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Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

So its not mentioned in the Quran..thanks for the answer :)
Sir for Muslims Quran and Sunnah both are important if you don't know about Islam than don't comment here

Hadith 501 Narrated by AbuHurayrah
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Trim closely the moustache, and grow beard, and thus act against the fire-worshippers.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith

Hadith 7.780 Narrated by Nafi
Ibn Umar said: The Prophet said, "Do the opposite of what the pagans do. Keep the beards and cut the moustaches short." Whenever Ibn 'Umar performed the Hajj or 'Umra, he used to hold his beard with his hand and cut whatever moustaches. Ibn Umar used to cut his moustache so short that the whiteness of his skin (above the upper lip) was visible, and he used to cut (the hair) between his moustaches and his beard.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith

Hadith 7.781 Narrated by Ibn Umar
Allah's Apostle said, "Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard (as it is)."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith

Hadith 7.806 Narrated by Aisha
I used to perfume Allah's Apostle with the best scent available till I saw the shine of the scent on his head and hair.

Sahih Muslim Hadith

Hadith 502 Narrated by Aisha
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Ten are the acts according to fitrah: clipping the moustache,letting the beard grow, using the tooth-stick, snuffing up water in the nose, cutting the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubes, and cleaning one's private parts with water. The narrator said: I have forgotten the tenth, but it may have been rinsing the mouth.

Running one's fingers through his beard
'Aishah reported that the Messenger of Allah would run his fingers through his beard. (Related by Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi, who classified it as sahih . )
Anas said that when the Messenger of Allah performed ablution, he would take a handful of water and put it under his jaws and pass it through his beard. He said, "This is what my Lord, Allah, ordered me to do." (Related by Abu Dawud, al-Baihaqi and al-Hakim.)

Proof of Wujoob

There are various ahadith of Rasulullah in which the keeping and lengthening of the beard have been ordered. We will just mention a few that prove the above claim.

1) Imam Bukhari (Rahimahullaah) reports on the authority of Imam Nafi' [ra] who narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, that Rasulullah said, 'Oppose the Mushrikeen (polytheists); lengthen the beards and trim the moustaches.'

Imam Nafi' (RA) further states, 'And ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, during Hajj or Umrah used to hold on to his beard with his fist and cut off whatever was in excess of that.' (Bukhari vol.2 pg.875; Kitab-ul-Libas no.5892)

Note: This hadith has also been narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Huraira [Radhiallaahu anhu] and he is also reported to have trimmed his beard beyond one fist.

The verdict of the growing of the beard being wajib (obligatory) is deduced from this hadith. That is because any explicit command of Rasulullah will be regarded as wajib, if there is no apparent, clear reason/proof which states that that particular command is for istihbab (preference). This is an established fact in usool-ul-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence). Rasulullah has commanded the Ummah to lengthen the beards. Allah Ta'ala has mentioned in the noble Qur'an, 'Those who disobey his (Rasulullah - Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) should beware of a trial or painful punishment that will afflict them.' (Surah Noor 63)

Allamah Nawawi (RA) has explained that this hadith has been reported with various wordings:

The word, 'Waffiroo' is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith5892). In another narration of Bukhari. The words 'Ufoo' is mentioned (Sahih Bukhari Hadith5893). The word 'Arkhoo' is mentioned in Sahih Muslim (Hadith602). The word 'Awfoo' is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith5892) and Sahih Muslim (Hadith601). All these words imply the same meaning and that is to lengthen and to increase the growth of the beard. (Fathul Bari vol.10 pg.429, 431; Sharh al-Nawawi ala Saheeh Muslim vol.2 pg.143)

Hafiz ibn Jareer al-Tabari (ra) has stated that some Ulama have totally disliked that one trim his beard at all, while others have permitted trimming beyond a fist length. (Fathul Bari vol.10 pg.430)

2) When the two messengers of Kisra (Khusru - the Persian King) came to Rasulullah , they had long moustaches and shaved beards. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam turned his face away in disgust and asked them, 'Who commanded you to do this (despicable deed)?' They replied, 'Our Lord, (i.e. King)' At this, Rasulullah mentioned, 'But my Lord has commanded me to lengthen my beard and shorten my moustache.' (Tabaqaat ibn Sa'ad vol.1 pg.147; Taareekh Tabari vol.2 pg.267-266; Bidaaya wan Nihaaya)

3) In this narration, Rasulullah has stated that to lengthen the beard is in fact the command of Allah Ta'ala Himself.

