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Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world

Genghis Khan: why did you had to burn all the books written by Muslims in Baghdad's libraries:cry:

Someone has said:

If the Islamic civilization would not have been devastated in Baghdad the Humans would have gone to the Moon 200 years ago.:agree:
There is a cycle to all of this. Empires rise and fall.
My point of posting this thread wasn't to look down on to other civilizations/religions. It was to simply state that.... yes, the Muslim world once was very advanced for its time.

Maybe again.... but we need visionary leadership.
These references to the developments in the field of science and technology lead us to the fact that Muslims and Christians do not share same history of suppression of knowledge.

Europe was under oppression and they came out via 'enlightenment' movements and then evolved into modernity value system. Now they try to impose same experience on Muslim world as remedy for lack of development but the problem is that Muslims do not share same symptoms, problems or history as Christians of Europe, hence this artificial aping of another culture leads to no where.

We have our own belief and a comprehensive value system that emanates from that belief, it has been under intellectual attack by orientalists for past 200-300 years and unfortunately some muslims knowingly or unknowingly fall into those traps and start preaching 'modernity' with thoroughly realizing what it really means.

Regarding "There is a cycle to all of this. Empires rise and fall."

My dear, keep in mind that empires do rise and fall but only a rising empire will lead to another empires fall. For example russian empire fell due to capitalist rise, similarly capitalist empire will fall after another 'empire' rises and challenges its global hegemony.
Empires fall because they eventually fail themselves and there people.
Someone has said:

If the Islamic civilization would not have been devastated in Baghdad the Humans would have gone to the Moon 200 years ago.:agree:

Other have said:
Without Religion we would be conquering the galaxy right now..

Think about the last 50 years of technological progress and now imagine such progress in place for a 1000 years.. instead of the Dark Ages (500-1500 for Christians and at the very least the last 500 years for Muslims.) Hundreds of generations wasted and its still going on..
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No one is disputing that Muslims added something to progress back in the day.
Many examples you name are nonsense or at least highly questionable though, especially the captions are pure grandstanding.

The Islamic world flourished scientifically for a while because it was a society of free inquiry (before the Mullah told everyone what is okay to think and ask..) and it benefited massively from the Greek texts rescued from the library of Alexandria. For example "Surgery" was most certainly not invented nor much improved upon by the classical Islamic world.
They had improved hygiene going for them and that is about it.
For an overview some of the great classical Hellenistic minds and there contribution see:





Aristarchus of Samos

This has been discussed in Detail in the Muslim world and Science thread btw.

More importantly, you shouldn't try to get into a pissing contest over scientific inventions.. it is ridiculous. The computer you are writing this with, contains more than 1001 inventions which come from the "Christian" world.
What we expect from our " few " Indian members is just only to " deny " The Glorious past of Islam and science.

Well if someone denies " i really do not care " because it is not going to change the reality .

Get your Eyes open Click this link below of my Thread.


Blackblood, I agree with most of the stuff on inventions that Warrior has posted. I am sure even you would know of the Taxila university, after all its in Pakistan.

And you shouldn't cuss the Indians. The achievements that are being called as Indian were of ancient India that include Pakistan as well. There were no Muslims then, and no Sikhs but that doesn't take away the fact that these great things happened in a place that is now your place, Pakistan. May be your ancestors lived there as did those of the Indian members. You should be proud of that!

Yes, it looks different but the number system we use today is the same one they were using hundreds of years ago.
Well, basically the idea is that the Muslim experience tells us that Muslims didn't find development of science & technology clashing with religion where as Christians found their religion as hurdle in the way of science.

So please stop imposing European experience over Muslim world because lack of development in the field of science that we witness today is not because of adherence to Islam, rather it is because of corruption and lack of leadership.

The title and some of the things in the video are misleading but what he says is 100% correct.
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