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Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

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NO Clean slate, today if Zardari would say te same "Appology,Promise and a Clean Slate" would anybody accept that? Why is Musharaf so credible?

Nation doesn't have short memory syndrome that they would forget and forgive ruling of this person.
He was never a politican! period.

A politician who enters the politics with all his guns blazing towards a leader of much higher political stature, mocks at him during his public speech, insults a national hero, tell blatant lies and what not. He made enenimies with the very people who he intends to rule by calling AQ Khan a "loose character". Goodluck Mr. ex- president with your fantasies of ruling this country again.

P.S According to Hameed Gul, its an deliberate attempt to make enemies so that he can seek asylum in UK :lol:
NO Clean slate, today if Zardari would say te same "Appology,Promise and a Clean Slate" would anybody accept that? Why is Musharaf so credible?

Nation doesn't have short memory syndrome that they would forget and forgive ruling of this person.

You are right about clean slates but sadly Musharraf is still a man with more acumen and integrity than Zardari and Sharif brothers combined, sad but true in my mind at least.

Zardari was the most notorious person in Pakistan and yet is our president today, so much for our nation not having a short memory.
I recall a friend of mine saying 2 years ago that maybe Zardari will become clean and use his wits to serve a better cause than himself...alas if it were true.

Musharraf is hated mostly for the wrong reasons, had it been Nawaz or BB in his place we still would have seen most of this mess...minus the stability we saw in his first 5 years.

Ideally speaking we need a guy like Imran whose honesty and integrity is not in question by the nation, however i do not yet see Imran gaining enough momentum to topple the usual kingpins in our political arena.

Pakistanis are now struggling under the weight of highly corrupt and inefficient handling of financial matters and day to day mismanagement of most affairs of the state.
We have a lot of very angry Pakistanis today who are highly frustrated; on top of it the floods have been a terrible calamity to hit Pakistan and millions are homeless and need assistance.
The government increases its spending on its own security, the judiciary holds meetings of critical importance to review their own security whereas the nation wonders when the next suicide attack will occur and whether they shall come back alive when they leave their home everyday...truly most people see no real hope from the current leadership nor has it done anything to undo what is always called Musharraf's fault.

All these people can form a critical mass for a leader of caliber who wants to harness the power of the people to bring about a real change.

Musharraf has not yet landed in Pakistan and till the day he does we cannot judge how he performs, yet he certainly has a lot of opponents.
Imran is here so he can grasp this opportunity to relentlessly campaign across the nation and start the winds of change, so far i do not see it happening but then media coverage can be purchased and Imran does not have the kind of money PPP and PML-N have in their coffers.

Musharraf will have a real tough time back in Pakistan that is for sure, however i think most things he is blamed for were unavoidable keeping in mind the alternate leadership options we enjoy in the form of PPP and PML-N.
Well, used to think AQ Khan a hero, but unfortunately many hard working people work been overshadowed by AQ Khan personality.....AQ Khan has submerged many national heros, whose name people should know...but it never happened. A man who used to control the funds without audit.
On other issue, Zardari would to love see Musharraf in Pakistan, because that would fan a political turmoil between PMLn and Musharraf and beneficiary of whole turmoil will be PPP. But it seem west and USA wants a very strong and significant icon in Pakistan to control the extremism and corruption..
Dr. Qadir Khan sums it up very nicely with quote from Sheikh Sa'dee..
He even b!tchslapped Musharaf's grandpa, pa & bro as well...
& who was Aslam Sukhera Lahore wala???... Who was Br. Sherullah Baig Gilgiti...???

Dr.Qadir Khan sacrificed his leisurly like for Pak-Watan when he started that program... & then again he sacrifices his esteem for sake of Pak-Watan...

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Musharaf was the one who had secret understanding to allow drone attacks & let the drones take-off from Pkaistani land & stopped ISI from working in tribal areas & stopes ISI from working in Kashmir & let TTP build tunnels/dump weapons in Swat under MMA...
CIA's Delta force... Orange force(Local Recruits)... & navy seals & marines in 50 units have been working in in tribal areas disguised as locals since 2004... Again Musharaf is the culprit...
Episode continues after min:6:05 of following video... Do watch Mushy's comments on Nawaz Sharif's ganjj... Hamid-Gul says he is looking forward to getting political-asylem & trying to create base for that...
Kargil was a stupid action carried out by few Generals... & I say it was to create bad-air b/w Nawaz & Mushy to create an excuse for army's takeover...
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The thing that i hated most about musharaff's speech was his audacity to say "Mein ne kabhii jhoot nai bola" when he along with his ministers kept denying any agreement with USA on drone attacks for 2 years! What a lier!! :angry:
Well, used to think AQ Khan a hero, but unfortunately many hard working people work been overshadowed by AQ Khan personality.....AQ Khan has submerged many national heros, whose name people should know...but it never happened. A man who used to control the funds without audit.
On other issue, Zardari would to love see Musharraf in Pakistan, because that would fan a political turmoil between PMLn and Musharraf and beneficiary of whole turmoil will be PPP. But it seem west and USA wants a very strong and significant icon in Pakistan to control the extremism and corruption..

