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Muslims In America

Colbert/Stewart are comedy show hosts based on news, right? Is that even serious journalism?

It is not serious journalism but they convey more info through comedy than mainstream media dos through 'news'.Pew research found that people who watch Daily Show(Stewart) and Colbert Report are more knowledgeable than people who watch Fox News.University of Cambridge found out that people with high iq like Colbert Report and Daily Show along with 'Science' and 'Mozart' on facebook.So there is something serious about them!
americans have every right to filter people they want to let in, but once in he or she should be equal to everybody. They might be extra cautious about muslims of pakistan for possible terror threat, Indians (of all religion) for possible visa fraud or mexican/blacks (for possible lawlessness).

The thread is about Muslims who are already inside america, and lets hear from them whether they are treated fairly.

That is a good suggestion, but three things come to my mind:

1. Successful Pakistanis inside USA already mostly do not have the time or inclination to interact with people from back home in a place like an online forum on a regular basis.

2. Even if someone is dedicated enough to make an effort to do that and explain just how good it is inside USA for them, or how to learn to improve things in Pakistan, the blowback due to anger, jealousy and hatred caused by US foreign policies (but taken out on them since they are enjoying the good side when those outside see the bad side) is enough to drive them away. This is a most curious and perplexing aspect of our national psyche. NO other nation hates its successful diaspora as much as we do.

3. And lastly, even if somehow anyone was mad enough to try and explain all that and bear all the abuse hurtled their way, the difference between living inside USA and outside is so large in many things that it is almost too much to comprehend.
because they are treated very well in Pak so no news on it

Yeah they're treated so good they get to live under a ridiculous man made blasphemy law which is pretty much a carte blanche to kill innocent people heck even muslims themselves aren't safe from it.

The thread is about Muslims who are already inside america, and lets hear from them whether they are treated fairly.

So so how many Muslims inside America have bothered to tell us about their experiences about fair treatment here after your post?
So so how many Muslims inside America have bothered to tell us about their experiences about fair treatment here after your post?

probably you are right, they are too busy with their lives to leave a post here. lolz... @RiazHaq is the only american pakistani I can recall.
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probably you are right, they are too busy with their lives to leave a post here. lolz... @RiazHaq is the only american pakistani I can recall.

LOL. In my view, which may be wrong, he is here only to promote himself and his blog, which portrays only the upside, mostly imagined.

And I am referring to the successful ones, living the dream, six figure salaries and all, not wannabees and not has-beens. Seriously now, how can a forum like this interact with that particular subset of Pakistani expats?
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Immigrants who are themselves products of multiculturalism now argue against the ideology.

Immigrants defending ultra-nationalist thugs who would probably beat them up in real life:


Brown folks, who are quickly replacing African Americans as the most prominently profiled ethnic group with a brown/Muslim version of Trayvon Martin just around the corner, cheering on the ''not guilty'' verdict for Zimmerman:


Before deciphering why the West hates us, perhaps we need to figure out why we hate ourselves.
Since islam is the religion of ignorance , muslims obviously don't pay much attention to their surroundings , so no wonder they feel comfortable in the US or UK

Rather, in the UK or the US Muslims do not have to keep looking out to save their freedom and lives, so of course they can mind their business without paying much attention to their surroundings.

And yes, we see how comfortable the Muslims are in Islamic countries, from Indonesia, straight to Libya!
Rather, in the UK or the US Muslims do not have to keep looking out to save their freedom and lives, so of course they can mind their business without paying much attention to their surroundings.

And yes, we see how comfortable the Muslims are in Islamic countries, from Indonesia, straight to Libya!

i already know muslims live comfortable lives in the US or UK , i told you why because americans accept violence and gang mentality IT IS THE SIMPLE SECULAR MINDED MIDDLE EASTERN GUY WHO SUFFERS IN AMERICA NOT MUSLIMS.
Because of my job, I travel around North-Eastern, USA. I remembered one time, couple year ago, I was flying back from Erie, PA and officer pulled me over to side; check me pretty good while other passengers (male/female) were not. I think I was searched because of my Islamic name. I am in my mid 30's.

Otherwise it has been smooth ride for me living in tri-state. I can not confirm that I was severely discriminated by fellow Americans because of Islamic faith. I must admit. I have met some of the finest people in USA.
If you look at traditional and social media in Pakistan, it would seem that Muslims in America are treated like third class citizens who are prosecuted left, right and center. The news media indicates that Muslims are deliberately targeted and harassed by numerous groups and individuals. This is far from the truth. Let me tell you, the United States of America has been my country for almost thirty years. I had the privilege of attending one of the best universities in the country and own a home in one of the most beautiful parts of the country. During my thirty years of life in the U.S., I have never been discriminated against. While this does not mean that everyone has to agree with me, the overwhelming majority of Muslims I know feel exactly the same. There are some who complain about being singled out at airports when they travel. Because of my work, I get to travel a lot! I have traveled through most major U.S. airports and have seen people of all ethnicities going through random security checks and have never seen particularly Muslims being pulled aside. And even if they do, they should not complain for what is almost always just a minor inconvenience. Major attacks on the United States since 9/11 were orchestrated by those who attribute themselves as part of the Muslim faith, which is sadly a plain fact that can’t be overlooked. Conspiracy theorists will jump up and down and say otherwise, but this is the truth.

