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Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India

Indian newspaper should take this as a challenge and write something about American Government so that it hits where it pains more. Let these washington post etc should understand their empty threats are not going to make any difference any more.
There is a rising tide of nationalism. Im not sure if it is Hindu nationalism or any other thing but we Muslims fear nothing. We trust in the constitution and we trust our country and have nothing to fear.
I interpret what is going on as increased levels of patriotism and what is wrong in that? Indians (of every persuasion) are more proud than ever to be Indian and are seeing that their nation's potential is staggering.

The media simply seems unable, or unwilling, to state the reality and interpret this swelling of pride as such, instead they are twisting it into something sinister when it is nothing of the sort.
and what do say of bjp-supporting software engineers and call center workers ( earlier times ) whose offices have american flag or british flag and celebrate the american independence day in one way or another??

:lol: Look at you , You are not even condemning those things instead fabricating conspiracies .It seems you belong to that land only. Feels sorry fo you !!


Have you seen flags of arch rival USSR on that building.
what do you have against regular hard working people ? that they work hard ?

i have nothing against progressive farmers or progressive factory workers or progressive journalists or even those progressive people in the it/services industry who are troubled by the ways of that industry ( for some time, i was part of it )... i only speak of the typical mediocre engineer who doesn't care for the person sitting in the next workstation but cares only about his salary and the alcohol trip in the weekend.

There is a rising tide of nationalism. Im not sure if it is Hindu nationalism or any other thing but we Muslims fear nothing. We trust in the constitution and we trust our country and have nothing to fear.

the party effectively ruling the country is demanding the removal of "secular and socialist" from the formal title of the country, and many people in the country, especially the modern professional, would support such a move... did you read the recent thread that rss shakhas have increased in a big way in the last six years??

Have you seen flags of arch rival USSR on that building.

is that the empire state building which a few days earlier had hippies displaying "eco-mata kali" on its facade??

would the city council ( chicago?? ) allow display of ussr on the building?? did you not see how usa government were trying to subvert the "occupy" movement??

however, i don't know why you replied to me with the india-flag-display image.

and why are you eager for usa government validation??
is that the empire state building which a few days earlier had hippies displaying "eco-mata kali" on its facade??

would the city council ( chicago?? ) allow display of ussr on the building?? did you not see how usa government were trying to subvert the "occupy" movement??

however, i don't know why you replied to me with the india-flag-display image.

and why are you eager for usa government validation??

:hitwall: I posted that pic because you alleged that Indians celebrate 4'th July. Man just fuk off , you are venomous pakistani false flagger and plz don't waste my time with your socialist crap I know why you use that veil. Go spread that in your country, our country has alread past that. And yes that is famous Landmark Empire State building :wave:
:hitwall: I posted that pic because you alleged that Indians celebrate 4'th July.

i didn't say "all indians"... i said "offices of software engineers and call center workers"... why do you twist my words??

even so, i still don't understand why you countered my point with india flag on empire state building. :what:

Man just fuk off ,

mind your language, please.

you are venomous pakistani false flagger

a pakistani with so much knowledge of indian events and the indian political scene??

and plz don't waste my time with your socialist crap I know why you use that veil.

oh, yes... i am a commie talibani. :tup:
i have nothing against progressive farmers or progressive factory workers or progressive journalists or even those progressive people in the it/services industry who are troubled by the ways of that industry ( for some time, i was part of it )... i only speak of the typical mediocre engineer who doesn't care for the person sitting in the next workstation but cares only about his salary and the alcohol trip in the weekend.
most of educated India is progressive, and liberal and tolerant and pluralist.

some of those guys work all night, and during all Indian holidays.. but they get the 4th of July off, I doubt the firang flags mean they support NATO aggression and wars.. most people don't care about that stuff anyway.

so in a way globalization is exploitation but those jobs are still a means to a better life for many who would otherwise have not have had a shot at anything, all thanks to your lefty economic policies over the years.

poor country, we'll take whatever we get... only foreign investment can help us out of our misery, Modi's doing a good job so far.
most of educated India is progressive, and liberal and tolerant and pluralist.

