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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

That is because Israel, Saudi Arabia and India are the only nation who can talk about Religious Nationalism. Every other religion has come from outside the political border of other nations.
Well in that case this does not apply to India since many other religions took birth in Indian subcontinent. Hence Hindus can't claim this kind of "nationalism". And even if your theory is applied, then converted muslims and Christians can claim the same as they share the same heritage.
Jamahir who discounts his indian (ya, with a small 'i') nationality and claims transnationalism and will not think twice to betray India to serve the causes of a "socialist" ISIS ..i.e a new Khilafat is the guy who deserve your respect ? :cheesy:

WOW...... just wow. :lol:

i prefer writing personal letters and pdf posts in small case... i write prophet jesus and prophet muhammad in lower case... problem??

Exactly my point. But people like @jamahir have become so accustomed to slavery that they are busy preaching peace and what not instead of revolting


...so is Jamhir, he is anti-national too....it's just that he doesn't have anywhere else to go where he can say and do as he pleases and no one bothers him.

ji, huzoor... everyone who dissents is "anti-national"... even when i defend rahul gandhi as not being some pappu-vappu, i become "anti-national".

the ftii students whose agitation is rightful have also become "anti-national".

so is arundhati roy and every other progressive and questioner... the list grows.
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Well in that case this does not apply to India since many other religions took birth in Indian subcontinent. Hence Hindus can't claim this kind of "nationalism". And even if your theory is applied, then converted muslims and Christians can claim the same as they share the same heritage.

All Dharmic religions have same roots and "Hinduism" covers all dharmic religions. No one is stopping the christians and muslims from claiming the same heritage. Only they want to claim arabic, syrian, and Vatican heritage.
....and then they claim muslims in India are better in life than muslims in Pakistan...


I don't see no one supporting India in Pakistan. NO ONE.

Must be something wrong with India then....if the so called secular republic still has problems along the racial/ethnic lines.
The issues just pile up. I am often faced with the question of why we moved. Of a total population of 14% only 3.5% muslims are in the armed forces, killings of muslims are common and "riots" are another way of saying anti muslim genocide. Muslims cannot find justice and people like Babu Bajrangi and Modi are celebrated heroes despite the fact they took part in violence against innocent Muslims. Same as Tytler for the Sikhs. Muslims are not given jobs and cannot buy properties. Big names like Sharukh Khan and others cannot change the simple fact that muslims suffer severe victimization there.

There is also the fact that muslims left there and who migrated are one. For example we vouched for Pakistan and 90%+ of the UP muslim vote went to Muslim League. My grandfather stayed on in Lucknow but deeply supported Pakistan, marrying almost every daughter to Pakistanis. We are one body, just on 2 different sides of the border.

There is also the question of property stolen by Hindutva bands in Hyderabad Deccan and other parts by RSS terrorists All in all I can conclude that India's treatment of minorities is as bad or possibly worse than that of repressive regimes despite being a secular state.

If people like mujahidind and others want my advice I would advise them not to burn their bridges. Pakistan is by far the only country that will come to our rescue when we are in trouble in Lucknow, or any other part. For giving my grandparents, parents, and me a home I will never forget Pakistan. It was by our blood and will of Allah that this Pak sarzameen was formed and it is my duty to be loyal to it, regardless of the fact that my parents were born on that side of the border, territory occupied by India.
The issues just pile up. I am often faced with the question of why we moved. Of a total population of 14% only 3.5% muslims are in the armed forces, killings of muslims are common and "riots" are another way of saying anti muslim genocide. Muslims cannot find justice and people like Babu Bajrangi and Modi are celebrated heroes despite the fact they took part in violence against innocent Muslims. Same as Tytler for the Sikhs. Muslims are not given jobs and cannot buy properties. Big names like Sharukh Khan and others cannot change the simple fact that muslims suffer severe victimization there.

