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Muslim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--

I have been saying this on this forum for more than a year that its about time Muslim should ask for a separate state. I read so much about ISI being that good but how come they have not seen this and taken advantage of this huge manpower they have in India, specially now that all Hindu Indians are calling every Muslim Indian a Pakistani agent and asking them to leave...they should take their advise.
they cannot demand right now
but a autonomus region will be better
if state demand is started then there could be war inside india
You Muslims are divided lot. I have never seen an united Muslim front on any issue anywhere in the world. Every Muslim wants to prove he is a better Muslim then the other. That is why you people in spite of being the second largest population across the world are inconsequential in international geopolitics. If not for oil, you had be even more inconsequential.

As regarding India, unfortunately for you 1947 has gone. And I don't think you can do much on that. The surprising fact is you could not even keep BD in you fold, and here you are asking for 45:55 land.

thats true for every religion
. .

Indeed 1947 has come and gone---and there s a new bloody dawn on the horizon---and that is the split up of india into further smaller pieces---.

1947 did not see the enough sub-division of india.

And you Indians are lucky that I don't have money too start up a movement----otherwise---!!!!

Do not worry if you do not have the money. Your intelligence agency is doing that for you. We are responding that in sindh and Baluchistan and Karachi. Now this remains to be seen who successes first. I fore see Baluchistan and sindh a separate nation in a decade or so. Indian intelligence agency seem to be keen to finish the unfinished agenda left out after 1971.
you didn't get the point. I didn't mean it literally pre historic. anyways, I consider even 50 years a long period. your country , the whole world is not same compared to lets say 50 yrs ago.


As late as 1961, which is four years more than your 50 year limit, the Portuguese were holding Goa in a grip of iron. They held Macao and Timor till much later; you might like to look up when they released Angola and Mozambique. I agree that the world is not the same, but not much thanks to those preaching peace just at the moment.
I think I saw a similar thread started by another member some time back (will find and post the link). India is too big and too diverse a country to be allowed to stay as one while oppressing millions of minorities, I am all for breaking up india in to smaller units and create independent states for all major minorities like Sikhs' Christians, Muslims, Nexals, Communists, Tamils, Dalits, Bengalis and whoever else is being suppressed by extremist majority hindus

This will not only help improve the living standards of millions of these down trodden people but also bring peace and stability in the region, I don't see why China, Pakistan and even US can't work together to accomplish this important division.

And these days with the power of social media, it is so easy as we have seen in recent years like the Red Shirts in Thailand (?), Arab spring, Iran, other eastern European countries etc and ISI is perfectly capable of achieving this task if they really want to go that route

Source: Musim Indians Should Demand A Seperate Nation:--
uh huh, well if your land locked then I guess your at the mersey of gujurat or worse Pakistan. Despite ur grandeur dream, the India pretty much is seperate states, with a lot of power, infact some times too much power to states with in India, ex Punjab, Gujurat, Bihar etc. Its a lose confederacy just as the British inherited it and left it. Before these states in India, were constantly at war with each other with complicated alliances and such that it was epic and sad it was not documentated properly. Regardless you would have all these states in India fight each other with armies instead of fist fights at the Indian parliament? How secure would Pakistan be as well, if lets say Bihar, or Gujurat can't function?
Should Pakistan be divided as well, since Sunnis are killing Shias and sufis?
white people think constructive, they unite and help the weaker white country to prosper. the idea of getting better is by healthy competion and by being than other , not by distructing other. its pity that most of the south asian and arab nations don't think that way.

and pls bring no charts no sources to claim that india pakistan bangladesh afghanistan syria libya iran iraq are better than us and europe.
Are the Ukrainians Brown ?
Funny such a comment being posted by a spanish guy how is the Catolonians independence movement is going on for you?Catalan independence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
. . .
Muslim Indians can't even demand a simple beef burger and here people are discussing a separate state. :rofl:

Muslims of India have cleansed Hindus from the only state where they are in Majority. They have very ambitious agenda in their mind but we are not Hindus of Forties to seventies. We have changed now and that is why they are unable to put their agenda in Action.
Indian society is elastic and resilient enough to withstand the current forces. There have been many attempts to fracture India but barring one none have succeeded.
Really---you came and slaughtered us like there was no tomorrow----so why can't we give you a piece of your medicine---balance out the issue---and then tell you---okay---be peaceful now---.

So----if 1/4 is too high a number----how about 1/5th----. Civilized is a drama term by the brutal---that is where they want to hide behind---because the weak maybe getting stronger---.

And now when it is your turn to be butchered---you claim---oh we are so civilized right now----but only till you find a reason to kill again---.
okay brother ,slaughter and butcher whatever comes to ur way to prosper and rise. you won.
Indian society is elastic and resilient enough to withstand the current forces. There have been many attempts to fracture India but barring one none have succeeded.

May I ask what you are referring to here?
Muslims of India have cleansed Hindus from the only state where they are in Majority.

And hindus have eliminated Muslims 67 years ago from a region where Muslims were in majority.

Hint: Jammu Muslim Genocide

Result: Hindus have not changed. They were the same 67 years ago like they are today.
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