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Muslim women praise ‘Imam-e-Hind’ Shri Ram

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U , me will pass away in future . But this land must live !!!

yet there were thousands of indians who registered for the "mars one" program - one-way trip to mars for starting a settlement there.

So does you will see a continuous oldest recorded Hindu Civilizations in India

let ww3 start from syria... you will see entire south asia radically changed.
Dude all where converted with force and radicalisation. Do u ever wondered why their won't need any peace in Arab world ? Just look at today's world these are just ditto of the things happening for long time. These communal ways are not new. Just their name has changed. These kind of war in the name of religions are new to Indian people . We fight for territory or for pride. Not in the name of religion . Christians history is been cleverly hidden from social world. If read about them even in their own country you will see how Secularism in India is been used to finish the unfinished mission of 1000 years of Islamic and Christian invaders. They matter is that Hindus won't change but will stand to protect our land. We won't give up that easily. History will say this. U don't have to belive me . Just talk to some good historians.

I think in older times it was different, King or tribal head do agreements and adopt policies and even now we can see these things in tribes and clans etc. Basically the invasions were having many reasons but those invaders were invited by our kings .

All these Kandhahar are very old history. Time have changed. Eluded with corruption and in government structure of that time . And so it's was very easy to conversation Afghanistan , persia Arab world etc. I heard in some cases Days and in others in months . But even after brutality for 1000 years . Here we are !!! Ready to challenge any who want to invade our land .!!! Building Ram Temple will propel this nation to new hight. As that one feeling of building Lord Ram's temple at his home is revealing our Identity and so motivate for greater national strength . !!! It's not religious but way of life .

I have know all this things after seeing Mahabharata series and thats why i say they all are part of our ancient civilization. Building temple at Ayodhya already case is going on and even talks are being done for the settlement.

U , me will pass away in future . But this land must live !!! Mithraism survived for more than 3000 years before Christianity but wiped out !!! And so in the measurements of this planet and civilisations life span 2000 years or 1200 years are very young religions . When people start to question only the better one will survive. So does you will see a continuous oldest recorded Hindu Civilizations in India

Ours nation has to see the Golden age which has been mentioned in the ancient books. All should survive as all are part of this civilization.
Here i am talking about the nation which is Hind, Hindustan, Bharat and saying that there is no evidence that God hasnt sent messengers to this nation would be completely wrong as its clearly mention in Quran.

You havent understood what I said. God may or may not have sent messengers to the area of Hind, Ram may or may not be one of them; but there is no evidence for us to authoritatively state any of those possibilities.
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