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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

In that case no struggle just Death awaits you . Gujrat style .

kya baat hai !!

have this broadcast on baba ramdev's very own "zee news", with english voice-over copy for the uno general assembly.

Never again !! We will do Spain-2 in India.

certainly, because bjp was always aligned with the modern crusaders - "usa and india are natural allies" and all that jazz.

...nahi tho kya Libiya ka naam lo ? :lol:

zaroor le sakte hain... at least aap ka i-hate-pakistan ka obsession toh divert hoga. :agree:
kya baat hai !!
What kya baat hai ??

Always eager to play victim card when getting bitch slapped after provocation.

Read it only in the context of the post I quoted. You didn't do Kya Baat hai !! for that post ?

have this broadcast on baba ramdev's very own "zee news", with english voice-over copy for the uno general assembly.

Last time Modi delivered his speech in Hindi in UN.English isn't mandatory in UN.

And UNO is irrelevant since 3 million BDeshi were massacred and it didn't even squeak.
certainly, because bjp was always aligned with the modern crusaders - "usa and india are natural allies" and all that jazz.

Infidels have no other option left than crusading.They are fighting for their life.
....and then they claim muslims in India are better in life than muslims in Pakistan...


I don't see no one supporting India in Pakistan. NO ONE.

Must be something wrong with India then....if the so called secular republic still has problems along the racial/ethnic lines.

You can LMAO all you want :) but the fact remains that

1. Shia and sunnis are not killing each other here unlike in paksitan.
2. Ahmediyas are not randomly massacred because of their being.. well ahmediya.
3. The no. of muslims killed in india in whatever riots is much less than muslims killed in pakistan.

Lastly you don't see anyone cheering for india in pakistan because they will be in mortal danger. However as for proof of cheering for india indirectly, look at the emigration data from your country (of minorities).

And you should be the last one lecturing us of ethnicity when your muslim umma itself is healthily divided along sectarian lines.
Always eager to play victim card when getting bitch slapped after provocation.

well, even on pdf i am in minority. :D

and point to the post where i provoked.

Read it only in the context of the post I quoted. You didn't do Kya Baat hai !! for that post ?

i told him that those were past times... you can read my reply to him.

Last time Modi delivered his speech in Hindi in UN.English isn't mandatory in UN.


so the zee news "gujarat-style spain-2" message in hindi then.

And UNO is irrelevant since 3 million BDeshi were massacred and it didn't even squeak.

uno didn't squeak other times too... and i can't say about the 3 million figure.

Infidels have no other option left than crusading.They are fighting for their life.

oh, yes... fighting for their life by once-in-ten-years invasion of prosperous, strong and internationalist muslim nations and genociding.
well, even on pdf i am in minority. :D

and point to the post where i provoked.
I asked you to read my response only in the context of post I quoted. Was that really that hard for you to comprehend . :what:
i told him that those were past times... you can read my reply to him.

Actually you all live in your past , when you name your Missiles after the name of invaders of India, what do you expect from us ??

so the zee news "gujarat-style spain-2" message in hindi then.
Why dragg useless organisation in internal affairs ??
uno didn't squeak other times too... and i can't say about the 3 million figure.
That was my point. UN is useless. And figures of 3 millions are as per BDeshies accounts.
oh, yes... fighting for their life by once-in-ten-years invasion of prosperous, strong and internationalist muslim nations and genociding.

There is something called pre-emptying.
Why can't there be Hindu Nationalism ? For some Hindus, there is no difference between Hindu nationalism and Indian nationalism.
Hinduism or being Hindu is a religious identity whereas being Indian is only belonging to a nation state...
Hinduism or being Hindu is a religious identity whereas being Indian is only belonging to a nation state...

There is only one Nation state that is homeland to the Hindus. Its their Holy-land, Mother land and home of their ancestors, culture and values, their history and their pilgrimage centres. From Kailash to Kanyakumari.

Its a Bond FAR more Powerful than Patriotism. Hindu Nationalism is more real and far more deeper than Indian Nationalism.

