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Muslim Pakistan versus Islamic Pakistan - Which Was Jinnah’s Vision?

What did the Muslim League & Jinnah want Pakistan to become?

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And bastards like you would be indifferent to the years of sucking off the white man and would continue doing so to line your own pockets.

You're not different to the crooks that have squandered Pakistan- the Sharifs and Zardaris

I am sucking off the white man because I want Pakistan to become a secular republic so it can become a 1st world developed country and move on from the eternal failure which is political Islam? Strange logic.

No idea why Sharif and Zardaris are being used as a comparison and I don't appreciate being called a bastard.

How can Pakistani civilization evolve with this retarded mindset, our kids are growing up confused. Should have attaturked Pakistan and become a proper nation state.
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Pakistan should be an Islamic country.

Otherwise one may ask what was the point of partition then?
Prime example of a Zia baby :lol:

This specimen would have rolled into Afghanistan to fight CIA's war against Russia in the 80s.

Ideologically you are not Pakistani. Explains why Pakistan has had a 20 years of terrorism and anti state militant groups by the dozen.
Islam over Pakistan any day
Only a Islamic Pakistan exists

Murtads are the biggest enemy of Pakistan
Islam over Pakistan any day
Only a Islamic Pakistan exists

Murtads are the biggest enemy of Pakistan
Says the guy living and enjoying his best life in the secular West.
Can't be an Islamist without being a hypocrite.
Says the guy living and enjoying his best life in the secular West.
Can't be an Islamist without being a hypocrite.
By your logic you’re a hypocrite your self because you live in west.
Majority Pakistani are Muslim and reject secularism filth pushed by murtads.
Can’t be a secularist without being a hypocrite slave.
By your logic you’re a hypocrite your self because you live in west.
Majority Pakistani are Muslim and reject secularism filth pushed by murtads.
Can’t be a secularist without being a hypocrite slave.
How am I a hypocrite?
I am not an Islamist.
I believe in secularism, thus living in a secular country is a reflection of my values.
A hypocrite is one who makes verbal diarrhea about secularism while living in a secular country.
as for the last sentence... LOL.... no one has ever accused an Islamist of being smart and you have certainly not disproved that notion.
How am I a hypocrite?
I am not an Islamist.
I believe in secularism, thus living in a secular country is a reflection of my values.
A hypocrite is one who makes verbal diarrhea about secularism while living in a secular country.
as for the last sentence... LOL.... no one has ever accused an Islamist of being smart and you have certainly not disproved that notion.
I am a Muslim.
The whole world belongs to Allah.
The law of Allah applies to the whole world.
I can live in any country I want and I will continue to remain a Muslim and speak the truth.
I’m not a beghairat like you who sold his religion for a visa. I’m not a beghairat like you who sucks off white man.

The cancer of secularism will be exterminated soon.
Murtads in disguise will get their due punishment.

You secularists accuse others of being dumb yet your breed can’t even agree on 2 genders.

Pakistan will be Islamic and remain Islamic.

Islam first.
I am a Muslim.
The whole world belongs to Allah.
Does Isreal belong to Allah too?
Did Allah make Isreal?
Is the suffering of the Palestinians Allah's doing?

The law of Allah applies to the whole world.
Demonstrably not true.
You live in Canada, you know for a fact that your hands won't be chopped off for stealing.
I can live in any country I want and I will continue to remain a Muslim and speak the truth.
Yes, we know. The Quran has a word for people like you. "Hypocrite"
I’m not a beghairat like you who sold his religion for a visa. I’m not a beghairat like you who sucks off white man.
It makes me uncomfortable that you are clearly stalking me and having thought of sucking off.....
The cancer of secularism will be exterminated soon.
Says the hypocrite.
Why not move to the glorious Islamic republic of Pakistan if you hate secularism so much?
Oh right, a theocracy can never and has never provided an improvement in quality of life that secularism does.
you are like a flea who hates the host you suck the blood of.
Murtads in disguise will get their due punishment.
You secularists accuse others of being dumb yet your breed can’t even agree on 2 genders.
Great, we are at elementary level insults.
Pakistan will be Islamic and remain Islamic.
How? Mujahadeen like you are fleeing to the west. You should go back and make it Islamic.
Be a real man and put your money where your mouth is.
Islam first.
So again, why live in a secular country then?
Be an honest man for once in your life and go move to Pakistan so you can make it as "Islamic" as possible.
Sole soul!

Abraham(A.S), his epiphany, divine guidance... none other but him and then his progeny.
Termites such as your kind existed back then... in awe and splendor of Nimrod... and he is known only for his protagonist, Abraham!

Get it‽

The three, all of whom proclaim him today run and control the world!

Does Isreal belong to Allah too?
Did Allah make Isreal?
Read Qur'an!

Demonstrably not true.
Walking and talking carcass, showing hubris, surrogating for his true master.
Sole soul!

Abraham(A.S), his epiphany, divine guidance... none other but him and then his progeny.
Termites such as your kind existed back then... in awe and splendor of Nimrod... and he is known only for his protagonist, Abraham!

Get it‽

The three, all of whom proclaim him today run and control the world!

Read Qur'an!

Walking and talking carcass, showing hubris, surrogating for his true master.
Makes personal insults
Then says to read the Quran

Thug who has no Idea what Islam is about, using Islam as a club to beat others with.
Yep, Islamist for sure.
Pakistan is Punjab, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan. That's all that matters. Besides common history and geographical landscape, our common culture unites us. We all wear shalwar kameez, eat same cuisine, have similar spiritual practices, have strong family values, and speak languages that are rooted from Persia.
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Why don't you people vote for political parties who have a mandate for a secular constitution?

Why do all of you show up at rallies where they shout Pakistan ka matlab kia? Or where they are projecting some State of Madinah?

Strange hypocrisy. Water is running out so soon the shalwar kamiz wearing Persianized Hindus will be tearing the wombs of the slightly different looking neighbor's.

Uber Eats driver in Brampton giving lectures about Islamic republic while living in secular Canada.

1 out of 5 stars for you.

Much of Canadian law like much of western hemisphere are Christian inspired.

It seems shias, qadiyanis are too proud and too driven by material possessions. Makes sense as to why they would oppose the fundamentals of social justice provided by principles of Islam.
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You live in the UK right? Have the white folk here ever rebelled? The only anti state folk werefrm the Muslim community.

Well organised sincere secularism will kill off any anti state ideology before it can create a movement and promote devotion to the state.

It's not rocket science, a foreign ideology like political Islam is designed to culturally and socially assimilate non Arab countries, that was its original purpose.It's hegemonic, parasitic in nature. This is why Turkey took the route it did and they had an empire based on it so why is Pakistan any different? Who is doing better?

Right now Pakistan is in no mans land, its a hybrid and it flirted with extremism because their influential clergy said Osama Bin Dickhead was the good guy whilst he labelled Pakistanis as Kaffirs and an enemy. 20 years of terrorism followed. Isn't it anymore obvious it isn't working?

The solution is not going more Islamic as that will legitimize the fringe extremist elements even more. The mullahs who's grandparents did'nt want Pakistan to be created would love this because they can finally distenegrate the state so they can become influential again under control of India. It's a wet dream of theirs. You ask any of them and they will pick Islam over Pakistan. How is that patriotism? I classify that as a traitor. What if someone said they will choose Hinduism or Christianity over Pakistan? Everyone would be quick to label them agents of chaos.
Yes, how do you think Magna Carta came about? Who was Cromwell and how was Monarchy's power curtailed.

And news flash for liberal brigade Pakistan is already under Indian yolk made possible by successive secular regimes in Pakistan since the 90's.
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