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Muslim population grows up to almost 1.6 Billion.

I mean my country China. Those muslims members are only about 1.5% of total Chinese population. There is no trend that China will have more of them in the future.

At the same time, Hui muslims are much more moderate compared to those muslim outside China. I have hui classmates throughout my junior high, high school as well as college life. None of them is like some fanatics here outside China.

BTW, do not just simply attack my last sentence. What I wrote is a paragraph. Do not just nick-pick one sentence and disregard the whole content.

You mean your country of Israel. :lol:

And China has tens of millions of Muslims, Hui Chinese, Uyghurs, etc.

In fact, two of our members on this forum are Hui Chinese Muslims (houshanghai and Hu Songshan).

---------- Post added at 02:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 AM ----------

That is the most hilarious wet dream I have ever heard.

Islam will once again (inshallah) rule the world.
I did not attack any hui muslims here for their loyalty to China. I do not even understand why this is brought up.

What I simply said islam world need clean up its own images and adopt modern world.

Islam in China is way more different from that outside China due to China's strict policies in its practice.

BTW, if you talk about conversation rate, I do not see muslim's conversion rate goes anywhere close to the so-called christian conversion rate.

I am not even going to compare the two conversion rate here.

However, when I see some members here mention "oh, more and more converted to islam and it will rule the world again very soon", I can not refrain from laughing for such idiotic prediction.

As I have said, Before islam world can clean up its own image, I do not believe it can do much to the whole world or the current civilization.

I repeat what I have written:
With all the negative images islam now has, I wonder what type of people make such conversion???

I think islam world need clean its own image, get rid of its own radicals and fanatics, adapt modern education, give women totally equal rights including voting as well as education of course...

Then there may be some meaningful talk after those are done. Otherwise, it is just waste of time and resources. A bunch of people who only can recite kuran and know nothing of modern world, including technology, training and etc, what kind of jobs can they do??? Suicide bombers???

Even suicide bomb makers need have some kind of advanced training in physics, chemistry, electricity and etc.

Anyway, thank GOD such conversion has nothing to do with China though.

Very true my friend, Hui's are fiercely loyal to china See the Sino-Japanese wars ,we gave blood for china and the relationship between the Huis and the KMT under Chiang .we are tolerant Currently we have female Imams, Believe in strong rights for women, if a muslim leaves Islam here happened during the Maoist era we don't attack or hurt him or her we still consider them Muslim through not a very good one and go on with life. you could say we love China. yes we have han converts to, my hometown we got more hans then huis :azn:.

---------- Post added at 02:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 AM ----------

It may rule India once but NEVER did that in China and NEVER WILL in CHINA.

when did it rule the world in the first place
I have no interest even replying to that chinese-dragon's idiotic remarks. Chinese cannot have positive view about Israel???

With all the contribution Jewish population have done to the whole human civilization???

If you list the significant contribution from those so-proud billions of muslim population vs. the significant contribution from those tiny number of jewish population, who will be surprised to see who have way more contribution to the human civilization???!!!

In addition, I do criticize Israel's current policies in peace negotiation and land grabbing. I do hope both side can reach a two-state solution based on 1967 border since that seems to be the only viable solution so far. I have criticized the past dark age Christianity, especially, those crusades.

However, it seems that that idiot is so blind to see that anyway. In certain part of muslim world, it is not much different from those dark age crusade era's europe, full of kuran-reciting people who know nothing about the modern world and want to learn nothing from the modern world. Are they so different from those bible-reciting people during the dark age who carried on the crusades???

BTW, what kind of idiot will attack me as from Israel??? First, I am 100% Chinese.

Second, are people from Israel evil then by his meaning???

His shallow mind and idiotic logic make me sick. His butt-licking towards those muslim members indicate any criticism against the current muslim practices, bad images, fanatics and etc. is wrong.

What a joke.

Shouldn't matter what he says or not he's free to say it. probably so anyway, however Huis will stay loyal to our country and our faith.
By 2015, Muslims will account for 25 per cent of the global population. Even in a country like France, there are over eight million Muslims

At this moment Muslim population stands at 2.1 billion which is far greater than currently estimated 1.6 to 1.7 billion whereas Christian Population is 1.98 billion. According to some sources Muslim populations in India, China, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ethiopia and in some other countries are displayed less than the actual population they have. In many parts like Europe[Cambridge University], North America[CNN], Christian's are getting away from their religious belief, On the contrary among the Muslim Population the faith to their religion is ever increasing [CNN]. Consequently the present so called higher no of Christian population as stated in different sources, practically do not have any significance. It is expected that if present rate of increase of Muslim population continues that by 2030 One out of Three person will be Muslim. However from the past experience it is observed that the rate of increase of Muslim Population are continuously increasing.


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