There is also the fact that muslims left there and who migrated are one. For example we vouched for Pakistan and 90%+ of the UP muslim vote went to Muslim League. My grandfather stayed on in Lucknow but deeply supported Pakistan, marrying almost every daughter to Pakistanis. We are one body, just on 2 different sides of the border.

There is also the question of property stolen by Hindutva bands in Hyderabad Deccan and other parts by RSS terrorists All in all I can conclude that India's treatment of minorities is as bad or possibly worse than that of repressive regimes despite being a secular state.

If people like mujahidind and others want my advice I would advise them not to burn their bridges. Pakistan is by far the only country that will come to our rescue when we are in trouble in Lucknow, or any other part. For giving my grandparents, parents, and me a home I will never forget Pakistan. It was by our blood and will of Allah that this Pak sarzameen was formed and it is my duty to be loyal to it, regardless of the fact that my parents were born on that side of the border, territory occupied by India.

This is a very myopic view. Religious and racial discord though deplorable exists everywhere even in Pakistan. No one is denying the problems but for me and millions of other Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc who are proud Indians and who are doing their level best to thrive and prosper your posts reeks of divisive agenda.
If people like mujahidind and others want my advice I would advise them not to burn their bridges. Pakistan is by far the only country that will come to our rescue when we are in trouble in Lucknow, or any other part.

if indeed mujhaidind is a born-muslim ( and not a rss worker as is suspected ), he is a impetuous child who initially spoke highly of pakistan because he thought pak members here share his reactionary thinking... when they rejected his posts in one way or another and also challenged his arab-heritage claims, he became disillusioned with pakistan... on other forums, he may form links with those from pakistan who share his love for "shaykh anjem choudary". :D

as for me, i speak for more "aman ki asha" despite present indian government what it is... i hope i can meet pakistani pdf'ers some day face-to-face.
if indeed mujhaidind is a born-muslim ( and not a rss worker as is suspected ), he is a impetuous child who initially spoke highly of pakistan because he thought pak members here share his reactionary thinking... when they rejected his posts in one way or another and also challenged his arab-heritage claims, he became disillusioned with pakistan... on other forums, he may form links with those from pakistan who share his love for "shaykh anjem choudary". :D

as for me, i speak for more "aman ki asha" despite present indian government what it is... i hope i can meet pakistani pdf'ers some day face-to-face.
Gradually the benefits of establishing an egalitarian, secular society are sinking in on Pakistanis. The mullahs though will enjoy this kids posts. I remember earlier he was more sympathetic to Pakistan, because he thought we shared his hatred of all Hindus. As a Lucknowi I know there is some anti hindu feeling but most people live peacefully. We may demand freedom or unification with Pakistan but that does not mean we hate the hindus. We are simply asking for our basic rights.

We are all one.
All Dharmic religions have same roots and "Hinduism" covers all dharmic religions. No one is stopping the christians and muslims from claiming the same heritage. Only they want to claim arabic, syrian, and Vatican heritage.
None is claiming Vatican, But there are certain sects within Indian islam and Christianity like thangal Muslims and knanaya Christians of Kerala,who had Yemeni and Syrian orgin resp..seen even many Hindu groups,that too from south busy in clamping Nepali-Iranian-far away an area near Caspian sea...so its not just for non Hindus..
don't say those areas were once ancient darmic strong hold,please..
buddhism and sikhism were born of reactions to hinduism, is it not?? how then can you claim the above??

what else remains?? jainism only.

Let me guess ..... Prince Siddharth was a rebel Kshatriya who wanted to free the Dalits ? :cheesy:

Guru Nanak was a Vaishnav who went rogue ? :lol: ............ one of these days you must tell us all the history of your alternate universe.

None is claiming Vatican, But there are certain sects within Indian islam and Christianity like thangal Muslims and knanaya Christians of Kerala,who had Yemeni and Syrian orgin resp..seen even many Hindu groups,that too from south busy in clamping Nepali-Iranian-far away an area near Caspian sea...so its not just for non Hindus..
don't say those areas were once ancient darmic strong hold,please..

