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Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world

Or, some very, very rich Muslim nation could do something like this to promote Muslim recognition of scientific achievement:

7 US, European scientists win Wolf Prize

02/02/2010 00:57

Seven internationally renowned scientists from England, Germany, the US, France and Austria will come to the Knesset in May to receive the Wolf Prizes – considered Israel’s “Nobel Prizes” and worth $100,000 in each field – from President Shimon Peres and Education Minister and Wolf Foundation Council chairman Gideon Sa’ar.

Sa’ar announced the names of the winners in medicine, physics, mathematics, agriculture and architecture (this year, as one of the fields of the arts). Former recipients of the Wolf Prize include Prof. Ada Yonath of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot who received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry two months ago.

Since 1978 the Wolf Prize has been awarded 27 times, to a total of 253 scientists and artists from 23 countries (among them 18 Israelis) for “achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples, irrespective of nationality, race, color, religion, sex or political view.”

The Herzliya Pituah-based Wolf Foundation was established by the late German-born inventor, diplomat and philanthropist Dr. Ricardo Wolf, who served as Cuban ambassador to Israel.

“In its 32 years, the Wolf Prize has bestowed great honor upon the State of Israel and science, both in Israel and worldwide,” said Sa’ar. “The prize, held in great esteem by the scientific community, is a predictor of the Nobel Prize – one out of every three Wolf Prize recipients in medicine, physics and chemistry later went on to receive the Nobel Prize.”

The 2010 Wolf Prize in Medicine will be awarded to Prof. Axel Ullrich of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried, Germany, for groundbreaking cancer research that has led to the development of innovative drugs, among them Receptin, for treatment of women with metastatic breast cancer. The international prize jury in this field stated that Ullrich “is one of a small number of basic scientists whose work has impacted not only basic research, but also aided millions of patients suffering from diverse chronic diseases.”

The 2010 Wolf Prize in Agriculture will be awarded to Sir David Baulcombe of Cambridge University for research in which he demonstrated how plants defend themselves against viral attack, through a mechanism known as “gene silencing.”

The jury said that Baulcombe, who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth last year, was responsible for a pioneering discovery of gene regulation by small inhibitory RNA molecules, and that it had important implications not only for agriculture but also for other fields of biology, including medicine.

The 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics will be awarded jointly to two Americans: Prof. Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University for his work in geometric analysis that has had a profound and dramatic impact on many areas of geometry and physics; and to Prof. Dennis Sullivan of the State University of New York at Stony Brook for his innovative contributions to algebraic topology and conformal dynamics.

The 2010 Wolf Prize in Physics will be shared by Prof. John F. Clauser of the US; Prof. Alain Aspect of France’s École Normale Supérieure de Cachan; and Prof. Anton Zeilinger of the University of Vienna. The jury in this field praised them “for their fundamental conceptual and experimental contributions to the foundations of quantum physics, specifically an increasingly sophisticated series of tests of Bell’s inequalities, or extensions thereof, using entangled quantum states.”

7 US, European scientists win Wolf Prize
I dont know about Pakistani inventions but here are some famous people and achievements:

I was surprised to see a Pakistani woman in space!
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i wonder why you people talk about religion so much... its own personal belief, it has nothing to do wit inventions... people from every religion hav suceeded and also failed... watever they invented they did for the development of human beings...
i wonder why you people talk about religion so much... its own personal belief, it has nothing to do wit inventions... people from every religion hav suceeded and also failed... watever they invented they did for the development of human beings...
Agree with you.
Also, as a Indian, I would say, we should be humble as we do not have any scientific achievements in last hundred years.
We should learn from the west.
The great scientific achievement that has been made my Muslims in the last decade, which has also changed the world is : We have been able to convince young lads to go out and blow themselves up in public, rather than sitting home and eating Big Macs. :P
during 10th century south indian king raja raja chola invaded malayasia and indonesia through sea
muslims have made a few inventions in the past but the problem is that their inventions were just some concepts which were actually used by the west to create products to change the world.
Quickly name me 10 muslim inventions in last 10 years...exactly ...the only thing I can remember is some lady invented fibre for better hijab... I am not being unpolite but this is what I remember. I do recall I thought she was quite a briliant innovator

Now lets look at the other side
I can name you 10 , in last 2 years , I can name you ... from western civilization in mere minutes

1- Hedron collider (Dark Matter)
2- Touch screen cell phones
3- Wireless electrictity propagation projects
4- Invisible cloaks
5- Duel chip PC
6- Super computers
7- Electric cars
8- Better solar cells
9- Hard drive sizes
10 - Improved search algoritims in google....