I had the pleasant surprise to watch an interview of Dr. Samar Mubarak and on the other hand i was unfortunate enough to watch the so called architect of our nuclear program Dr. A Q Khan chatting with the strangely inadequate anchor, Dr Shahid Masood.

I always dislike people who brag about their greatness, especially if it means distorting facts and belittling those who had equal or more contribution.

Dr A Q Khan has a small part in the overall development of Pakistan's advanced sciences and associated nuclear and missile programs.
Yet he kept on saying Me, me, me, me.....till i was sick of it.
Needless to say that Dr. Shahid Masood being the host was increasing the feeling of disgust i felt but it was a huge disappointment to hear Dr A Q Khan say that i was the one who did everything and i was the only one who could do it.

Some of you may feel i am belittling a national hero, believe me that once you read in detail about the contribution of many others in advanced physics, mathematics and related fields...you would be disgusted by Dr A Q Khan's self praise and in the arrogant manner he adopts, dismissing many scientists greater than himself or at the least having as much contribution as him.

I was ashamed of Dr A Q Khan's behavior and have lost respect for him as a person after watching the interview.

Compare his interview to that of Dr Samar Mubarak and it throws him in more bad light for ignoring all the top scientists and crediting himself alone.

...As if he was the Lord Almighty himself creating the heavens alone...

These things take a lot of teamwork and effort of many great people who sacrifice a lot of things.
A decent man would never take sole credit for himself, to me A Q Khan is not a decent man when he dismisses the role of other scientists in front of media and sings his own praises...a hero does not do this
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Musharraf: Whenever the country is in turmoil, everybody looks to the army. But I would suggest that the times of military coups in Pakistan are over. The latest political developments have shown that the Supreme Court has set a bar on itself not to validate a military takeover.

Translation: If I ever manage to get my new party to win the elections and become the next PM of Pakistan.... then a message to the Army:

"Please dont do to me what I did to my PM!"

LOL... Uncle Hamid Gul smashed the whole argument by stating that these antics by Musharaf are only to get political assylum... Well said... :D
The thing that i hated most about musharaff's speech was his audacity to say "Mein ne kabhii jhoot nai bola" when he along with his ministers kept denying any agreement with USA on drone attacks for 2 years! What a lier!! :angry:

His supporters would be willing to keep themself blind from such obvious lies as well...
While I never respected Musharraf, what he said about NS has made him fall even lower in my eyes. A decent leader would never stoop to such lows. Alas, what to expect from a pathological rule breaker who not only cheated in his assessments for the army but also snatched power away from his boss and commander-in-cheif. Nawaz Sharif's crones may be no good, but when they ask legitimate questions and Musharraf replies by saying "apni shakl to dekho pehlay", he just makes himself look like a goof and all his followers look like a herd of will-fully dense sheep.

Lets just hope that the APML never sees the light of day in Pakistani politics, otherwise it will be just another PPP/PML-N. Zero tolerance for dissent and an overly large appetite for corruption, lies and non-parliamentary behaviour.
All Pakistanis have the right to participate in politics and especially when Pakistan is in the hands of the MOST corrupt politicians in the world. President Musharraf didn’t need to come into politics but he is doing all of this effort for the sake of Pakistan.

It doesn’t matter to him if the so called ‘known politicians’ are on board or not because his vote bank is the middle class of Pakistan. All of the politicians are jumping up and down as they know that President Musharraf is popular amongst the people. If APML opponents see no role for President Musharraf then why are they spending hours discussing the speech of President Musharraf?

At the launch of the All Pakistan Muslim League, President Musharraf made very clear that he does consider NRO a grave mistake and he also made it clear that CJP issue was mishandled. I would like to know how many politicians would come forth and acknowledge (let alone apologize for) their mistakes.
All Pakistanis have the right to participate in politics and especially when Pakistan is in the hands of the MOST corrupt politicians in the world. President Musharraf didn’t need to come into politics but he is doing all of this effort for the sake of Pakistan.

It doesn’t matter to him if the so called ‘known politicians’ are on board or not because his vote bank is the middle class of Pakistan. All of the politicians are jumping up and down as they know that President Musharraf is popular amongst the people. If APML opponents see no role for President Musharraf then why are they spending hours discussing the speech of President Musharraf?

At the launch of the All Pakistan Muslim League, President Musharraf made very clear that he does consider NRO a grave mistake and he also made it clear that CJP issue was mishandled. I would like to know how many politicians would come forth and acknowledge (let alone apologize for) their mistakes.
excellent post!
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