Just because you have difficulty in accepting reality, it does not mean, that reality is any less real.
@levina, ^^^ is what i wanted to depict as part of my portrayal ( in the tripura thread ) of the new-found "nationalism" in india especially among much of the younger lot who either are already reactionary or stand on the periphery.

bhagat singh wouldn't be approving of such nationalism. :)

but then, he was what in socialist circles is called "a internationalist".

however, there is a sizable populace in india who are really progressive and questioning despite the hullabaloo of last year.

There is something called pre-emptying.

which is the nick-name of a bigger thing called imperialism.

Actually you all live in your past , when you name your Missiles after the name of invaders of India, what do you expect from us ??

myself, i live in the present, with clear knowledge of non-imagined past, but with clear knowledge of the present and a simplified, clear, realizable ( through whichever means ) imagining of the immediate-future.
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which is the nick-name of a bigger thing called imperialism.
Lol , is it ?? So be it.
myself, i live in the present, with clear knowledge of non-imagined past, but with clear knowledge of the present and a simplified, clear, realizable ( through whichever means ) imagining of the immediate-future.

Stop wasting my time. And please ,I prefer being quoted by Islamist , not by closet Islamist just buying his time.
Did u learn anything from your Kashmir occupation?
Once we start our struggle we will fight till we die .
In Gujarat how many Hindus died did you have any idea hmmmm.
Killing unarmed people and that also in your majority area using government machinery is very brave thing I guess and you are proud of it .

In that case no struggle just Death awaits you . Gujrat style .

Never again !! We will do Spain-2 in India.
because bjp was always aligned with the modern crusaders - "usa and india are natural allies" and all that jazz.
well, like it or not, we are natural allies with them.

we're also natural allies with Israel, and Iran.. and strategic partners with Russia. :D

why are you so desperate to drag us into other people's bilateral issues, problems and wars ?

"western block, eastern block" all this is outdated and only applies to small insignificant countries like the baltic states.

2nd largest muslim population, no sectarian issues, living in peace with the same rights as anyone else.. this is something the middle east looks up to, that's why we're good with all sides there and doing business with everyone.

problems aplenty, but we can deal with them in a peaceful way, what we need most is a strong military and security establishment to maintain the peace and stop any outside interference.

our strength is in our diversity, and our numbers, and their economic potential.


get on board already
If they do injustice and prosecuting Muslim then frustration is going to develop in Muslim and history is going to repeat again.
U like it or not

that wasn't needed, my friend... we are past that stage of human politics. :)

besides, the "nation state" as a idea is already obsolete.
Did u learn anything from your Kashmir occupation?
Once we start our struggle we will fight till we die .
In Gujarat how many Hindus died did you have any idea hmmmm.
Killing unarmed people and that also in your majority area using government machinery is very brave thing I guess and you are proud of it .

Lol, Kashmir is still under our thumb even though it's majority muslims.We have no problem in keeping killing more. And don't claim that you fight until death. Have seen your lot flooding refugee camps as well as temporary camps on every previous occasion.

And yes what happened in Gujrat was justified since it was your lot who provoked us and played as usual victim card after getting bitch slapped. Casualties among Hindus were suffered on early stages only, when you were the aggressor once we got into our elements only government came to save you . Without government you all were to be cleared of Gujrat and say thanks to Government for that .

And keep that in mind we are in majority in whole India and you will cry only like this. And next time Government machinery will be certainly used since we elect them for that only.
Lol, Kashmir is still under our thumb even though it's majority muslims.We have no problem in keeping killing more. And don't claim that you fight until death. Have seen your lot flooding refugee camps as well as temporary camps on every previous occasion.

Proud of killing kashmiries but they are more strong and brave than you. Look how they are expressing their love for Pakistan despite decades of your oppression and hundred of thousands of army who commits more suicides than are actually killed by the Kashmiri freedom fighters.
SOS. Army is Seeing More Suicides.


It shows pretty much how much Kashmir is under your thumb.
Its Pakistan till now who is holding back these furious young men on the pretext that talk will generate some positive outcome but if nothing comes out of talks these kashmiries will rip apart Endia's delhi making likes of Modi running for their lives.
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