Furthermore, the Wujoob is further emphasized by the fact that Rasulullah did practice this in his entire life. Know well that Rasulullah did not trim his beard in his life. In fact, the beard of Rasulullah was dense and almost covered his blessed chest. (Shamaail Tirmidhi Hadith8; Dalaail al-Nubuwwah of Imaam Bayhaqi vol.1 pg.235)

Actions of the Sahaba [radhiallaahu anhum] The narrator (Ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, himself trimmed his beard beyond a fist's length, this implies that the wujoob of keeping a beard is up to a fist length only (this will be explained shortly).

Furthermore, this (trimming beyond a fist length) has also been reported from Sayyiduna Abu Huraira, Radi-Allahu anhu, and other Tabi'een. (Tamheed of ibn Abdul-Barr al-Muntaqaa and Fathul Baari vol.10 pg.430). Bear in mind that Sayyiduna Abu Huraira [radhiallaahu anhu] has also narrated a hadith wherein we are commanded to lengthen the beards. (Sahih Muslim Hadith602)

Moreover, for the benefit of your knowledge, the sayings and actions of the Sahaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) are a Hujjah (proof). This is also an established principle in usool-ul-fiqh.
There are 3 theories on the matter I have heard though there may be more. One school says it is a must, another says not a must but preferable and the third that it is not a must. Ghamidi and modern scholars stand with the last. So what happens to those who believe the beard is a must.

It will keep Muslims backwards and will reduce their ratio in jobs. Though I have never heard of such a thing. The cop that stopped us once in Lucknow near chowki had a light beard and a had a tilak on the head.

Thanks for this clarification too.

So unlike Sikhs where beard is a must for them, for muslims it actually depends on the sects and not universal.

Then I fear this muslim gentleman has no locus standi in this case.
Feel free to form your assumption.Muslims can join anywhere they please.Many of these grooming were introduced since the time of British and its been there ever since.Its now part of a tradition.Sikhs were military men were wearing beards since the time of Guru Gobind Singh and British allowed when they recruited Sikhs to Indian Army.I don't remember any Muslim officer at that time wearing beard.Our military and police forces are firmly based on tradition.Grooming standards are also part of it.

how can you remember since you were not in British era or you were?

So Indian army is based on British/foreign traditions but the foreigners have already changed the traditions
Many also drink and smoke and also dont offer prayers and pay zakat, also dont fast; all these come under breaking religious obligations but that does not mean others will also not follow obligations

Is it COMPULSARY to grow a beard in Islam ?

Thats the question here. The High Court ruled that it was not.

Hence he has gone to the SC.

Let the SC rule on this - there is no higher court in this land.
Is it COMPULSARY to grow a beard in Islam ?

Thats the question here. The High Court ruled that it was not.

Hence he has gone to the SC.

Let the SC rule on this - there is no higher court in this land.
Yes it is compulsory for Muslim men
(1) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said "I have no connection with one who shaves, shouts and tears his clothing eg. in grief or affication."
- Reported by Abu Darda (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501

(2) The teachings of Hadhrat Ammar Bin Yaasir, Abdullah Ibn Umar, Sayyidina Umar, Abu Hurairah and Jaabir (R.A.), indicate that ALL used to keep beards that were one fist length or more. Hadhrat Jaabir (R.A.) had said: "We used to grow long beards and only during Hajj and Umrah did we trim them to the required length (i.e. fist length)."

(3) Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) relates that: "He who imitates the kuffar (non-believers) and dies in that state, he will be raised up with them on the Day of Qiyamat (Judgement)."

(4) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) says: "Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard flow (Grow)."
- Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 498

(5) "Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ordered us to trim the moustache closely and spare the beard" says Ibn Umar.
- Muslim, Hadith no. 449

(6) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)said: "Act against contrary to the polythesists, trim closely the moustache and grow the beard."
- Reported by Ibn Umar (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 500

(7) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said "Trim closely the moustache and grow the beard."
- Reported by Abu Hurairah (R.A.) in Muslim, Hadith no. 501

( 8 ) Allah's Apostle said, "Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard (as it is)."
-Narrated Ibn 'Umar R.A:Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 72, Number 781.
So its not mentioned in the Quran..thanks for the answer :)

What Prophet did we follow that.

