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Muslim women praise ‘Imam-e-Hind’ Shri Ram

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This is the reason , i have said let Supreme Court decides.
Why can't our sensitivities be addressed without bringing in SC? look at the pic below ... what more proof one needs to know what would have really happened here?
Accept our demand and heck we will provide waqf with much more land and money to construct a far bigger and beautiful mosque at a different place.
Seriously, killing Gandhi was the most idiotic move.

And I believe in India, he killed gandhi, which is also a murder even in public law. How I support a criminal who killed Indian father . He was anti-national element, which govt. deal with him perfectly.

Moreover, he killed a guy, who believe in India, most of us all, even more them him.
I never said that you support him but some over here do support Godse and his acts... You will some day come across such kind of internet warriors as I did over here on PDF...
Godse was a great admirer of Gandhi. He killed Gandhi as he saw no other way to stop him from harming Hindus and Indians. Godse himself never condoned his actions nor did he ask for mercy.

How does Godse become Anti - National ? He never took part in any Anti-National activity, unless you consider Gandhi as a Nation :cheesy:

Gandhi did not believe in a unified India, So the only alternative is to think that he believed in a Hindu India. That makes him communal. Same as Godse.
Nobody calls Godse anti national. Godse himself asked for the strictest punishment for himself, took no legal counsel and never asked for mercy. He was hanged as he was convicted of a murder. Not on charges of sedition or treason.

thank you .. you will get me banned now. :hitwall:
He will have to ban all of us.

On second thought, he won't ban anyone - ...

HINT: The traffic. The ads. The revenue. Economics 101 :D
Ayodhya is an ancient city which no one can deny but its sad to see the unity which Ayodhya showed during 1857 all have kept that history in some corner.
What kind of unity are u talking about ? Destroying our Lord ram temple and building masjid ? 1857 is our history we are the oldest civilization who them prayed the same gods we are praying today when these religions where not born. My friend why is it so hard to build Ram Temple in his Borth place in his own mother land ? Ramayana is not mythology . It's our own History of our civilisation. Where this will happen ? All nations have their own history but we just go with the history created by other nationalists . It's unacceptable .

And it's not faith. Like all other religions revolves around . Hindus/vedic/sanata dharmi or whatever the name you may call we never followed faith . We always been Seekers ! Motcha ! Freedom ! This is first then comes the God's . God is like a tool to attain Motcha for our people. Don't get offended for calling God a tool. If am telling you to cut a wood. With what ever you have . You have nothing but ur teeth, nails hands legs or just ur body . I come back after three days . You tried everything with ur own body parts and wounded. Now if I give a a tool like AXE or Blade . Won't you be thankful and look at these tool like god ? Same way.

We are secular by our birth but this kind secularism which irritates, abuse Hindus and their birth rights will fuel more conflict . Which Invaders wanted. Now congress wanted to divide and rule. With the help of Secularism
Muslims CANNOT pray in any name other than that of ALLAH. What's so difficult to understand?

Those who do, are known to commit 'shirk' which is punishable offence in Islam. You are no longer a muslim then.....because the whole Islamic belief is around oneness of God and that God is only ALLAH.

why should they be punished in the first case ??
Nobody calls Godse anti national. Godse himself asked for the strictest punishment for himself, took no legal counsel and never asked for mercy. He was hanged as he was convicted of a murder. Not on charges of sedition or treason.

Kaku1 just did. Hence my reply.
Why can't our sensitivities be addressed without bringing in SC? look at the pic below ... what more proof one needs to know what would have really happened here?
Accept our demand and heck we will provide waqf with much more land and money to construct a far bigger and beautiful mosque at a different place.

These are very old monuments and settlements can be done without destroying them. There have been certain masjids which have been converted into Temples on the existing structure because ASI wants to keep ancient monuments.
I never said that you support him but some over here do support Godse and his acts... You will some day some across such kind of internet warriors as I did...
I am here since 2008, when I was just 14 years old.
Its about your own wrong interpretations. We come conclusion very fastly,

AadarshLiberal, AadarshBhakth or RSS Nationalism. You want to question BJP nationalism, which you dont believe in? I say even in BJP there are alot lot people who are more nationalist than you and me.

So, next time, think two time before making a sweeping statement, because those people which you dont believe in, are still working for India, and ready to die for India. So, please atleast respect that.
Many Muslims want the temple to be built there. This has been true for a long time. The myth of the monolithic Muslim India is incorrect.

It's myth to the people living in other nations or civilisations. Cause they never witnessed but just heard these stories. But it's our History more important than anything else. Like our love towards our mother. Or mother's love towards her kids. It's our duty to protect OUR VALUES AND IDENTITY. COME WHAT MAY !!!! We will take it to their door steps.

Soon Supreme Court must close this case before patients of Hindus is tested.
He will have to ban all of us.

On second thought, he won't ban anyone - ...

HINT: The traffic. The ads. The revenue. Economics 101 :D
I was banned for using the word Bakcho**... whereas Pakistani members get away by calling girls from India hindu Wh***

Don't know what sort of Econ they are using here.
A bad deed, yes, punishable by a trip to hell.

Anyway, this isn't about morality, it's about theology and what Islam says.

so, u wl be punished in hell, jst bcz u dnt pray in a way that a book asks u to pray. isn't it illogical ??
These are very old monuments and settlements can be done without destroying them. There have been certain masjids which have been converted into Temples on the existing structure because ASI wants to keep ancient monuments.
So this just a very OLD MONUMENT? no religious significance for hindus?
But in Islam all the messengers, prophets and righteous people are respected. India is one of the oldest living civilization which is land of many divine, righteous and pious souls.

Here the talk is about one Muslim female who consider Lord Ram as a divine leader of India. Imam e hind.

in Islam its not like that , you cant just fit things up according to your will ,
the women calling Ram a imam e hind and praying to him cant be Muslim , and if the do this act , than it completely finish the argument ,as a Muslims you have limits but as a non Muslim you can think anything you like , people believe in many God , people believe in Jesus pbuh as god , people believe so many things .

that is the difference between a angel and human , Humans have free will , but Angels have no will , they were and are created to worship Allah , but we have choice ,
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