i won't say most but some, but "some" in india's context is still a reasonably large number... so i agree with you most of the way.

see, there are still those from the youth who support the older socialist groups and there are those youth who saw aap as something that will change india in more than one way.

i also speak of the progressive older generation, in government or private occupations, who did love marriages or inter-religion/inter-caste marriages or worked for the rights of others or agitated against superstition or forwarded the progressive of films or... well, things like that.

some of those guys work all night, and during all Indian holidays.. but they get the 4th of July off, I doubt the firang flags mean they support NATO aggression and wars.. most people don't care about that stuff anyway.

yet they will watch and laugh during cruel or silly recent nato propaganda films like "the dictator" and "the interview" or older ones like "rambo" series?? :)

like i said previously, not everyone there is non-progressive and i did not reject all people in a reactionary manner... i speak of the sad case where majority of those are reactionary but in a modern way.

i will tell you of a incident from 2003... the indian journalist, saeed naqvi, had a regular program on doordarshan about the 2003 iraq invasion which had just begun... a reporter and cameraman were in baghdad but the program also regularly took opinions in india across the demographic spectrum... in one episode, a software engineer from bangalore called iraq a "rogue nation", a term invented by nato to describe any country that doesn't obey nato agenda.

why was that bangalore engineer showing himself to be a mindless drone on tv?? obviously, he thought what was told about the world to him by mainstream media and his professional peers and his family elders and his college was the truth and nothing but the truth.

cut to 2014... who were the people who flooded facebook and twitter with campaigns in favor of a bjp government and a modi sarkaar?? it was the same types from 2003... why did most indian pdf members not make of modi when he declared that "ancient indians" were the first to have motor cars?? who are these members?? :)


so i have given you both type of groups - the progressive and the nots.


so in a way globalization is exploitation but those jobs are still a means to a better life for many who would otherwise have not have had a shot at anything

a short example - ibm-usa has employee union system but ibm-india does not... why is that??

globalization is not bad in itself, bad has been in how many countries understood and implemented it... i am more comfortable with globalization with me being a socialist... what has gone wrong is in many poor countries is that the urge to earn the quick and big buck led to many exploitative minds being uncaring of workers rights, whether this be in vietnam or in china or in india.

all thanks to your lefty economic policies over the years.

i am yet to hear of lefty policies in india... even as many banks were nationalized, they retained the interest-based economics from before before.
yet they will watch and laugh during cruel or silly recent nato propaganda films like "the dictator" and "the interview" or older ones like "rambo" series?? :)
wait, you mean you haven't seen those movies ? :woot:

'rambo' is a legend ! I'm sure you've seen at least part 3, the afghanistan one ?

'the interview' had some funny bits bit mostly boring, can skip..

'the dictator'.. an obvious pisstake on your dear leader LOL was actually pretty good, Sacha Baron Cohen was awesome, + they also took the piss on greedy western oil companies.. overall pretty good light-hearted watch.

Borat to dekhi hogi at least ?

like i said previously, not everyone there is non-progressive and i did not reject all people in a reactionary manner... i speak of the sad case where majority of those are reactionary but in a modern way.
a billion people, there's all sorts... what kind of society do you want ? a homogeneous brain washed worker-bee drone hive totalitarian hell like the DPRK ? :fie:

globalization is not bad in itself, bad has been in how many countries understood and implemented it... i am more comfortable with globalization with me being a socialist... what has gone wrong is in many poor countries is that the urge to earn the quick and big buck led to many exploitative minds being uncaring of workers rights, whether this be in vietnam or in china or in india.
that's just human nature, not the product of an economic model...

are you aware that there is a thriving "capitalist" shadow economy in the DPRK ? kim jong and the authorities know full well of it and are the biggest mafiosi style beneficiaries, influential people live in Pyongyang, the higher ranked officers in the military and their families own and run private style enterprises.. it's far from the commie jannat "people's" republic you imagine it to be.

and their school text books just replace prophet isa :angel: with tongji kim il sung and only change a few things here and there :P

but, I digress..

baaki aap samajhdaar ho© :coffee:
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