Even how to offer nimaz is not mention in the Quran and we follow and offer prayers the way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught and did.

The end of the story is that In India a Muslim can not follow sunnah and his religion since the Indian Hindu majority hate Islam and hence they incorporated such rules to stop Muslims from following their religion while the same Indians allow Sikhs to keep beared and wear turban to follow their religion.

This shows that Indeed Indian Muslims need another partition
There are 3 theories on the matter I have heard though there may be more. One school says it is a must, another says not a must but preferable and the third that it is not a must. Ghamidi and modern scholars stand with the last. So what happens to those who believe the beard is a must.

It will keep Muslims backwards and will reduce their ratio in jobs. Though I have never heard of such a thing. The cop that stopped us once in Lucknow near chowki had a light beard and a had a tilak on the head.
Sir all school of thoughts consider that Wajib Sir that is consensus among all cartoons like Ghamdi only spread Fitna and do nothing else
A.) In all schools of Islamic Law, it is considered wajib (mandatory) for a Muslim male to grow a beard. It is also wajib to let the beard grow a fist length. It is prohibited to cut or shave the beard. He who does so is a fasiq (sinner) and to shorten it less than a fist length is makrooh tahrimi (near haram). This is the view of the majority of scholars. (see Wujoob I'efaaul-lihyah of Shaykhul Hadith, Ml. Muhammad Zakariyyah and the footnotes of ex-grand Mufti of Saudia - Shaykh ibn Baaz). The opinions of the fours schools are as follows.

Hanafia: Allaamah ibnul Humaam (RA) has mentioned that nobody has permitted the trimming of the beard lesser than a fist length. (Fathul Qadeer; Shaami; Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah vol.5 pgs.93, 105, 108)

Shafi'eah: Allaamah Nawawi (RA) states, 'The correct view (according to the Shafi'ee Madhab) is to leave the beard to grow and it is makrooh to trim the beard whatsoever.' (al-Majmoo vol.1 pg.290; also see Sharh Saheeh Muslim vol.2 pg.143)

Allaamah al-Iraaqi (RA) states in his book entitled, 'Tarhu Tathreeb' (vol.2 pg.8): '. that the best is to leave the beard totally and not to cut anything from it at all, and this is the view of Imam al-Shafi'ee and his students.'

There are quotations from two great scholars of the Shaafi'ee Madhab that do not permit the trimming of the beard at all, not even beyond one fist.

Malikiah: Imam Abul-Waleed al-Baji al-Maliki (RA) states: It has been narrated from Imam Malik (RA) that he permitted the slight trimming of those hair that are overgrown and are outside the general growth of the rest of the hair, and that Imam Malik (RA) was asked about a beard that had grown extremely long, he replied that it should be trimmed a bit.'

Imaam Abul-Waalid adds, 'And it has been narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar and Abu Huraira (Radhiallaahu Anhum) that they trimmed beyond one fist.' Hence, this is what was meant by Imam Malik. (refer al-Muntaqa vol.7 pg.266)

Imaam al-Qurtubi al-Maaliki (RA) has also mentioned something similar to this in his commentary of Sahih Muslim. (see al-Mufhim vol.1 pg.513)

Hanbaliah: Imaam Samiri (RA) - who is an expert Hanbali faqih (jurist) - states:

And he should not trim any bit from the beard except if he wishes to do so beyond the extent of one fist. However, it will be best if he doesn't do so.' (al-Mustaw'ib vol.1 pg.260 - see Hukm al-Lihyah fil Madhaahibil arba'ah; Abdul-Aziz al-Nu'maani pg.50)

Another Hanbali scholar, Imam Shamsuddeen al-Maqdisi (RA) states, 'It is forbidden to shave the beard and it is not makrooh to trim what is in excess of a fist's length because this is supported by the practice of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu,.' (Kitaabul Furoo vol.1 pg.130; Ibid)

Similar verdicts are found in other sources of Hanbali Fiqh such as al-Mubdi of ibn Muflih, al-Insaaf of al-Maawardi; Kashful Qinaa, etc.(Hukm al-lihyah pg.50)

It is clear from all these quotations that it is permissible to trim the beard only beyond a fist length. No one has explicitly mentioned that it is permissible to trim the beard lesser than a fist length. In fact, according to some of these quotations, it will be better not to trim the beard at all.

