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Muslim Mob attacks Dalits in Delhi Sarai Kale Khan

Vote another government in that will treat them better than being gutted in the streets by their neighbours? Wtf cuckoo clock is this that you live in? People don't respond to street guttings with inky pinky on their thumb.

Anyway, what's all this big talk taking place in a partly free electoral autocracy? You will do as you're told.
For some whose origin nation spent majority of its existence under military dictatorship rule, concept of voting a leadership out by means of elections will come as a surprise despite living in a European democracy
Their is no change in law by so called hindutva to bring any changes in administrative zones ,

and who is talking, a theocratic state mostly existed with marshal law where Hindus legally can't be prime minister etc ?

you all have daily exploited Hindus & sikhs by forcefully converting and raping teenagers.

what right do you think you have to ask such questions ?

India is free to choose whatever it likes but one thing is certain it doesn't entertain fingers from those whose own house is on fire.
Spare me your call centre hinglish idioms. Fingers from those whose house is on fire??

As for the difference between Pakistan and India, we never pretended to be a secular haven. It's your lot who have ridden on the back of secularism for hindutva agendas.

Hindus may not be prime minister in Pakistan, but we don't force them to do namaz just to be socially accepted.


Lecture me after your own citizens are allowed to be called Timur without hordes of secular democracy lovers trolling them for their choice.
For some whose origin nation spent majority of its existence under military dictatorship rule, concept of voting a leadership out by means of elections will come as a surprise despite living in a European democracy
Quiet now you partly free autocracy lover. You have no authority here.
Dalits engaged in the most depraved sexual violence against Muslim females during the Gujarat riots, and jump on board any riot to engage in 'free sex' or rape reward, that's what they call it and its been documented in research papers.
Now this girl ended up in a Dalit basti, whether it is free will or that she was kidnapped we will never know. But yes, Muslim females are openly being targeted now and have been for a quite a while.
Sole purpose of threads like these (some isolated incident between a Dalit and Minority), by upper caste(mostly Brahmins ) are to drive a wedge between two oppressed communities in India.

We in India are quite familiar with the games of these jackals. Please close this thread or even better make it disappear.
Sole purpose of threads like these (some isolated incident between a Dalit and Minority), by upper caste(mostly Brahmins ) are to drive a wedge between two oppressed communities in India.

We in India are quite familiar with the games of these jackals. Please close this thread or even better make it disappear.

Yes because opening a thread about muslim violence on Dalits makes one jackal ?

Dalits were attacked earlier in East Delhi riots and here too they are the victims.Dalits have been a victim of vicious propaganda of Bhim-Mim unity crap whereas on ground they are at the recieving end of every attack possible and this is not isolated but one of many such incidents.

*Why assume I am upper caste ?
Muslims teachers were the first to teach in schools, located in Dalit areas. Dalits majority will always be pro-muslim, upper caste media can highlight these isolated incidents all they want. Addressing a Dalit as Harijan, is the worst insult.

When a Dalit child is born, he is aware that muslims are their friends and upper castes are their foes.
No offence, I think you have wrong impressions of Dalits

The first people to lap up any facist ideology are those from the lowest and poorest rungs of society

There is a reason why Modi himself is from a backward caste
No offence, I think you have wrong impressions of Dalits

The first people to lap up any facist ideology are those from the lowest and poorest rungs of society

There is a reason why Modi himself is from a backward caste
Yes, that is the case everywhere, first people to lap up fascist ideology will always be the poor and simplistic people, because they think more with emotions than with logic and critical thinking.

Modi being backward caste is doubtful, these things are not clearly defined and vary from region to region. A person is defined by his actions, not by his words.

Both Modi and President are just face for elections, government policies are decided by his cabinet ministers and their secretaries. All of them upper castes. https://caravanmagazine.in/politics/narendra-modi-two-caste-society-casteist-bjp

Upper caste dominated media creates public opinion in favour of these policies, https://www.epw.in/journal/2020/46/...e-domination-indias-mainstream-media-and.html

Upper caste dominated judiciary gives favorable decisions to support these policies.
:lol: You should tell that to the ghost of Dalit student Rohith Vemula who driven to suicide in 2016 because of harassment by Upper Caste elements in the university officialdom and the central government.

How are those people "anti-national / desh drohi" ?

