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Imran Khan’s political games leave him isolated as Pakistan army destroys party

Allies desert former prime minister amid disappearances and torture as powerful military reasserts control

In recent days, Imran Khan has cut an increasingly isolated figure. Since Pakistan’s former prime minister was released from jail, after a brief but explosive attempt to arrest him last month, his return has been marked by a mass exodus of the top leadership of his party, on a scale that has surprised even his critics.

Late on Thursday night, Pervez Khattak, the former chief minister and defence minister, became the latest high-profile resignation from Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. He followed in the path of Khan’s former finance minister, his former human rights minister, his former information minister and his former shipping minister, who all stepped down from senior posts or left PTI altogether in recent weeks. Dozens of other federal and state ministers have followed suit.

Most of those who have not defected are now behind bars. On Thursday night, the president of PTI, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi – who recently said he would stand behind Khan during these “difficult times” – was arrested by anti-terrorism police at his home in Lahore. Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Khan’s former foreign minister, still remains in prison after his arrest in May, along with several other key ministers and thousands of rank and file PTI members.

There is little question among analysts who is orchestrating the arrests and resignations. Since Khan’s relationship with the all-powerful military establishment fell apart and led to his fall from power, he has been on a crusade against the army leadership. He has accused them of attempting to assassinate him and of being behind his arrest in May, before he was released when the courts declared his detention illegal.

In response, say analysts and PTI members, the army chief is now trying to systematically break up Khan’s party, before arresting him and putting him on trial in a military court. The likelihood of Khan being allowed to contest Pakistan’s next election, due by October, is considered by most to be very slim.

“This dramatic crackdown is a clear strategy by the military to break down all the support structures that Khan has,” said Avinash Paliwal, an associate professor in international relations at Soas University of London. “Once those structures are gone, Khan is next in line.”

Yet despite Khan’s claims that this is a “crackdown never seen before in Pakistan’s history”, Paliwal said this was instead a continuation of a pattern by the military that has marred the country’s pathway to democracy since 1958, when the first military coup took place.

Since then, the military has routinely asserted itself as the most powerful political player in Pakistan, either through direct rule or by controlling and masterminding things behind the scenes. All of the country’s most powerful political parties have fallen foul of military crackdowns and arrests. Before Khan, it was the prime minister Nawaz Sharif, and his Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) party, who in 2017, after falling out with the military, was toppled from power and jailed for corruption, as were several others before him.

“This is no anomaly, it is something that the military does occasionally whenever it feels that it needs to tame a civilian political outlet which is getting too big for its boots,” said Paliwal. “The military is the only party that is ruling the country.”

Khan would not be the first prime minister to be put on trial by the military. In 1977, the prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was deposed in a military coup, put on trial under martial law and then executed.

The pressures imposed on senior figures, and even those lower down the ranks of PTI, have been stark. One senior party leader who was arrested in May and has since resigned from PTI described being handed over by police to the notorious military agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

“For me they used multiple methods to pressure me to leave the party, but one of the worst was torture,” he said, requesting anonymity over fear of the military. “They tied my feet and hung me upside down and I was like a punching bag for them. They were beating with sticks and punches and kicking me.

“They called my family and threatened them and told me that they would pick up my children and entire family if I don’t leave the party. The offer I was given was that if I left PTI, I would get relief. I knew there was no other way.”

Even those lower down in the party described the pressure they were receiving from the military, with many accused of taking part in violent riots and protests that erupted on 9 May after Khan’s arrest. Homes and headquarters of the military were among the buildings attacked in the violence.

Since then, the military and government have described it as a “black day” for Pakistan and vowed to bring the full force of the state down on those who took part, while accusing Khan of being the mastermind. Those who participated, and even those who were just affiliated with the party, have been rounded up in their thousands and charged with terrorism offences, with some due to face trial in military courts.

The brother of a PTI youth wing leader said his whole family had been in hiding since 9 May, after experiencing raids on their homes and constant harassment by police. He said he had been separated from his wife and newborn baby for almost a month as a result.

“Why are they harassing me or my parents just because my brother is part of the PTI leadership?” he said. “We have received indirect messages to ‘quit PTI if you don’t want to be in this situation’. This is the worst political situation I’ve seen in my life.”

Human rights groups have expressed concern that the military are turning to their other notorious strategy of intimidation for those aligned with PTI or opposed to the military: disappearances.

The pro-PTI journalist Imran Riaz Khan has been missing since 11 May. On Sunday, Murad Akbar, the brother of a former adviser to Imran Khan, Mirza Shahzad Akbar, was picked up from the family home and has not been seen since, with the police denying any knowledge of his whereabouts.

