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Muslim population grows up to almost 1.6 Billion.

Buddy the bandwagon is already overloaded and the horses have their tongue out feeding their masters.

I am talking about the Muslim world, not India. Also remember that India is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. When I visited India, it was very visible that it is overcrowded in some places especially the cities.
I am talking about the Muslim world, not India. Also remember that India is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. When I visited India, it was very visible that it is overcrowded in some places especially the cities.

Not just India whole of asia including pakistan china and bangladesh
And you call yourself a Muslim. Hold your horses and have some shame before you show your ribald personality on a public forum.

Please accept my apology. I was boorish.


Hmmm was I ever a rabid ribald type ? Ooops college frat (Alfa Phi Omega) life :partay:
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lol still reading books? It's a general definition, you can find it in thousands of books.

Dependency is everywhere. The world needs their resources and they need skills. People need employment. Arab provides it. Everything complements each other.

Think global not local.

And you need to sleep a little extra to deduct my exgesis. :azn:

Actually I was thinking you are the college girl here, because that management line is straight from the book. My college days are long over.

Saudis are in a class by itself.

Maybe I should take your word and do get a little more sleep.
That is the communist way of looking at things. The free democratic thought process would be different. We are close to you my friend, and will get closer in the days to come. The BIG difference will be that we would have enjoyed the trip getting there. Think about it.

You have not supported any claim my friend. Because on all these indices, as with anything to do with your country, the only data the world gets to see is that which has been pre-sanitized by the Party. Remember the avian bird flu?

Politicians fake it on national statistics day Reality Check India

Indians talk about statistics being fake?

News in our country about internal events is rarely censored. The censors are directed at the outside. Most coverups are impossible with free forums and cell phones. Our statistics are WTO and World Bank verified. And if you have any doubts use common sense: where is "Made in India?" Where can i buy an indian product?

the avian bird flu - you mean SARS right?

the same SARS that chinese doctors discovered and tracked?

SARS Virus, SARS Infection, SARS Virus Infection

"Discovery of SARS Virus. Initially, a number of agents were implicated as the causative agent, including chlamydia, metapneumoviruses, and influenza H5N1 but it soon became apparent that a new agent may be involved. The breakthrough came on 21st March when the Hong Kong university reported the isolation of an unknown virus in FRhk4 cells, and were able to demonstrate a rising antibody response against this virus by IF in patients with SARS. "

Chinese Scientists Track SARS Genetic Adaptations

"Chinese scientists have traced how the SARS virus genetically evolved during last year's massive outbreak, fine-tuning itself in ways that may have spurred the spread of the deadly respiratory illness."
News in our country about internal events is rarely censored. The censors are directed at the outside. Most coverups are impossible with free forums and cell phones. Our statistics are WTO and World Bank verified. And if you have any doubts use common sense: where is "Made in India?" Where can i buy an indian product?

Thank you for mouthing the Party line, but it does not wash in the free world my friend. I repeat, nothing that comes out of China does so without being doctored and sanitised by the state first. Be it human rights. Or health. Or natural disasters. Or industrial accidents. You name it, your country has already done it. I can provide thousands of links to prove my point, but what's the big deal right? We both know its an exercise in futility. Like trying to prove to a Mayan that the world is round.

the avian bird flu - you mean SARS right?

the same SARS that chinese doctors discovered and tracked?

SARS Virus, SARS Infection, SARS Virus Infection

"Discovery of SARS Virus. Initially, a number of agents were implicated as the causative agent, including chlamydia, metapneumoviruses, and influenza H5N1 but it soon became apparent that a new agent may be involved. The breakthrough came on 21st March when the Hong Kong university reported the isolation of an unknown virus in FRhk4 cells, and were able to demonstrate a rising antibody response against this virus by IF in patients with SARS. "

Chinese Scientists Track SARS Genetic Adaptations

"Chinese scientists have traced how the SARS virus genetically evolved during last year's massive outbreak, fine-tuning itself in ways that may have spurred the spread of the deadly respiratory illness."

