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Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

I do come from a Muslim background,but I consider myself a Secular humanist and an Athiest.And people like @zaravan are who believes in religious scriptures above reason and logic are nothing but tragedy for mankind.This is the main reason Muslim countries are so backward compared to west.

often people follow the rituals, descriptions, practices, advices in the book blindly with out the understanding of the context and social, spiritual, practices and maturity of culture of that time. These people blindly concentrate on not so important symbolisms and all other things and they forget real message..Message of any good religion should be make a man good humen being, and it's not the rituals but the ethics he believe and practice which makes him a good human..I am sure at the end of the day any god will favour such a man against unintelligent robots who continue to follow the instructions but don't know what are they doing or the purpose of those instructions.
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Read all about free thinking in Islamic Golden Age.Muslim scholars of that time were much more progressive than they are today.

Sasha Brookner: The Golden Age of Islam

Sir I have read a lot about them and no one was so called free thinker they were all hardcore fundamentalist Muslims who strictly adhered to Quran and Sunnah and followed it with all their efforts Sir

often people follow the rituals, descriptions, practices, advices in the book blindly with out the understanding of the context and social, spiritual, practices and maturity of culture of that time. These people blindly concentrate on not so important symbolisms and all other things and they forget real message..Message of any good religion should be make a man good humen being, and it's not the rituals but the ethics he believe and practice which makes him a good human..I am sure at the end of the day any god will favour such a man against unintelligent robots who continue to follow the instructions but don't know what are they doing or the purpose of those instructions.
Sir we follow these things because they are the most logical and best things for humanity and no Sir only massage is not important the way is also important Sir so people can come on the right path all things are important Sir
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Sir I have read a lot about them and no one was so called free thinker they were all hardcore fundamentalist Muslims who strictly adhered to Quran and Sunnah and followed it with all their efforts Sir

Sir we follow these things because they are the most logical and best things for humanity and no Sir only massage is not important the way is also important Sir so people can come on the right path all things are important Sir

Freethinkers are people who holds the belief that opinions should be formed on the basis of logic, reason and empiricism and not authority, tradition, or other dogmas.You clearly are not one of them.You are so ignorant,you don't even know what I am talking about,So no point in discussing this with you.So bye.
Freethinkers are people who holds the belief that opinions should be formed on the basis of logic, reason and empiricism and not authority, tradition, or other dogmas.You clearly are not one of them.You are so ignorant,you don't even know what I am talking about,So no point in discussing this with you.So bye.
Sir I know that I am telling you these people followed Islam and followed it very strictly Sir they were proud hardcore fundamentalist Muslims and also developed Sciences no contradiction at all
His descendants have his mentality...so pray for the oil not to vanish :rofl:

No,praying won't help.KSA oil will vanish before the end of this century.Your own Govt says you will be a net importer of oil by 2030.After that Middle East will be dominated by Iran.

Sir I know that I am telling you these people followed Islam and followed it very strictly Sir they were proud hardcore fundamentalist Muslims and also developed Sciences no contradiction at all

Dude why don't you go back to school.Their is no point in discussing with an ignorant.I am done with you.
Sir I have read a lot about them and no one was so called free thinker they were all hardcore fundamentalist Muslims who strictly adhered to Quran and Sunnah and followed it with all their efforts Sir

Sir we follow these things because they are the most logical and best things for humanity and no Sir only massage is not important the way is also important Sir so people can come on the right path all things are important Sir

you can continue to believe what you believe but I believe " There are hundred ways to kill a cat ".you can follow any of those hundred ways or if you are intelligent enough you can find out a better way and make it "101 one ways to kill a cat ". :p:
No,praying won't help.KSA oil will vanish before the end of this century.Your own Govt says you will be a net importer of oil by 2030.After that Middle East will be dominated by Iran.

Dude why don't you go back to school.Their is no point in discussing with an ignorant.I am done with you.
And Sir by the time they will be one of the biggest industrial power and also hub of knowledge because they have for past few already developing their industries and Universities
Sir for Muslims Islam is the most important thing and if you think Muslim will accept attack on their deen sorry sir we will hit back your courts need some mental treatment or stop calling yourself so called secular

mashallah .... deen me daadhi hai , dadhi me deen nahi ----Naseeruddin Shah (in film Kuda ke Liye)
you can continue to believe what you believe but I believe " There are hundred ways to kill a cat ".you can follow any of those hundred ways or if you are intelligent enough you can find out a better way and make it "101 one ways to kill a cat ". :p:
Yes Sir I have found the best way to live my life the way of Islam Sir that is exactly what I am doing
I wish I could let loose a little and make a few jokes at the expense of 2 fanatics KS and Zarvan here but I am rather trying to be a better Think tank. But your post receives a thanks for making me smile KS

KS is a Hindutva troll hiding behind elite membership @Zarvan but he has a point. Even Abu Jahl had a beard. Are you trying to imitate him? Islam does not wish us to become robots with no ability to use a mind of our own. Beard is believed to be a must by a section which (I will surrender here to you my friend) I will admit is the majority-even those who don't have a beard will be found saying you must have it. A chacha is like that. But that doesn't mean we ignore the other view.


My view on the topic has already been shared. As far as the said claim that in an institution you have to follow said rules-I disagree. I believe an institutions rules have to be transformed in order to create tolerance and ensure no religious group is left out. Do note there are only 6% Muslims in law enforcement agencies and organizations that come under the central government and 7% in those in the state government level despite a population of 14%.

It is the responsibility of the institution to accommodate Muslims and their differing beliefs. This gap may never be bridged otherwise. This article explains some of the reasons behind Muslim numbers being low in the police forces. Members who stated Sikhs wear a turban are correct in this regard. @KRAIT @Gigawatt and members who replied can take a look at this post. Thanks.

Beard is not an issue, most of Muslims even in villages don't keep beard even their women strictly follow wearing Burqa.
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mashallah .... deen me daadhi hai , dadhi me deen nahi ----Naseeruddin Shah (in film Kuda ke Liye)
Sir we have HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW we don't need Naseerudin Shah to tell us what is Islam or not we have the orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW

Beard is not an issue, most of Muslims even in villages don't keep beard even their women strictly follow wearing Burqa.
Sir beard is an issue because it is order of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW
Sir we have HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW we don't need Naseerudin Shah to tell us what is Islam or not we have the orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW

Sir beard is an issue because it is order of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW

Common Muslim mostly don't keep beard in India.
Common Muslim mostly don't keep beard in India.
I already told you if they are not doing it they are doing wrong sir but your laws should not stop them from keeping it if they will stop them than it will increase hatred and trouble for India

Order ?

Seems authoritarian ..
Yes Sir we believe him to be the last PROPHET OF ALLAH and that is why we take his sayings as orders for us they are orders Sir
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