Proof of Wujoob

There are various ahadith of Rasulullah in which the keeping and lengthening of the beard have been ordered. We will just mention a few that prove the above claim.

1) Imam Bukhari (Rahimahullaah) reports on the authority of Imam Nafi' [ra] who narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, that Rasulullah said, 'Oppose the Mushrikeen (polytheists); lengthen the beards and trim the moustaches.'

Imam Nafi' (RA) further states, 'And ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, during Hajj or Umrah used to hold on to his beard with his fist and cut off whatever was in excess of that.' (Bukhari vol.2 pg.875; Kitab-ul-Libas no.5892)

Note: This hadith has also been narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Huraira [Radhiallaahu anhu] and he is also reported to have trimmed his beard beyond one fist.

The verdict of the growing of the beard being wajib (obligatory) is deduced from this hadith. That is because any explicit command of Rasulullah will be regarded as wajib, if there is no apparent, clear reason/proof which states that that particular command is for istihbab (preference). This is an established fact in usool-ul-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence). Rasulullah has commanded the Ummah to lengthen the beards. Allah Ta'ala has mentioned in the noble Qur'an, 'Those who disobey his (Rasulullah - Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) should beware of a trial or painful punishment that will afflict them.' (Surah Noor 63)

Allamah Nawawi (RA) has explained that this hadith has been reported with various wordings:

The word, 'Waffiroo' is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith5892). In another narration of Bukhari. The words 'Ufoo' is mentioned (Sahih Bukhari Hadith5893). The word 'Arkhoo' is mentioned in Sahih Muslim (Hadith602). The word 'Awfoo' is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith5892) and Sahih Muslim (Hadith601). All these words imply the same meaning and that is to lengthen and to increase the growth of the beard. (Fathul Bari vol.10 pg.429, 431; Sharh al-Nawawi ala Saheeh Muslim vol.2 pg.143)

Hafiz ibn Jareer al-Tabari (ra) has stated that some Ulama have totally disliked that one trim his beard at all, while others have permitted trimming beyond a fist length. (Fathul Bari vol.10 pg.430)

2) When the two messengers of Kisra (Khusru - the Persian King) came to Rasulullah , they had long moustaches and shaved beards. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam turned his face away in disgust and asked them, 'Who commanded you to do this (despicable deed)?' They replied, 'Our Lord, (i.e. King)' At this, Rasulullah mentioned, 'But my Lord has commanded me to lengthen my beard and shorten my moustache.' (Tabaqaat ibn Sa'ad vol.1 pg.147; Taareekh Tabari vol.2 pg.267-266; Bidaaya wan Nihaaya)

3) In this narration, Rasulullah has stated that to lengthen the beard is in fact the command of Allah Ta'ala Himself.

Furthermore, the Wujoob is further emphasized by the fact that Rasulullah did practice this in his entire life. Know well that Rasulullah did not trim his beard in his life. In fact, the beard of Rasulullah was dense and almost covered his blessed chest. (Shamaail Tirmidhi Hadith8; Dalaail al-Nubuwwah of Imaam Bayhaqi vol.1 pg.235)

Actions of the Sahaba [radhiallaahu anhum] The narrator (Ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, himself trimmed his beard beyond a fist's length, this implies that the wujoob of keeping a beard is up to a fist length only (this will be explained shortly).

Furthermore, this (trimming beyond a fist length) has also been reported from Sayyiduna Abu Huraira, Radi-Allahu anhu, and other Tabi'een. (Tamheed of ibn Abdul-Barr al-Muntaqaa and Fathul Baari vol.10 pg.430). Bear in mind that Sayyiduna Abu Huraira [radhiallaahu anhu] has also narrated a hadith wherein we are commanded to lengthen the beards. (Sahih Muslim Hadith602)

Moreover, for the benefit of your knowledge, the sayings and actions of the Sahaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) are a Hujjah (proof). This is also an established principle in usool-ul-fiqh.

A Misconception

Some individuals acknowledge that it is wajib to keep a beard, but then argue that there is no mention of any specific length in the hadith. Hence, if one has a bit of hair on his face - irrespective of the length - it would be permissible, because this is also called a beard.

They also argue that to keep a beard up to a fist's length is the act of a Sahaabi [- Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar - radhiallaahu anhu - and Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra - Radhiallaahu anhu] and it is not the command of Rasulullah . Hence, the one who chooses not to do so will not be contravening any command of Rasulullah .