....stealth, mars landers, discovery of water on moon, discovery of water on mars...

Sure , Algebra helped the things .. but ... you know we are living in past

May be muslims contribited 0.0001 % in above projects but you can't live in PAST ...

What we need to do is let go of PAST and grab the future and answer lies in Research and development and technology ...Turkey is a shinning example - of such secular thought process

Our students , and enterprenurs , graduate and we don't get any funding to use the theory and implemet these research ideas into workable solutions - Jews give 2.5 million 100 million dollars for young ppl with ideas ... so they create stuff like Facebook, ICQ etc ... its not that they have better intellect etc , just that they know if they have cash they can invest in research and developmet ... which is wonderful thought process

Our rich ppl they move the fuds to SWISS accounts and when economy goes down they lose the billion dollar they did not wanted to invest in first place...

May be if that billion dollar was spent in Universities to do research and development we could have our own car engines, better efficient electrical engines, and our own super computers , but no those fuds went into Bank account and when economy went bust .. all that CASH ... went down the drain ...

PS: India need not to be involed this is .. a purely different topic

If no one have had invented the wheel, we won't have cars today!!!
greatest invention no 1: briyani
invention no 2: 72 virgins after death
This is all BS.

The above mentioned ll the inventions are done by Indians thousands of year ago. Then it travels to Arab and from Arab to Europe so many thinks that the Arabs have invented all this.



The oldest known surgical texts date back to ancient India about 3500 years ago and many evidences found around the Indus valley civilization show that even dentistry is practised then.Sushruta (also spelled Susruta or Sushrutha) is called as the father of surgery and the first known surgeon in the world and even wrote a book and his practices reached the middle east and later to the west .In his book, he described over 120 surgical instruments, 300 surgical procedures and classifies human surgery into 8 categories. Sushruta is also known as the father of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. He was a surgeon from the dhanvantari school of Ayurveda. In Ancient Egypt surgeries were performed by priests, specialized in medical treatments similar to today.

In ancient India, remains from the early Harappan periods of the Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300 BC) show evidence of teeth having been drilled dating back 9,000 years.

Surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nālandā (Hindi: नालंदा) is the name of an ancient university in Bihar, India. The site of Nalanda is located in the Indian state of Bihar, about 55 miles south east of Patna, and was a Buddhist center of learning from 427 to 1197 CE.[1][2] It has been called "one of the first great universities in recorded history. Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taxila University

Taxila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


While the word algebra comes from the Arabic language (al-jabr, الجبر literally, restoration) and much of its methods from Arabic/Islamic mathematics, its roots can be traced to earlier traditions, most notably ancient Indian mathematics, which had a direct influence on Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (c. 780-850). He learned Indian mathematics and introduced it to the Muslim world through his famous arithmetic text, Kitab al-jam’wal tafriq bi hisab al-Hindi (Book on Addition and Subtraction after the Method of the Indians).[1][2] He later wrote al-Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa-l-muqābala (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing), which established algebra as a mathematical discipline that is independent of geometry and arithmetic.

I have tired of writing all the facts, aur kitna likha hai, yaar

Above are the few examples the each and every inversion was in India. Except Coffee.

The article must have written by some one when he was high on drugs. This is ther old tactis divede and rule. They always deny the respectfull owners and just loot.

They have invaded Afganistan, Iraq and giving this lollypop to you people. I have no objection of giving lollypop but they should not steal mine.


You seem to have jumped many civilisation in Arab lands predating India for thousands of years; Mesopotamia is considered to be one of the first, the Indus valley(Sindh) civilisation was not India, it was just south east of Iran which is Pakistan and Afghanistan today.
Maybe hindus showed the Egyptian civilisation how to build pyramids and the calculus behind it too!
The world wouldn't produce good engineers, doctors, scientists, poets, without Muslims period.

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