Yes, that should be.

hindus marrying muslim girl is good sign of hindus shedding their backwardness .
you are here doing your duty as communists , but you communists have always been on the wrong side of fence . that is why you are losing ground.
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Yes, that is the case everywhere, first people to lap up fascist ideology will always be the poor and simplistic people, because they think more with emotions than with logic and critical thinking.

Modi being backward caste is doubtful, these things are not clearly defined and vary from region to region. A person is defined by his actions, not by his words.

Both Modi and President are just face for elections, government policies are decided by his cabinet ministers and their secretaries. All of them upper castes. https://caravanmagazine.in/politics/narendra-modi-two-caste-society-casteist-bjp

Upper caste dominated media creates public opinion in favour of these policies, https://www.epw.in/journal/2020/46/...e-domination-indias-mainstream-media-and.html

Upper caste dominated judiciary gives favorable decisions to support these policies.

muslims are worried because hindus are getting united .
hindus are adopting progressive sanatan dharma which does not accept caste , all hindus are equal in sanatan dharma . sanatan hindus are allowed to marry muslim girl , this does not deprive them from hindutva . by this way muslims are invited to join old hindu family .
Sole purpose of threads like these (some isolated incident between a Dalit and Minority), by upper caste(mostly Brahmins ) are to drive a wedge between two oppressed communities in India.

We in India are quite familiar with the games of these jackals. Please close this thread or even better make it disappear.

your problem is why hindu boy married a muslim girl . this hindu boy should be suitably rewarded .
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Hindutva schemes to deprive Muslims of their rightful place in Indian society's uppermost echelons without having to: compromise on their religion, do pooja for cameras, avoid naming their child Timur, avoid drinking from a temple tap, avoid eating beef in private, losing their places of cultural heritage, removing items from the Qur'an..

Muslims are done jumping through hindutva hoops.

India is incapable of separating religion from state, hence the whole "partly free " business.

muslims have equal rights as hindus have ,
this hindu dalit boy should be given govt job for he has done a revolutionary job.
muslims are worried because hindus are getting united .
hindus are adopting progressive sanatan dharma which does not accept caste , all hindus are equal in sanatan dharma . sanatan hindus are allowed to marry muslim girl , this does not deprive them from hindutva . by this way muslims are invited to join old hindu family .

your problem is why hindu boy married a muslim girl . this hindu boy should be suitably rewarded .
Word 'Sanatan dharma' was always used to refer to Buddhism, which is the oldest religion of India.

The most basic institution in a society is a family, Hindu family starts with caste.

So-called casteless society is in name only. Progressive Hindutwa is hollow and a charade, there is only symbolism to hide the truth.

I don't care who marries who, I base my opinions on statistics and facts. Not based on some isolated incidents, given a emotional and communal tinge, specially selected and raised by you upper castes.

Statistics tells a different story, its is mostly upper castes who are harming Dalits and minorities, according to NCRB, most of the student suicides are by Dalits, why? because of trauma of caste discrimination.
Word 'Sanatan dharma' was always used to refer to Buddhism, which is the oldest religion of India.

So Sri Lanka is a Sanatan Dharmi state?? Same for all south east asisan states??

Hindu families starts with elders till youngest of them all.
Indians society is so hate filled it's crazy

It's incredible how these poisonous people love together and call it a state

All praise to Allah SWT and a sincere thank you to Jinnah sb for Pakistan. People who used to call Pakistan an artificial country are now waking up to the fact that their own country is infact artificial. Just a matter of time before India goes back to being the way it was before the British--a patchwork of loosely defined warring states divided on religious and ethnic lines.
There is a reason why Modi himself is from a backward caste

The President of India is a Dalit and was part of BJP's Dalit Morcha, yet that did not stop him from being harassed by Brahmin priests at a famous Odisha temple when he visited there being a President along with his wife.

you are here doing your duty as communists , but you communists have always been on the wrong side of fence . that is why you are losing ground.

What do you mean by the underlined ?

hindus are adopting progressive sanatan dharma which does not accept caste , all hindus are equal in sanatan dharma . sanatan hindus are allowed to marry muslim girl
So-called casteless society is in name only. Progressive Hindutwa is hollow and a charade, there is only symbolism to hide the truth.

And while we are discussing "progressive Hindutva", just two days ago some Hindu temples in North India put up banners on the entrances saying that non-Hindus are not welcome in the temples and if any non-Hindu does enter the temple they will be thrashed and then handed over to the police.
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