Another fact is that there is an estimated 8 million Muslims living in this country, and almost every state and major cities have Islamic centers and Mosques. Muslims openly and freely celebrate their religious festivals. We enjoy the liberty guaranteed by U.S. Constitution for every American to practice their “freedom of religion.”

Muslims in America along with Muslims all over the world are celebrating Ramadan. I see special offers from main stream stores for the Month of Ramadan. The variety of Ramadan celebrations might surprise an uninformed reader. Just yesterday, I attended an Iftar hosted at the U.S. Central Command Headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. This program was attended by Muslim members of the military and civilian personnel working at MacDill AFB. The Commander of U.S. CENTCOM, General Lloyd J. Austin was the Guest of Honor along with the Mayor of Tampa Bay, Bob Buckhorn. These distinguished guests celebrated the Iftar tradition with Muslims at CENTCOM. General Austin spoke about the virtues of Ramadan and how it brings families and friends together to enjoy a blessed evening. He pointed out how Ramadan is special to the Muslim faith and that he learned more about the tradition of Iftar that evening. He wished the Muslims in the Command, “a blessed rest of the Ramadan.”

This is just one example of how Ramadan is celebrated throughout the United States of America. Even the President hosts an Iftar at the White House every year. It is a misconception that Muslims are treated as second class citizens in America. There is not an iota of truth in that statement. Muslims excel in every facet of American life. They are world renowned doctors, engineers, administrators, businessmen, serve in our government and participate in and lead in private industry. Muslim Americans have the same opportunities to live the American dream as any other American.

It is easy to shout out ‘discrimination’ when things do not go the way we want. When I hear that call of “discrimination,” I feel that we are all compelled to closely scrutinize and investigate the issues. We shouldn’t sit idle and let the issue languish and wait for some court to make a decision whether the accusation is true or false. I believe that we all have the ability to examine the issues, apply common sense, and make a rational decision. In this case I think the facts are pretty clear and the accusations of universal discrimination against Muslims in America are unfounded. Look at the facts and just think!

Abdul Qaddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

as a muslim in america, i will tell you without a doubt that we are targeted by tsa and the customs at the canadian border at niagra falls.

however besides these two places i haven't felt even the slightest discrimination against me.
So so how many Muslims inside America have bothered to tell us about their experiences about fair treatment here after your post?

I think I've posted a large paragraph here about this. I have a lot of friends from all colors, races, backgrounds and I get to hear inside stories. Some of the stuff about Muslims that I've observed and have heard many, many times is provided below:

1: There were a few surveys I've read about income parity between different groups. Muslims (from all over) were listed having average six figure incomes. This is primarily due to the fact that majority of them own businesses or become professionals similar to the Indians or the Chinese / Asians in general. Plus, they invest heavily in their children's education and their next gens are Doctors, Lawyer, etc. So they were among the 'most satisfied' with their lives in America in that survey. The two I came across were conducted by very reputable organizations like PEW and Carnegie I think.

2: Before anyone points out and ruins the discussion, YES, there will always be negative sentiment to any group that does terrorism on another country's soil so there has been less than .001% back lash against the muslim community also. But having been to many countries and knowing how Muslim minorities are treated elsewhere, Americans don't do killing muslims randomly or deny them jobs, or attack their homes on constant basis. Nor there are religious leaders from another community issuing a Fatwa on Muslims. In fact, I know a muslim guy who use to sit a few offices away from me after 911, he told me that he was grateful to be in America as all of his American coworkers came to him right after the attacks on WTC and made sure that he was safe and that they were there for him in case anyone threatened him. I know of Churches who called Mosques and made sure the Imaam's knew the Christian community was with them and that not every Muslim was from Al-Qaeda. So a few uneducated or culturally ignorant people will make it a big deal, more than its worth.

3: Muslims have large mosuqes, I see a couple almost every day when I pass by them. On Friday's, they are given police protection that makes sure Friday's congregations are safe, they also offer parking management and block streets when the traffic enters or exists from the moqsue.

4: There are big communities across US. Texas, Michigan, New York, California, Phoenix, Washington, Florida and pretty much all metropolitans have big communities of Muslims.

5: The US constitution is such that it gives everyone the right to live, speak and pursue a better life. I know (and have written) the growing and at times wrong influence of the Indian community in the IT sector, but even with that, all other nationalities besides typical White or Blacks do enjoy same pay scale, jobs, etc. You got to work hard and have the proper education. You can be anything in America!

6: Muslims work in the US armed forces, support their country by being doctors, engineers, repair mechanics, businessmen, emergency personnel, etc, etc. So they are treated fairly. In fact, they are treated more fairly here than their own home countries. I've been told that many times. The American society doesn't care about sects, parties and religious affiliations. You can be anyone, hard working, educated and follow the law. You'll be successful and you can pursue the American dream!
Hell , american women even marry muslims and convert to islam ! the latest case was the wife of the boston marathon bombings.
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