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Muslim girls wearing Hijab barred from classes at Indian college

lol....quoting OpIndia to support your point is like taking help from the Mothership of Terrorism.

OpIndia is nothing more than a Sanghi rag that spews lies and venom against Muslims. Your inclination to read such filth shows where you have been refueling your hate these days.

I just have to say, so much effort to enforce the fictitious "rules" on a handful of Muslim girls shows the obsession of this depraved society with Muslims. Somebody rightly said.....small d!ck syndrome.

The next post was with the same point by IndiaToday, now IndiaToday is also sanghi right?
Never knew that you are such a great fighter, for the causes, in which you believe. Reminds me of late C R Das, from Bengal. Kudos and respect.

Absolute terrorism that got intimidated by handful of girls? That's an oxymoron.
You sound too bitter. What' exactly your problem. Got rejected by a Hindu girl and can't recover from it?
Nothing 'oxy' about it. So any rejection of intimidation means that the person making a stand has some personal weakness or insecurity in his/her make-up?

Aah, that makes many of your posts very, very clear.

Did some good-looking stud stand you up? Is that why you are so bitter?
Unkil - your whole depraved society is Sanghi.

It's just that OpIndia is the cherry on top

Depraved society :lol::lol: says aunty who conveniently ignores 1 lakh + 1 evils in his own kind probably condones them as well, causes issue and problems wherever they go in one and all countries and societies. My society is still better than most if not all societies on the planet. You would have seen the below video before but enjoy it once again

:lol: :lol: says the person who doesn't know how to talk with a girl/lady. Go and check your posts before telling others to watch their language.
I don't have to.

My post was an exact retort to one filled with sexual innuendo. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

As for you, using parts of the human anatomy is usually the last resort of the sadak-chhap bravo. So now we know where you belong.
I don't have to.

My post was an exact retort to one filled with sexual innuendo. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

As for you, using parts of the human anatomy is usually the last resort of the sadak-chhap bravo. So now we know where you belong.

Exactly my point, If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. You go around talking cr@p, abusing people, calling name, degrading other's religion and beliefs and when you are paid is same coin you freak out. Go and read your past posts, the post which the girl put was not even intended for you but the other guy who was calling other cow-piss drinker etc etc and here you acting holier than though. If you don't know to give respect forget about getting it as well. Remove Professional tag from you profile you are giving a bad name to our forces.

Khud ki gaali gaali, dusro ki gaali sadak-chhap bravado :lol: :lol:
Exactly my point, If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. You go around talking cr@p, abusing people, calling name, degrading other's religion and beliefs and when you are paid is same coin you freak out. Go and read your past posts, the post which the girl put was not even intended for you but the other guy who was calling other cow-piss drinker etc etc and here you acting holier than though. If you don't know to give respect forget about getting it as well. Remove Professional tag from you profile you are giving a bad name to our forces.

Khud ki gaali gaali, dusro ki gaali sadak-chhap bravado :lol: :lol:
I don't think you are balanced any longer, and it is not difficult to understand. Nothing justifies the foul language that you have used, and that is unique in itself.

For your information, when a member, any member, posts, it becomes a public communication. This is not a forum where people communicate through one-on-one exchanges, and there is no point in whining about a particular post being taken up by anyone at all who is a member of the forum.

As far as retaliating against someone calling others cow-piss drinkers, if it were not a reality, would that be used as an epithet? Do you seriously argue that the Sanghi is not full of references of bizarre therapy using the excretions of a cow? If they advocate it, what precisely is insulting about their being reminded that they advocate it?

In the present case, it is specifics that I have objected to, specifics that cannot be violated by anyone, any time, regardless of the excuses of the sort that you have trotted out.
I don't think you are balanced any longer, and it is not difficult to understand. Nothing justifies the foul language that you have used, and that is unique in itself.

For your information, when a member, any member, posts, it becomes a public communication. This is not a forum where people communicate through one-on-one exchanges, and there is no point in whining about a particular post being taken up by anyone at all who is a member of the forum.

As far as retaliating against someone calling others cow-piss drinkers, if it were not a reality, would that be used as an epithet? Do you seriously argue that the Sanghi is not full of references of bizarre therapy using the excretions of a cow? If they advocate it, what precisely is insulting about their being reminded that they advocate it?

In the present case, it is specifics that I have objected to, specifics that cannot be violated by anyone, any time, regardless of the excuses of the sort that you have trotted out.

Nothing justifies your language in your previous posts as well. When you abuse others that's all you will receive. Ganging up on girl and making cheap remarks in not what 'Professionals' do. Probably she didn't reply because of the professional tag or else you would have got earful of choosiest abuses from a girl. Check who started with hate filled language and abuses it's you and the other guy. Call others sanghi and when you are called jihadi you freak out.
Nothing justifies your language in your previous posts as well. When you abuse others that's all you will receive. Ganging up on girl and making cheap remarks in not what 'Professionals' do. Probably she didn't reply because of the professional tag or else you would have got earful of choosiest abuses from a girl. Check who started with hate filled language and abuses it's you and the other guy. Call others sanghi and when you are called jihadi you freak out.

I am anything but a jehadi, and your desperate struggles to cope with the failure of your arguments demonstrates the bankruptcy of your position.

I am anything but a jehadi, and your desperate struggles to cope with the failure of your arguments demonstrates the bankruptcy of your position.

:lol: go and check your last 10 posts not even a single one is about the topic in hand. Just plain Hinduwadi, Hindutva, Sanghi, Islamaphobic this-that nonsense. My dp is of a muslim and it is there since the day he died. If you are insecure or hate-filled it's not my problem.

My arguments have been validated by the High Court 3 Judge bench including one muslim judge. It's good enough for me.
:lol: go and check your last 10 posts not even a single one is about the topic in hand. Just plain Hinduwadi, Hindutva, Sanghi, Islamaphobic this-that nonsense. My dp is of a muslim and it is there since the day he died. If you are insecure or hate-filled it's not my problem.

My arguments have been validated by the High Court 3 Judge bench including one muslim judge. It's good enough for me.
In that case, you need not have used the low-class language you did use.

You know what they say, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.
In that case, you need not have used the low-class language you did use.

You know what they say, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.

Neither should have you. I didn't start it you guys did. Treat others especially girls with respect and respect is what you will get.

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