This is a result of a lack of understanding of the actual wording of the hadith. First, in the hadith we have quoted, Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] has commanded us to lengthen the beard and not just to 'keep' a beard. The difference between the two is quite clear. If one just 'keeps' a shortened beard, he will not be fulfilling the command of Rasulullah .

Therefore, the one who intentionally keeps a trimmed beard will not be fulfilling the command of lengthening the beard. The lengthening is wajib, not just having any sort of a beard.

Second, the hadith is general and does not specify any length of the beard. The words, 'u'ful lluhaa / waffiroo-lluhaa' in the hadith command us to lengthen the beards, which will (literally) mean, 'it is wajib to let the beard grow' up to whatever length it reaches. If we did not have the narration of Nafi' that Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, did trim his beard, then this would have been the case.

However, the narrator himself (Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar and Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra - radhiallaahu anhuma) as well as other Tabi'een (Radhiallaahu Anhum) did trim their beards beyond one fist's length, the Ulama have deduced that this means that the wujoob (obligation) of lengthening is only up to a fist's length. Neither can we say that it is not permissible to trim it at all - resulting in the accusation of the Sahaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) of contradicting the explicit command of Rasulullah and especially the narrator, (Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar and sayyiduna Abu Huraira - Radhiallaahu Anhuma). Nor can one claim the permissibility of trimming it to leave less than a fist's length, for there is no proof for this in the Shari'ah.

Hence, if a person is to trim his beard beyond a fist's length it would be permissible and if he leaves shorter than a fist's length, he will be going against an act which is wajib and this is not permissible, and if he chooses not to trim it at all, this will also be permissible.

The practice of the Sahabi [radhiallaahu anhu] here is used for 'permissibility' of cutting up to a fist's length, because - being the narrator - this is what he understood to be the intended meaning of Rasulullah . In other words, the Sahabi [radhiallaahu anhu] had understood that the command of Rasulullah of lengthening the beard only applies up to a fist's length and not more. That is why they (the Sahaba concerned - Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar and Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra – radhiallaahu anhuma) used to trim what was in excess of one fist. It is not wajib to follow them in doing so. What is wajib in this situation is to let it grow, and the action of the Sahabi is used only to explain that wajib and restrict going against that.

Severity of the Sin

One should ponder over the narration that we have quoted concerning the two messengers of the Persian King. How Rasulullah turned his blessed face away from them in disgust. Remember these were disbelievers. Imagine if Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] turns his face away from a Muslim on the day of Qiyamat because he did not have a proper beard! Imagine the plight of that person, Allah forbid.

Furthermore, as for the act of clean-shaving, by doing so, one is actually imitating the appearance of women. Rasulullah has cursed those males who aspire to resemble the females and vice versa. (Sahih Bukhari)

After all, what is it that stops us from at least adopting the outer features of Rasulullah ? Why is it so difficult to make our faces resemble in some way the blessed face of our beloved Nabi ?

There is an Arabic couplet that says: 'And resemble them if you cannot be identical. Verily the resemblance of the noble ones is also a form of success.'

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Thanks for this clarification too.

So unlike Sikhs where beard is a must for them, for muslims it actually depends on the sects and not universal.

Then I fear this muslim gentleman has no locus standi in this case.
A.) In all schools of Islamic Law, it is considered wajib (mandatory) for a Muslim male to grow a beard. It is also wajib to let the beard grow a fist length. It is prohibited to cut or shave the beard. He who does so is a fasiq (sinner) and to shorten it less than a fist length is makrooh tahrimi (near haram). This is the view of the majority of scholars. (see Wujoob I'efaaul-lihyah of Shaykhul Hadith, Ml. Muhammad Zakariyyah and the footnotes of ex-grand Mufti of Saudia - Shaykh ibn Baaz). The opinions of the fours schools are as follows.

Hanafia: Allaamah ibnul Humaam (RA) has mentioned that nobody has permitted the trimming of the beard lesser than a fist length. (Fathul Qadeer; Shaami; Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah vol.5 pgs.93, 105, 108)

Shafi'eah: Allaamah Nawawi (RA) states, 'The correct view (according to the Shafi'ee Madhab) is to leave the beard to grow and it is makrooh to trim the beard whatsoever.' (al-Majmoo vol.1 pg.290; also see Sharh Saheeh Muslim vol.2 pg.143)

Allaamah al-Iraaqi (RA) states in his book entitled, 'Tarhu Tathreeb' (vol.2 pg.8): '. that the best is to leave the beard totally and not to cut anything from it at all, and this is the view of Imam al-Shafi'ee and his students.'

