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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

With very close ties.

Which is why I put my photo unafraid. Of bigots of either hue.

Simply put. I am untouchable in Maharashtra.

I meant it sarcastically pointing out at Hindutva supporters need for self-flagellation even where none is required.

There is no suffocation, at least none I have seen so far by any from the Hindutva side except what has been manufactured in TV studios.

Cool. :tup:

You must be right, since you do not see it.
As a Hindu who votes for BJP , I will say my fellow Muslim brothers are very dear to me until they don't burst crackers on Pakistani Cricket team win over Indian Cricket team and donate generously in times of War with Pakistan which they didn't do during Kargil skirmish.
Supporting Pakistani team is their personal choice . do you people need any sort of government approval about whom to support?
Even the knanaya of karala claim migration and sought refuge in India. Same as the Parsis, yet no parsis claim Irani heritage today. The Mappila can claim arab mixing since they were born out of the second/third/forth wives of Arab traders almost 1,500 years back. That is the only link they have. That arab traders came to kerala, fucked the women and left them pregnant. :disagree:
migration theories are not just for non hindus in India,for eg-Kodava Hindus are claiming bloodline of king Alexander and Kurdish-Greekish orgin..Badaga Hindus of Nilgiri,Tamilnadu are also claiming the very same migration,though they speak 'old Kannada' language and follow the Kannada tradition and culture and could easy pass off as a typical mysore gowda..
Parsi-hehe,that's why they forbids converts,they don't like to dilute their blood with Indians.
migration theories are not just for non hindus in India,for eg-Kodava Hindus are claiming bloodline of king Alexander and Kurdish-Greekish orgin..Badaga Hindus of Nilgiri,Tamilnadu are also claiming the very same migration,though they speak 'old Kannada' language and follow the Kannada tradition and culture and could easy pass off as a typical mysore gowda..
Parsi-hehe,that's why they forbids converts,they don't like to dilute their blood with Indians.

Caste Hindus do not like to dilute their blood line with other Indians. :disagree: ...... outcaste Hindus do not like to do it either.

Christians of all sects try to avoid dilution of their blood line. That is not a line you should debate on :lol:

Most Hindu Migration theories do not result in split loyalties. (except Aryan Dravidian BS)
Caste Hindus do not like to dilute their blood line with other Indians. :disagree: ...... outcaste Hindus do not like to do it either.

Christians of all sects try to avoid dilution of their blood line. That is not a line you should debate on :lol:

Most Hindu Migration theories do not result in split loyalties. (except Aryan Dravidian BS)
That mentality only exists among knanaya Christian and certain jacobite/orthodox/marthoma sects...I have relatives from Nadar and even from Hindu pulayar community(so called outcast)..we (Catholic groups)don't have any problem with it,specially current generations..Mixed marriages are very common nowadays in our community,But the only thing is they should follow Catholic custom,thats all..
I do however see some unease. And I hope it abates with time as the nation's Hindutva reasserts itself over the shrill bigotry from certain quarters.

Interesting snipet. If you don't mind my asking, How do you define Hidutva?
That may be true for Hindus in India,But can't say the same for those in Ceylon or Bangladesh..

Maybe, but that is not my concern.

Even a theoretical debate on that is just for educational purpose for all those who seek to find ways to dilute and weaken Hindutva.
All Dharmic religions have same roots and "Hinduism" covers all dharmic religions. No one is stopping the christians and muslims from claiming the same heritage. Only they want to claim arabic, syrian, and Vatican heritage.
No neither Sikhs nor Buddhists ever accepted that Hinduism covers their religions and this has been said right here on PDF by posters following these religions. It is just some of you hindus who claim so... No not all muslims or christians claim foreign culture as their own, its only a handful. Most muslims and christians accept the fact that they are descendants of this soil. So again as I said there is nothing called Hindu nationalism but Indian nationalism which is a trait of all the Indians irrespective of their religious beliefs.
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No neither Sikhs nor Buddhists ever accepted that Hinduism covers their religions and this has been said right here on PDF by posters following these religions. It is just some of you hindus who claim so... No not all muslims are christians claim foreign culture as their own, its only a handful. Most muslims and christians accept the fact that they are descendants of this soil. So again as I said there is nothing called Hindu nationalism but Indian nationalism which is a trait all the Indians irrespective of their religious beliefs have in them.

LOL..... question is why is YOU as a Muslim so concerned about Sikhs or Buddhists being Hindus ? :cheesy:

Next, Both Sikhism and Buddhism has been acknowledge as part of Hinduism by the respective religious leader of both community INCLUDING the Dalai Lama.

All posters who has claimed otherwise in pdf has been conclusively proved wrong IN pdf.

Its again a logical fallacy to claim that since muslims / christians claim descendants of this soil, so Hindu's cannot claim Hindu Nationalism. What is the connection between the two ? :cheesy:

Hindu Nationalism remain independent of what any muslim or christian claim.
Next, Both Sikhism and Buddhism has been acknowledge as part of Hinduism by the respective religious leader of both community INCLUDING the Dalai Lama.
Source please?

Its again a logical fallacy to claim that since muslims / christians claim descendants of this soil, so Hindu's cannot claim Hindu Nationalism. What is the connection between the two ? :cheesy:

Hindu Nationalism remain independent of what any muslim or christian claim.
So what is your definition of Hindu nationalism? Can you reiterate?

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