Let me help you with links from Page 1 of a Google search with keywords "SARS China cover-up"

How a cover-up in China has spread the menace of Sars. - Free Online Library


TIMEasia Magazine: Unmasking A Crisis

Exposing the Chinese Government's Lies About SARS

Doctor who exposed China's SARS cover up is in custody being brainwashed

Lateline - 21/04/2003: China admits SARS cover-up . Australian Broadcasting Corp

China Hero Doctor Who Exposed SARS Cover-Up Barred U.S. Trip For Rights Award Status of Chinese People

BBC NEWS | Health | China accused of Sars 'cover-up'

How's Dr. Jiang Yanyong's these days btw? Still in prison? tch tch Bad boy for blowing the whistle.

I await your response.
lol, there's no need to refute fake news. Jamestown is a known neocon news site.

don't even try to take the US's business in anti-china propaganda. it has monopoly in that market. compete with the US, and you'll turn into iraq.

maybe i should call obama and tell him that there's oil in new delhi. :rofl:
lol, there's no need to refute fake news. Jamestown is a known neocon news site.

don't even try to take the US's business in anti-china propaganda. it has monopoly in that market. compete with the US, and you'll turn into iraq.

maybe i should call obama and tell him that there's oil in new delhi. :rofl:

I am surprised at how blaise you are about the whole thing seeing as how you are the lucky few who survived in Wuhan. How many fatalities from SARS from Wuhan alone buddy? And what was the purpose of the house to house visits by biomasked officials of your Zhōnggòng Zhōngyāng Xuānchuánbù (Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China). Why at the height of SARS related deaths across your city (amongst many others) did your CCTV-9 continue to maintain that the virus 'scare' was under control and not to believe western reports leaking in of body counts going into hundreds of thousands? Putting China's 'best foot forward' even to its own citizens still living at Ground Zero? Please give us all a break here dear below_freezing. No matter how much your government clamps down, news of this sort will get through, and the world will wonder what's really going on behind that shiny facade of Communist Can-never-be Wrong China.

According to Guinness book of world record , Islam is the fastest growing Faith structure in the entire world as per conversion rate.
You call that high conversion rate???

With all the negative images islam now has, I wonder what type of people make such conversion???

I think islam world need clean its own image, get rid of its own radicals and fanatics, adapt modern education, give women totally equal rights including voting as well as education of course...

Then there may be some meaningful talk after those are done. Otherwise, it is just waste of time and resources. A bunch of people who only can recite kuran and know nothing of modern world, including technology, training and etc, what kind of jobs can they do??? Suicide bombers???

Even suicide bomb makers need have some kind of advanced training in physics, chemistry, electricity and etc.

Anyway, thank GOD such conversion has nothing to do with China though.

Infact it is not just because of the muslim population but also the ever high conversion rate too.

I myself have witnessed and welcomed over a dozen new converts in last months.

By 2015-2018 Islam would be the Largest followed religion on the face of the earth.

Chatholic church has already been outnumbered , it speaks for iteself of being a true message.

One example from your country.
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You mean your country of Israel. :lol:

And China has tens of millions of Muslims, Hui Chinese, Uyghurs, etc.

In fact, two of our members on this forum are Hui Chinese Muslims (houshanghai and Hu Songshan).

Very true my friend, Hui's are fiercely loyal to china See the Sino-Japanese wars ,we gave blood for china and the relationship between the Huis and the KMT under Chiang .we are tolerant Currently we have female Imams, Believe in strong rights for women, if a muslim leaves Islam here happened during the Maoist era we don't attack or hurt him or her we still consider them Muslim through not a very good one and go on with life. you could say we love China. yes we have han converts to, my hometown we got more hans then huis :azn:.
Very true my friend, Hui's are fiercely loyal to china See the Sino-Japanese wars ,we gave blood for china and the relationship between the Huis and the KMT under Chiang .we are tolerant Currently we have female Imams, Believe in strong rights for women, if a muslim leaves Islam here happened during the Maoist era we don't attack or hurt him or her we still consider them Muslim through not a very good one and go on with life. you could say we love China.

That's right buddy. :cheers:

And you should ignore that ephone guy, he is always attacking Chinese members (he calls us all "dick-men") who say anything that is not positive about Israel.

I think he's probably half Israeli and might be part Chinese, but his loyalty is 100% to Israel.
That's right buddy. :cheers:

And you should ignore that ephone guy, he is always attacking Chinese members (he calls us all "dick-men") who say anything that is not positive about Israel.

I think he's probably half Israeli and might be part Chinese, but his loyalty is 100% to Israel.

Shouldn't matter what he says or not he's free to say it. probably so anyway, however Huis will stay loyal to our country and our faith.
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