There are quotations from two great scholars of the Shaafi'ee Madhab that do not permit the trimming of the beard at all, not even beyond one fist.

Malikiah: Imam Abul-Waleed al-Baji al-Maliki (RA) states: It has been narrated from Imam Malik (RA) that he permitted the slight trimming of those hair that are overgrown and are outside the general growth of the rest of the hair, and that Imam Malik (RA) was asked about a beard that had grown extremely long, he replied that it should be trimmed a bit.'

Imaam Abul-Waalid adds, 'And it has been narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar and Abu Huraira (Radhiallaahu Anhum) that they trimmed beyond one fist.' Hence, this is what was meant by Imam Malik. (refer al-Muntaqa vol.7 pg.266)

Imaam al-Qurtubi al-Maaliki (RA) has also mentioned something similar to this in his commentary of Sahih Muslim. (see al-Mufhim vol.1 pg.513)

Hanbaliah: Imaam Samiri (RA) - who is an expert Hanbali faqih (jurist) - states:

And he should not trim any bit from the beard except if he wishes to do so beyond the extent of one fist. However, it will be best if he doesn't do so.' (al-Mustaw'ib vol.1 pg.260 - see Hukm al-Lihyah fil Madhaahibil arba'ah; Abdul-Aziz al-Nu'maani pg.50)

Another Hanbali scholar, Imam Shamsuddeen al-Maqdisi (RA) states, 'It is forbidden to shave the beard and it is not makrooh to trim what is in excess of a fist's length because this is supported by the practice of Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu,.' (Kitaabul Furoo vol.1 pg.130; Ibid)

Similar verdicts are found in other sources of Hanbali Fiqh such as al-Mubdi of ibn Muflih, al-Insaaf of al-Maawardi; Kashful Qinaa, etc.(Hukm al-lihyah pg.50)

It is clear from all these quotations that it is permissible to trim the beard only beyond a fist length. No one has explicitly mentioned that it is permissible to trim the beard lesser than a fist length. In fact, according to some of these quotations, it will be better not to trim the beard at all.

Proof of Wujoob

There are various ahadith of Rasulullah in which the keeping and lengthening of the beard have been ordered. We will just mention a few that prove the above claim.

1) Imam Bukhari (Rahimahullaah) reports on the authority of Imam Nafi' [ra] who narrates from Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, that Rasulullah said, 'Oppose the Mushrikeen (polytheists); lengthen the beards and trim the moustaches.'

Imam Nafi' (RA) further states, 'And ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, during Hajj or Umrah used to hold on to his beard with his fist and cut off whatever was in excess of that.' (Bukhari vol.2 pg.875; Kitab-ul-Libas no.5892)

Note: This hadith has also been narrated by Sayyiduna Abu Huraira [Radhiallaahu anhu] and he is also reported to have trimmed his beard beyond one fist.

The verdict of the growing of the beard being wajib (obligatory) is deduced from this hadith. That is because any explicit command of Rasulullah will be regarded as wajib, if there is no apparent, clear reason/proof which states that that particular command is for istihbab (preference). This is an established fact in usool-ul-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence). Rasulullah has commanded the Ummah to lengthen the beards. Allah Ta'ala has mentioned in the noble Qur'an, 'Those who disobey his (Rasulullah - Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) should beware of a trial or painful punishment that will afflict them.' (Surah Noor 63)

Allamah Nawawi (RA) has explained that this hadith has been reported with various wordings:

The word, 'Waffiroo' is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith5892). In another narration of Bukhari. The words 'Ufoo' is mentioned (Sahih Bukhari Hadith5893). The word 'Arkhoo' is mentioned in Sahih Muslim (Hadith602). The word 'Awfoo' is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari (Hadith5892) and Sahih Muslim (Hadith601). All these words imply the same meaning and that is to lengthen and to increase the growth of the beard. (Fathul Bari vol.10 pg.429, 431; Sharh al-Nawawi ala Saheeh Muslim vol.2 pg.143)

