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Muslim population grows up to almost 1.6 Billion.

Israel beats seven countries....It has less population.It has power.

lol....you want to say that whole population goes to fight war...the country that have larger population will win.....what a theory!!!....

israel can do that because the other countries are also weak powers.

if israel went to war with an EAST ASIAN or EUROPEAN country, you know, an industrialized country with large population, i can guarentee that it will be wiped off the map. britain can do so.

yes, population doesn't matter if you're in the stone age like most of the arab countries. but if your country at least has the capability to compete, then population means everything. heres an example:

usually 1 soldier, needs at least 10 people doing support work for him. working in factories, doing logistics, keeping hte country running, etc. this is true for every country that makes its own weapons! if a country buys weapons, it can violate this rule, the exchange is that it's armed forces size is limited not by population but by cash and political allies (this is the case of israel, which can arm its whole population, have very few people actually work unrelated to the military, and still survive since it gets donations from USA; this is also how North Vietnam beat the US; it recieved massive donations from China).

the larger the population, the more soldiers can be fielded, or alternatively, the more INDUSTRY is avaliable for equal soldiers. that means more planes, more guns, more tanks, and more people to use it all.

more people also means more ability to create wealth. the ability of a person to make money and ideas goes up expotentially with the number of people that work together. you can't make a car factory with 5 people.
Having 3 wives and having 10 children with each one does not mean people are converting to Islam.
Why should we always talk about wars and how to fight it? This is again our lack of ability to make peace between ourselves and find our way to progress, we have collectively failed. Look at the EU countries, they dont need to fight. Look at Denmark, Norway etc, they only got few milions populatin and the quality of life and progress they are having is the highest standard in the world.
Buddy it is not about quantity its about quality. More population means more mouth to feed. Their is still huge amount of Hindu population which does not earn bread of 2 times. We cannot blindly increase the population with nothing to eat. Instead we should concentrate on education and achieving the high positions.

hang on !!! i disagree with you.. We are not talking about increasing population in one country but an increase in number of people believing in a religion ALL OVER THE WORLD.

Poverty problems relates to one country where its resources are not enough to feed all population - so now i don't understand where does quality and quantity fits in this equation.
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its just an example. in business its the same thing. try opening a heavy industry company with 5 people? you can't do it. you need 5 chief executives for a heavy industrial company!
Having 3 wives and having 10 children with each one does not mean people are converting to Islam.

Keep your stupid shameless comments to yourself, and provide a refrence as to how many muslims actually have 3 wives and ten children.

Maybe in India the muslims are like this but all of Pakistan I have travelled through, I have not come across any men with more than one wife.

In Saudi, it might be possible but thats all.

@ the topic, this isn't something to be proud of is it. What exactly is so great about having 1.6 billion muslims when they cannot even help a few getting slaughtered in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

Keep your stupid shameless comments to yourself, and provide a refrence as to how many muslims actually have 3 wives and ten children.

Maybe in India the muslims are like this but all of Pakistan I have travelled through, I have not come across any men with more than one wife.

In Saudi, it might be possible but thats all.

@ the topic, this isn't something to be proud of is it. What exactly is so great about having 1.6 billion muslims when they cannot even help a few getting slaughtered in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.


Completely valid comments, all that is happening is a lot of poor Muslims are having a lot of more poor Muslim babies and you people think that's some sort of victory.

Good strategy to become the most popular religion, outbreed everyone.
Completely valid comments, all that is happening is a lot of poor Muslims are having a lot of more poor Muslim babies and you people think that's some sort of victory.

Good strategy to become the most popular religion, outbreed everyone.

How old are you kid, I asked for a reference not a first hand account from high school intellect 'Sohan'.

And I am criticising this story and you are saying that we think it is some kind of victory.

Be a bit more assertive, and write atleast a little more when you are making such an assumption.

I guess the australian school system is dumbing down guys like you.
Buddy it is not about quantity its about quality. More population means more mouth to feed. Their is still huge amount of Hindu population which does not earn bread of 2 times. We cannot blindly increase the population with nothing to eat. Instead we should concentrate on education and achieving the high positions.

In the WW2 pesky Soviet T-33 outnumbered and overpowered the superior German tanks.

Moral: Quantity has a quality itself !
Few Muslims used to marry more than once and have many babies..but this trend is changing with more education among muslim girls in this part of India..in other words muslims here are getting more Indianised...and have understood to have see big families miseries and they don't want their past generation multiplication to do havoc on family and society in general..They grewup on insecurity theories of being outnumbered by hindus..thats history..with more social mingling and interfaith marrages taking place..religious life had taken a back seat and more literacy holds the key...Once barred from modern education muslim girls from very background area are now married off to gulf grooms and they're also working thr to suppliment the salaries of their husbands..and such couples normally have only 2 babies..so i think education holds they key...Its quality of life is more important than quantity ( starving army of babies who are easily brainwashed to social ills )
In the WW2 pesky Soviet T-33 outnumbered and overpowered the superior German tanks.

Moral: Quantity has a quality itself !

Not exactly. Because as the qunatity increases then the resource distribution is impacted. Now suppose there are 10 people and 1 can be a scientist and has great potential then the money can be invested. but if there are 100 people and 10 are scientist then it is hard for the reason there are 90 other mouths to feed.
Having 3 wives and having 10 children with each one does not mean people are converting to Islam.

Kiddo pull your head out of where sun does not shine. Its a discussion about Muslim population reaching 1.6 billion. If you got something to point out, respectfully make your case.

Running your mouth like this will cause you an undignified exit from the forum.
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