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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

So lets think this through.

He has seen this sticker on the rear glass right at the start when we were both examining the damage. We were talking for quite some time. Me telling him that he would either pay for the damage or come to the police station with me or call his dad.

Then his friends come. Then they plead.

Then they negotiate. And figure out how much they have between them.

All this time he does not throw the M card.

Then I get into the car to drive off and am handing him back his key, wanting to know his name.

Where was the threat or the need for dispute negotiation at the fag end of the engagement when the dispute is on the verge of being closed, and both parties going their own way anyways?

If he threw the card at the beginning, I would concede you have a point.

But this was not a kid negotiating. This was a relieved kid being let off, and scared at that.

Its seem pretty obvious to me that he mentioned the M word after recognizing you as a minority community guy.

If you want to believe otherwise, do so. What is there to debate ?
Its seem pretty obvious to me that he mentioned the M word after recognizing you as a minority community guy.

If you want to believe otherwise, do so. What is there to debate ?

But he would have recognized that after seeing the sticker. At the beginning of the engagement

The timing is what is being debated. Why not mention it when things are heated and the risk is maximum.

Why mention it when everything is done and dusted.

To make me feel nice at having gone soft on a "minority community guy"? Well done sir, you've struck a blow for "minority unity" in Hindu India.

Which kind of brings me back to the topic. And the need for thought. You are of course under no similar compulsion to think if you feel there is not the need to. But do permit me the liberty of the same should I feel there is.
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But he would have recognized that after seeing the sticker. At the beginning of the engagement

The timing is what is being debated. Why not mention it when things are heated and the risk is maximum.

Why mention it when everything is done and dusted.

To make me feel nice at having gone soft on a "minority community guy"? Well done sir, you've struck a blow for "minority unity" in Hindu India.

Which kind of brings me back to the topic. And the need for thought. You are of course under no similar compulsion to think if you feel there is not need to. But do permit me the liberty of the same should I feel there is.

How can he be sure you will take kindly to muslims ? EVEN if you were a Parsi ? I know enough parsis who do not like Muslims or take kindly to them.

When he feels that the matter is settled, he feels confident enough to mention he is a muslim. He did not have much to lose, something to gain.

I frankly don't care how you feel after reading my posts. That is your problem or the problem of ALL those who read my post. If they can't handle it, they should avoid reading it.
How can he be sure you will take kindly to muslims ? EVEN if you were a Parsi ? I know enough parsis who do not like Muslims or take kindly to them.

When he feels that the matter is settled, he feels confident enough to mention he is a muslim. He did not have much to lose, something to gain.

I frankly don't care how you feel after reading my posts. That is your problem or the problem of ALL those who read my post. If they can't handle it, they should avoid reading it.

I think you are wrong.

But thank you for putting a scenario forward all the same.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. I feel nothing after reading your posts one way or the other. You are a faceless ID on a faceless screen for me.
I think you are wrong.

But thank you for putting a scenario forward all the same.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. I feel nothing after reading your posts one way or the other. You are a faceless ID or a faceless screen for me.

Which is why I said its pointless to debate. Yet you wanted to continue.

Its pure peculation and I usually deal in Facts. End of the day you will believe what you want to believe. Whatever aligns with your pet prejudice.
Which is why I said its pointless to debate. Yet you wanted to continue.

Its pure peculation and I usually deal in Facts. End of the day you will believe what you want to believe. Whatever aligns with your pet prejudice.

I don't think its me who's prejudiced here.

I'm back here after a long hiatus, and I must admit I'm rusty. Give me time to sort things, and people, out.

Meanwhile feel free to go through my post history.

Your's I'm afraid holds little by way of interest for me. Any offense perceived could be wholly intentional.
I think you are wrong.

But thank you for putting a scenario forward all the same.

Cheers, Doc

P.S. I feel nothing after reading your posts one way or the other. You are a faceless ID on a faceless screen for me.
IMHO I think you may be reading too much into this, being Muslim was a strong, possibly over riding part of his identity and he just blurted out what was top in his mind at the time.

A similar thing happened to me long ago in Nagpur, there was a scooter accident on the side of the road - an elderly man who was bleeding and a little girl. I wanted to help so got out and walked to the scooter, the first thing the little girl said it me was" we are from Kerala, this is my grandfather".

I did not ask her which state she was from, I couldn't care less, but for her that was her major self identification. I am sure that us all it was with this kid too.
IMHO I think you may be reading too much into this, being Muslim was a strong, possibly over riding part of his identity and he just blurted out what was top in his mind at the time.

A similar thing happened to me long ago in Nagpur, there was a scooter accident on the side of the road - an elderly man who was bleeding and a little girl. I wanted to help so got out and walked to the scooter, the first thing the little girl said it me was" we are from Kerala, this is my grandfather".

I did not ask her which state she was from, I couldn't care less, but for her that was her major self identification. I am sure that us all it was with this kid too.

Could be.

Thanks for sharing.
I don't think its me who's prejudiced here.

I'm back here after a long hiatus, and I must admit I'm rusty. Give me time to sort things, and people, out.

Meanwhile feel free to go through my post history.

Your's I'm afraid holds little by way of interest for me. Any offense perceived could be wholly intentional.

Of course not. You are the only person in pdf who does not carry any pet prejudice.

I was talking about lessor mortals who do not have your firm grasp on emotions and get carried away by a random road accident and post emotional pieces about their own kids :coffee:

You must forgive us lesser mortals for thinking they saw the obvious.

No doubt you will find many who's views will hold your interest. PDF is full of such bright spots and dazzling views.
Of course not. You are the only person in pdf who does not carry any pet prejudice.

I was talking about lessor mortals who do not have your firm grasp on emotions and get carried away by a random road accident and post emotional pieces about their own kids :coffee:

You must forgive us lesser mortals for thinking they saw the obvious.

No doubt you will find many who's views will hold your interest. PDF is full of such bright spots and dazzling views.

Do you have a point that may be comprehended by the less obtuse?

Or are you lashing out because I admitted I find you less than interesting?
Do you have a point that may be comprehended by the less obtuse?

Or are you lashing out because I admitted I find you less than interesting?

Nope, just returning the favour.

or do doctors get to have the final say ? :azn:
Of course not. You are the only person in pdf who does not carry any pet prejudice.

I was talking about lessor mortals who do not have your firm grasp on emotions and get carried away by a random road accident and post emotional pieces about their own kids :coffee:

You must forgive us lesser mortals for thinking they saw the obvious.

No doubt you will find many who's views will hold your interest. PDF is full of such bright spots and dazzling views.

@vsdoc is a Shiv Sena supporter. It must be hard for him to see the very Hindu rule he longed for is suffocating minorities into blurting out their identities when not required.
Nope, just returning the favour.

or do doctors get to have the final say ? :azn:

You may have the final say.

Cheers, Doc

@vsdoc is a Shiv Sena supporter. It must be hard for him to see the very Hindu rule he longed for is suffocating minorities into blurting out their identities when not required.

Yup, still a supporter.

I don't see suffocation.


I do however see some unease. And I hope it abates with time as the nation's Hindutva reasserts itself over the shrill bigotry from certain quarters.

Cathartic it may be. But it gets tiresome for a people not molded in the same clay.
I don't see suffocation.


I do however see some unease. And I hope it abates with times as the nation's Hindutva reasserts itself over shrill bigotry from certain quarters.

Cathartic it may be. But it gets tiresome for a people not moulded by the same clay.

I meant it sarcastically pointing out at Hindutva supporters need for self-flagellation even where none is required.

There is no suffocation, at least none I have seen so far by any from the Hindutva side except what has been manufactured in TV studios.

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