Hafiz ibn Jareer al-Tabari (ra) has stated that some Ulama have totally disliked that one trim his beard at all, while others have permitted trimming beyond a fist length. (Fathul Bari vol.10 pg.430)

2) When the two messengers of Kisra (Khusru - the Persian King) came to Rasulullah , they had long moustaches and shaved beards. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam turned his face away in disgust and asked them, 'Who commanded you to do this (despicable deed)?' They replied, 'Our Lord, (i.e. King)' At this, Rasulullah mentioned, 'But my Lord has commanded me to lengthen my beard and shorten my moustache.' (Tabaqaat ibn Sa'ad vol.1 pg.147; Taareekh Tabari vol.2 pg.267-266; Bidaaya wan Nihaaya)

3) In this narration, Rasulullah has stated that to lengthen the beard is in fact the command of Allah Ta'ala Himself.

Furthermore, the Wujoob is further emphasized by the fact that Rasulullah did practice this in his entire life. Know well that Rasulullah did not trim his beard in his life. In fact, the beard of Rasulullah was dense and almost covered his blessed chest. (Shamaail Tirmidhi Hadith8; Dalaail al-Nubuwwah of Imaam Bayhaqi vol.1 pg.235)

Actions of the Sahaba [radhiallaahu anhum] The narrator (Ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, himself trimmed his beard beyond a fist's length, this implies that the wujoob of keeping a beard is up to a fist length only (this will be explained shortly).

Furthermore, this (trimming beyond a fist length) has also been reported from Sayyiduna Abu Huraira, Radi-Allahu anhu, and other Tabi'een. (Tamheed of ibn Abdul-Barr al-Muntaqaa and Fathul Baari vol.10 pg.430). Bear in mind that Sayyiduna Abu Huraira [radhiallaahu anhu] has also narrated a hadith wherein we are commanded to lengthen the beards. (Sahih Muslim Hadith602)

Moreover, for the benefit of your knowledge, the sayings and actions of the Sahaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) are a Hujjah (proof). This is also an established principle in usool-ul-fiqh.

A Misconception

Some individuals acknowledge that it is wajib to keep a beard, but then argue that there is no mention of any specific length in the hadith. Hence, if one has a bit of hair on his face - irrespective of the length - it would be permissible, because this is also called a beard.

They also argue that to keep a beard up to a fist's length is the act of a Sahaabi [- Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar - radhiallaahu anhu - and Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra - Radhiallaahu anhu] and it is not the command of Rasulullah . Hence, the one who chooses not to do so will not be contravening any command of Rasulullah .

This is a result of a lack of understanding of the actual wording of the hadith. First, in the hadith we have quoted, Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] has commanded us to lengthen the beard and not just to 'keep' a beard. The difference between the two is quite clear. If one just 'keeps' a shortened beard, he will not be fulfilling the command of Rasulullah .

Therefore, the one who intentionally keeps a trimmed beard will not be fulfilling the command of lengthening the beard. The lengthening is wajib, not just having any sort of a beard.

Second, the hadith is general and does not specify any length of the beard. The words, 'u'ful lluhaa / waffiroo-lluhaa' in the hadith command us to lengthen the beards, which will (literally) mean, 'it is wajib to let the beard grow' up to whatever length it reaches. If we did not have the narration of Nafi' that Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhu, did trim his beard, then this would have been the case.

However, the narrator himself (Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar and Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra - radhiallaahu anhuma) as well as other Tabi'een (Radhiallaahu Anhum) did trim their beards beyond one fist's length, the Ulama have deduced that this means that the wujoob (obligation) of lengthening is only up to a fist's length. Neither can we say that it is not permissible to trim it at all - resulting in the accusation of the Sahaba (Radhiallaahu Anhum) of contradicting the explicit command of Rasulullah and especially the narrator, (Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar and sayyiduna Abu Huraira - Radhiallaahu Anhuma). Nor can one claim the permissibility of trimming it to leave less than a fist's length, for there is no proof for this in the Shari'ah.

Hence, if a person is to trim his beard beyond a fist's length it would be permissible and if he leaves shorter than a fist's length, he will be going against an act which is wajib and this is not permissible, and if he chooses not to trim it at all, this will also be permissible.