No one is claiming Blood heritage from the Vatican (yet)...... but they certainly claim every other kind of lineage and kinship.

Even the knanaya of karala claim migration and sought refuge in India. Same as the Parsis, yet no parsis claim Irani heritage today. The Mappila can claim arab mixing since they were born out of the second/third/forth wives of Arab traders almost 1,500 years back. That is the only link they have. That arab traders came to kerala, fucked the women and left them pregnant. :disagree:
Let me guess ..... Prince Siddharth was a rebel Kshatriya who wanted to free the Dalits ? :cheesy:

how convenient...

yet somehow, later hindu resurgent kings demolished most structures in india dedicated to this "kshatriya" rebel prince.

Guru Nanak was a Vaishnav who went rogue ? :lol:

you must inform all sikhs of this fact of history.
how convenient...
yet somehow, later hindu resurgent kings demolished most structures in india dedicated to this "kshatriya" rebel prince.

you must inform all sikhs of this fact of history.

Din't you know ? the upper caste Kings wanted to Free the "Dalits" :lol: .............. the kings name was Mayawati :P

As for the sikhs, they figured it out when their 10 guru's were named Guru Raam das, Guru Hari Govind, Guru Hari Rai, Guru Hari Krishna and Guru Govind singh :P

Of course as a Jamati I do not expect you to know who Ram, Hari and Govind is, but the Sikhs would know who they are.

Sanatan Hindu Sikhism: Guru NanakDevJi - The Vaishnava Hindu Saint

Maybe you need to teach them your alternate universe history.
Din't you know ? the upper caste Kings wanted to Free the "Dalits" :lol: .............. the kings name was Mayawati :P

what are you going on about??

from ( Are Sikhs not Hindu? - Quora )...
Note : Buddhism originated as a separate religion but it so happened that with passage of time its teachings and scriptures came under the heavy influence of Brahmanism /Hinduism and hence in India it lost its separate identity . If Sikhs don’t wake up in time may be like Buddhism, Sikhism will also be absorbed by Hinduism .

As for the sikhs, they figured it out when their 10 guru's were named Guru Raam das, Guru Hari Govind, Guru Hari Rai, Guru Hari Krishna and Guru Govind singh :P

Of course as a Jamati I do not expect you to know who Ram, Hari and Govind is, but the Sikhs would know who they are.

Sanatan Hindu Sikhism: Guru NanakDevJi - The Vaishnava Hindu Saint

Maybe you need to teach them your alternate universe history.

from ( We Sikhs not Hindus )...
[We do not accept the authority of. The Vedas, neither that of Simritis and Puranas. We worship neither Bhairva, nor Ganesha. We recognize neither Tithis nor Omens, nor days. Neither Rahu, Ketu, Shani, Shukar, Sun nor Moon. We do not believe a bit in Sandhya, Sutak, Caste, Varna, Jantar, Mantar, Fasting, Homa or Shradh. Disciples of the Tenth Master, Khalsa Panth is distinct. Really ignorant is he who calls Khalsa as Hindu.]

Akal Takht backs ‘Sikhs are not Hindus’ petition - The Times of India

--> Please Sign Petition: Sikhs Are Not a Sect of Hindus As per Indian Constitution <--

you need to stop traveling in your vedic spaceship.

That is like you claiming you are not a jamati :lol:


We do not accept the authority of. The Vedas, neither that of Simritis and Puranas. We worship neither Bhairva, nor Ganesha. We recognize neither Tithis nor Omens, nor days. Neither Rahu, Ketu, Shani, Shukar, Sun nor Moon. We do not believe a bit in Sandhya, Sutak, Caste, Varna, Jantar, Mantar, Fasting, Homa or Shradh.

NON of this is required to be a Hindu :cheesy:

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