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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

What you posted is pictures of Dalai Lama visiting World Hindu Congress, show me where exactly has he stated that Buddhism is part of Hinduism.

My definition is detailed in post #69 what is YOUR definition of Hindu Nationalism on which you are basing your premise ?
You stated "Its their Holy-land, Mother land and home of their ancestors, culture and values, their history and their pilgrimage centres". Taking your statement word by word, barring holy land and pilgrimage centres(Which is nothing but religious beliefs) every thing else is common between other Indians. So how is it concerned to nationalism?
What you posted is pictures of Dalai Lama visiting World Hindu Congress, show me where exactly has he stated that Buddhism is part of Hinduism.

What is Dalai Lama doing in World Hindu Congress or in other words VHP. :coffee:

You stated "Its their Holy-land, Mother land and home of their ancestors, culture and values, their history and their pilgrimage centres". Taking your statement word by word, barring holy land and pilgrimage centres(Which is nothing but religious beliefs) every thing else is common between other Indians. So how is it concerned to nationalism?

Is the Muslim CULTURE same as Hindu Culture ? :cheesy:

Do you name your kids Ram, Hari or any Sanskrit names ? Do you celebrate any ancient Hindu festival ? :cheesy: Learn Indian art forms ? (don't give exceptions, talk about the general rule) what Indian culture do you practice ? How much of it is Arab culture ?

Of your values, how many are Indian ? with roots in our history and tradition ? how many are arab values ?

Hindu history includes Ramayana and Mahabharata (ithihasa), are these your history as well ?

Why are you barring the Land and pilgrimage centres ? :cheesy: ....... that is also an integral and important part of Hinduism and Nationalism.
by the way, i hate motorcycles... and as i write this, outside my house just passed one, most probably driven by a young wastrel - it was noisy, either arranged so in factory or arranged by the fellow.
When I take my car, I hate motorcycle kids taking shortcuts left and right. But, when I'm on my bike, I forgot the rage against bikers :D
Pretty much the same as our SC defined it over two decades ago.
" a way of life of the Indian people and not confined merely to describe persons practicing the Hindu religion as a faith"
What is Dalai Lama doing in World Hindu Congress or in other words VHP. :coffee:
So going by your logic, If Pope visits Saudi Arabia, then Christianity becomes part of Islam? And you speak of logical fallacy.

Is the Muslim CULTURE same as Hindu Culture ? :cheesy:
Indians of a particular area/state share same culture irrespective of their religion...

Do you name your kids Ram, Hari or any Sanskrit names? Do you celebrate any ancient Hindu festival ? :cheesy: Learn Indian art forms? (don't give exceptions, talk about the general rule) what Indian culture do you practice ? How much of it is Arab culture ?

Of your values, how many are Indian ? with roots in our history and tradition ? how many are arab values ?

Hindu history includes Ramayana and Mahabharata (ithihasa), are these your history as well ?
You tell me what Arab culture do Indian muslims follow?
OK here is the definition of culture...

culture noun (WAY OF LIFE):
the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time:

youth/working-class culture
She's studying modern Japanese language and culture.

Source: culture Meaning in Cambridge English Dictionary

So where does it mention religion has to be an integral part of culture? So what you mentioned such as Hindu festivals or hindu history are related to Hinduism not exclusively to Indian culture...

Why are you barring the Land and pilgrimage centres ? :cheesy: ....... that is also an integral and important part of Hinduism and Nationalism.
It could be an integral part of Hinduism but nationalism is entirely a different concept and I have repeatedly posted this along with sources.
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Is the Muslim CULTURE same as Hindu Culture ? :cheesy:

Do you name your kids Ram, Hari or any Sanskrit names ? Do you celebrate any ancient Hindu festival ? :cheesy: Learn Indian art forms ? (don't give exceptions, talk about the general rule) what Indian culture do you practice ? How much of it is Arab culture ?

Of your values, how many are Indian ? with roots in our history and tradition ? how many are arab values ?

Hindu history includes Ramayana and Mahabharata (ithihasa), are these your history as well ?

Why are you barring the Land and pilgrimage centres ? :cheesy: ....... that is also an integral and important part of Hinduism and Nationalism.

Indian Muslims do follow the same culture like Hindus.

Indian brides sit together during the Muslim community mass marriage in Ahmadabad, India, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013.

Muslim girls at a mass marriage organised near Charminar
Indian Muslims do follow the same culture like Hindus.

Indian brides sit together during the Muslim community mass marriage in Ahmadabad, India, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013.

Muslim girls at a mass marriage organised near Charminar

Isnt it sad then, that these people who live in the SAME country and many a times just in a different city area are considered aliens and worthy of being targeted for forced conversion or genocide?

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