stated my country of origin, he shook my hand vigorously and said "Now I understand what your folks back home have to contend with. And we backed the wrong guys".
I did not expect that, and that encounter predated 26/11.

So there has been varying fall-outs of all the events since. Did Saleem Shahzad (the Times Square Bomber) for example or the utterances of other people help in any way?

It was not easy before 9/11. It became harder after 9/11, much harder after Saleem Shehazad, and almost impossible after the Boston bombing. The fallout is worse and worse.
It was not easy before 9/11. It became harder after 9/11, much harder after Saleem Shehazad, and almost impossible after the Boston bombing. The fallout is worse and worse.

Not entirely, a relative of mine whizzed through immigration. He is 17, has been to all parts of Pakistan.. and yet he went through well.
Its just a case of profiling luck.
Muslims in America are in a better state than in most Muslim countries. At least they aren't getting killed for being shia or sunni.
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