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Muslim Mob attacks Dalits in Delhi Sarai Kale Khan

Real question is why are muslim women marrying Hindus( Dalits) and why are muslims rioting against it ?

For those who need link
Why shouldn't Muslims fight back against hindutva schemes? Did you want them to roll over and have their bellies tickled forever? You peaceful dharmics will reap whatever you sow.
Indian Muslims made a choice during partition. They shouldn't complain
I disagree here. They have every right to fight for their status in Indian lands. They built Hindustan centuries ago into an economic and architectural marvel. They should very much remind Hindus that the lands of Hindustan belong to them as much as to the Hindus.
However, I do wonder, if it's a Hindu man and a Muslim woman,
is it still love jihad?
or Hindu jihad?
or something else?

Let us find an appropriate term,
Jihad is strongly associated as a Muslim term, so to negate any misunderstandings and to emphasis the reality of the situation,
I think Hindu Jihad fits,
What do you say, people?
Love sati
I disagree here. They have every right to fight for their status in Indian lands. They built Hindustan centuries ago into an economic and architectural marvel. They should very much remind Hindus that the lands of Hindustan belong to them as much as to the Hindus.

Zero sympathy for fake Khan's and Indian Muslims that appease Hindus to survive. Jackals is what such spineless Indian Muslims are. Even Dalits and Christians are more organised than Indian Muslims. They stand up for their rights and look the Hindu extremist straight in the eye.

RSS Hindus and Indian Muslim appeasers deserve each other.
Dalits engaged in the most depraved sexual violence against Muslim females during the Gujarat riots, and jump on board any riot to engage in 'free sex' or rape reward, that's what they call it and its been documented in research papers.
Now this girl ended up in a Dalit basti, whether it is free will or that she was kidnapped we will never know. But yes, Muslim females are openly being targeted now and have been for a quite a while.
Indian Muslims are learning that they have to defend themselves in the Indian communal shithole

Currently different communities in India are separating, India is a divided country

Whilst the hindutva state makes laws targeting Muslims, Indian Muslims are on their own against Hindus

Indian Muslims are tired and striking back out of years of frustration
Indian Muslims are learning that they have to defend themselves in the Indian communal shithole

Currently different communities in India are separating, India is a divided country

Whilst the hindutva state makes laws targeting Muslims, Indian Muslims are on their own against Hindus

Indian Muslims are tired and striking back out of years of frustration

When these Indian Muslims really stand up on their feet in unison please wake me up. An Indian Muslim can be bribed by one role in Bollywood. That is all it takes.
We also have to careful here folks you do get Indian Muslim girls who marry Hindu chaps, out of free will. Bollywood is full of them.
When these Indian Muslims really stand up on their feet in unison please wake me up. An Indian Muslim can be bribed by one role in Bollywood. That is all it takes.

Part of the reason is they are not in one place
A Indian Muslim from Kerala is different to one from UP or west Bengal, it's not like Sikhs who tend to be in Punjab

But they need to create one way or the other their own areas of majority and run off any Hindu in the area

One united India was always going to be a disaster and now Indian Muslims need to make arrangements for the defence of their community
Part of the reason is they are not in one place
A Indian Muslim from Kerala is different to one from UP or west Bengal, it's not like Sikhs who tend to be in Punjab

But they need to create one way or the other their own areas of majority and run off any Hindu in the area

One united India was always going to be a disaster and now Indian Muslims need to make arrangements for the defence of their community

Impossible. The RSS Hindu brigade owns Indian Muslims. The Indian Muslims are mentally broken. They don't have leaders. They are sheep. Scattered and unorganized. Decades of mental torturing and a serious identity crisis. The Brahmin pandit only has to point a finger and the Indian Muslim knows his role.
Dont worry chaps, it'll all die down. Indian muslims only need to burn a Pakistani flag and raise anti Pak slogans. They'll soon be accepted as patriot sons of Hindunstan.
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