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Muslim Mob attacks Dalits in Delhi Sarai Kale Khan

Look at you descend into anarchy. Keep going shithead. We will applaud you along the way.
The irony of one having origin in subcontinent's most fragile state taking about anarchy

Keep scurrying to far away lands dimwitted Dalit
Dalits engaged in the most depraved sexual violence against Muslim females during the Gujarat riots, and jump on board any riot to engage in 'free sex' or rape reward, that's what they call it and its been documented in research papers.
Now this girl ended up in a Dalit basti, whether it is free will or that she was kidnapped we will never know. But yes, Muslim females are openly being targeted now and have been for a quite a while.
Can Dalit actions in Gujarat represent the same for Dalits all over India?

Dalit community does have its Islamophobic sentiments for historic reasons
Another work of fiction by PoopIndia to reinforce the stereotype of "Hindu khatre main hai"

Why do the mods allow Sanghis to peddle their lies on this forum.
News is being reported only in opindia and dainik Jagaran so far
Partition of India is the only way
But in a strange twist of fate partition of Pakistan happened
We just enjoy watching the inevitable street war unfold.

Acknowledging the obvious schadenfreude here, given the similar situation happened to your country 50 years ago and it ended in more than an "inevitable street war"

Let's be honest - Muslims aren't going to sit around and take crap forever in the country their ancestors built, are they?

They will vote this Govt out and look forward to the future, just like another persecuted group did after violence in the 80s

50 years ago had those persecuted in your nation had success with voting, you would still be having an extra half in East today

Keep salivating on these events, will need lots of it to lick wounds of the past :D
Muslims should start beating any hindu who tries to marry or elope with a Muslim women if they are not doing it already

There is an organized campaign in India targeting Muslim women by radical hindus and that is also supported by mainstream political parties. Being on the offensive can be a good answer to this hindu campaign
Muslims should start beating any hindu who tries to marry or elope with a Muslim women if they are not doing it already

There is an organized campaign in India targeting Muslim women by radical hindus and that is also supported by mainstream political parties. Being on the offensive can be a good answer to this hindu campaign

by such marriages we are strengthening hindu muslim unity .

hindu sanatan dharma gives permission to marry girls of muslim dharma , without converting the girl to hindu religion . only if girl is wishing then only this marriage is legal. both boys and girls should declare their religion openly . indian muslims have indian DNA so this is natural that muslims should return to their original roots .
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Love jihad against Muslim females has no place in Indian society. We stand with the authorities as they bring swift justice against any Hindu male engaging in love jihad against Muslim females.

love jihad is when muslims pretend to be hindu and lure hindu girls by telling lies about them.
what's a dalit?

dalits hindus who were on lowest on caste ladder before independence , now caste has vanished practically from hindu society with economic and social justice coming through empowerment given by indian Constitution.
Another work of fiction by PoopIndia to reinforce the stereotype of "Hindu khatre main hai"

Why do the mods allow Sanghis to peddle their lies on this forum.

need of the hour is burnol for people like you .
irony is deshdrohi media wire arfa khanum ji, saba naqvi , rana ayub , ravish kumar , quint ,ndtv, is not concerned with perpetration of dalits in the heart of delhi by muslims ?
However, I do wonder, if it's a Hindu man and a Muslim woman,
is it still love jihad?
or Hindu jihad?
or something else?

Let us find an appropriate term,
Jihad is strongly associated as a Muslim term, so to negate any misunderstandings and to emphasis the reality of the situation,
I think Hindu Jihad fits,
What do you say, people?

you can call it " premantaran "
We also have to careful here folks you do get Indian Muslim girls who marry Hindu chaps, out of free will. Bollywood is full of them.
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Why is it that the rich get away with everything...??
They can marry Muslim girl, Hindu girl, east beef, eat pork, do what ever they like and still no one bats an eyelid.
It’s only when the poor do something that the religious fanatics rise and give them hell.

it seems the poor are not meant to live a free life as they please.
Why shouldn't Muslims fight back against hindutva schemes? Did you want them to roll over and have their bellies tickled forever? You peaceful dharmics will reap whatever you sow.
What hindutva schemes ? A dalit marrying muslim is hindutva scheme.

Girl gave statement in police station saying she married of her free will.

Its always Dalits who face muslim violence all across India.

Here Muslims are mostly tenants of Hindu families won't be surprised if Hindus start asking them to pack up and leave.
Acknowledging the obvious schadenfreude here, given the similar situation happened to your country 50 years ago and it ended in more than an "inevitable street war"

They will vote this Govt out and look forward to the future, just like another persecuted group did after violence in the 80s

50 years ago had those persecuted in your nation had success with voting, you would still be having an extra half in East today

Keep salivating on these events, will need lots of it to lick wounds of the past :D
Vote another government in that will treat them better than being gutted in the streets by their neighbours? Wtf cuckoo clock is this that you live in? People don't respond to street guttings with inky pinky on their thumb.

Anyway, what's all this big talk taking place in a partly free electoral autocracy? You will do as you're told.
What hindutva schemes ? A dalit marrying muslim is hindutva scheme.

Girl gave statement in police station saying she married of her free will.

Its always Dalits who face muslim violence all across India.

Here Muslims are mostly tenants of Hindu families won't be surprised if Hindus start asking them to pack up and leave.
Hindutva schemes to deprive Muslims of their rightful place in Indian society's uppermost echelons without having to: compromise on their religion, do pooja for cameras, avoid naming their child Timur, avoid drinking from a temple tap, avoid eating beef in private, losing their places of cultural heritage, removing items from the Qur'an..

Muslims are done jumping through hindutva hoops.

India is incapable of separating religion from state, hence the whole "partly free " business.
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