The practice of the Sahabi [radhiallaahu anhu] here is used for 'permissibility' of cutting up to a fist's length, because - being the narrator - this is what he understood to be the intended meaning of Rasulullah . In other words, the Sahabi [radhiallaahu anhu] had understood that the command of Rasulullah of lengthening the beard only applies up to a fist's length and not more. That is why they (the Sahaba concerned - Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar and Sayyiduna Abu Hurayra – radhiallaahu anhuma) used to trim what was in excess of one fist. It is not wajib to follow them in doing so. What is wajib in this situation is to let it grow, and the action of the Sahabi is used only to explain that wajib and restrict going against that.

Severity of the Sin

One should ponder over the narration that we have quoted concerning the two messengers of the Persian King. How Rasulullah turned his blessed face away from them in disgust. Remember these were disbelievers. Imagine if Rasulullah [sallallahu alayhi wasallam] turns his face away from a Muslim on the day of Qiyamat because he did not have a proper beard! Imagine the plight of that person, Allah forbid.

Furthermore, as for the act of clean-shaving, by doing so, one is actually imitating the appearance of women. Rasulullah has cursed those males who aspire to resemble the females and vice versa. (Sahih Bukhari)

After all, what is it that stops us from at least adopting the outer features of Rasulullah ? Why is it so difficult to make our faces resemble in some way the blessed face of our beloved Nabi ?

There is an Arabic couplet that says: 'And resemble them if you cannot be identical. Verily the resemblance of the noble ones is also a form of success.'

And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Brother first read it
how can you remember since you were not in British era or you were?

So Indian army is based on British/foreign traditions but the foreigners have already changed the traditions

I know a lot of stuff you don't.Both Indian and Pakistani militaries have a lot of traditions that goes back to British era.Now a days many of it may have a desi twist.Just go to any officers mess to find out what I am talking about or you can just ask any professionals here.

If he read something that was disagreeable he could have reported it.

Can two wrongs make a right ?

After 2000 + posts we must start displaying maturity.

Pot calls the kettle black :rolleyes:
What Prophet did we follow that.

Even how to offer nimaz is not mention in the Quran and we follow and offer prayers the way Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught and did.

The end of the story is that In India a Muslim can not follow sunnah and his religion since the Indian Hindu majority hate Islam and hence they incorporated such rules to stop Muslims from following their religion while the same Indians allow Sikhs to keep beared and wear turban to follow their religion.

This shows that Indeed Indian Muslims need another partition

Oh,you people are so good at this aren't you.:lol:Save your Shias from TTP first,then talk about our people.
Is it COMPULSARY to grow a beard in Islam ?

Thats the question here. The High Court ruled that it was not.

Hence he has gone to the SC.

Let the SC rule on this - there is no higher court in this land.

Indian High Court governed by Hindu rules and have understanding of only Hinduism can not decide if its mandatory or not.

Keeping the Sunnah which we Muslims folllow in terms of beared, way of Nimaz offering and other obligations clearly proves that beared is mandatory. The Indian Hindus should not be and they are not authority to decide about it.

2. Indian Courts can only implement the rules of service as put by Indian Hindu majority and i personally feel that its right of Indian govt to enforce the rules even if these are wrong. but your flawed justification is unfair.

I know a lot of stuff you don't.Both Indian and Pakistani militaries have a lot of traditions that goes back to British era.Now a days many of it may have a desi twist.Just go to any officers mess to find out what I am talking about or you can just ask any professionals here.

I know about your desi twist in Indian army traditions where you have replaced salute for Hindu chants :P funny that is only for low level jawans and not officers
Indian High Court governed by Hindu rules and have understanding of only Hinduism can not decide if its mandatory or not.

Keeping the Sunnah which we Muslims folllow in terms of beared, way of Nimaz offering and other obligations clearly proves that beared is mandatory. The Indian Hindus should not be and they are not authority to decide about it.

2. Indian Courts can only implement the rules of service as put by Indian Hindu majority and i personally feel that its right of Indian govt to enforce the rules even if these are wrong. but your flawed justification is unfair.

Their are no Hindu rules.We follow English law which is secular in nature.The fact is you are such a religious bigot you can't help but blaming Hindus on everything.

Oh,its you again.Are you sure you are not targeted by TTP??:lol:
Don't worry about our people worry about your safety.
Their are no Hindu rules.We follow English law which is secular in nature.The fact is you are such a religious bigot you can't help but blaming Hindus on everything.
How much secular laws you follow and how much secular you are every one knows you :hitwall:
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