“We all know who is responsible,” said Mirza Shahzad Akbar, who is in the UK and no longer an office bearer in PTI but is named as an accused in one of the prominent corruption cases against Khan. “My brother has no involvement in politics. Going after my brother and abducting him is to pressurise me.”

On Thursday night, the prominent lawyer and rights activist Jibran Nasir, who was an outspoken critic of the military, was picked up by unidentified men in Karachi, according to his wife.

Yet for all the pressure being exerted, the scale of the defections and speed of the collapse of PTI has exceeded that of any other party that has faced a similar crackdown. Analysts say it is a reflection of the ideological weakness of PTI under Khan, who failed to build any institutions within the party and relied solely on his own populist appeal to keep it together.

There had been mounting frustration at Khan’s political games. Though his public crusade has been to demand general elections as soon as possible, according to those in PTI’s former top leadership, and confirmed by the law minister Azam Nazeer Tarar, behind the scenes Khan twice torpedoed offers by the ruling coalition to hold elections.

The first offer came in May last year and the prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, had even written his resignation speech, but after the government approached Khan with the election proposal, he announced his “long march” protest. Not wanting to look like they were bowing to pressure, the government called off the plan.

Then, during supreme court-mandated negotiations between PTI and the government in early May, the government proposed dissolving the parliament by July and holding elections at the end of September. PTI senior leaders in the meeting were enthusiastic, but after a phone-call with Khan, were told to reject the plan and looked visibly dejected according to those in the negotiations.

As trust in Khan’s loyalty to his party members has diminished, few at the upper levels of PTI have proved willing to stand up to the military and face the likely draconian consequences, instead choosing to leave him. A former senior party leader confirmed that several of those who resigned were now in discussion for a plan to rebuild PTI “minus Khan” as a way to “save the party”.

“It is the bitter truth [that] Khan does not care about his workers and close aides and what they go through or face,” he said. “Anyone who has known him closely, knows he just thinks about himself. Khan is a big narcissist.”

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan@Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah @SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81@Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1@alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1@Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @AA_ @Mobius 1 @Great Janjua @The Accountant @PakSword @villageidiot @Kharral @SaadH @Goenitz @PakFactor @Tamerlane @ARMalik @Khan_21 @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @NooriNuth @SaadH @Kharral @AA_ @SaadH @Tamerlane @villageidiot @waz @PakSword @Mugen @Tamerlane @PakAlp @HerbertPervert @Path-Finder @Tamerlane @Drexluddin Khan Spiveyzai @AlKardai @waz @Areesh @hatehs @Path-Finder @HerbertPervert @Dr. Strangelove @mangochutney @Jango
When an entire system is trying to destroy one guy he has already won. His fight is over now it's nation which needs to decide either to choose to remain slaves or fight back.
Napak Fouj is not only destroying PTI but Pakistan at the same time.

They have all ready lost half the country in 1971 and now lost control
of the rest of whatever is left over.

They are too busy with 26billion$ annually to protect...

Decoding Pakistan’s Biggest Business Conglomerate – Pakistan Army​

The total annual revenue of the commercial projects run by Pakistan Army Generals is nearly $26.5 billion which is more than India's Ambani or Adani group.​

Updated: January 23, 2023 4:05 PM IST
By Amit Bansal

pakistan army, pakistan

Askar Bank and Fauji Foundation, which are just two among the hundreds of these ventures generate more than $10 billin of wealth annually. (Representational Image)
There is plenty of uproar about the difference between rich and poor, big business houses and a common man’s fight for prestige and fight for Atta in Pakistan. Especially, when our terrorist neighbor is presently undergoing severe financial crisis and is on the verge of sovereign default. Business conglomerates play a vital role in the economy of any country and when it comes to decode the biggest business conglomerate of Pakistan which employs nearly three million people on its payroll and is having an annual revenue of over $26.5 billion. It is none other than but Pakistan Army.

When in 1954, then Army Chief General Ayub Khan and Defence Secretary Major General Iskandar Mirza created Fauji Foundation, seldom they knew that the organisation they are creating will control Pakistan’s economy one day. Today, the total annual revenue of the commercial projects run by Pakistan Army Generals is nearly $26.5 billion which is more than India’s Ambani or Adani group. Askar Bank and Fauji Foundation, which are just two among the hundreds of these ventures generate more than $10 billion of wealth annually. Interestingly, this $26.5 billion translates to nearly 10% of Pakistan’s annual GDP owned by a single entity. By this ratio, Pakistan Army is the richest commercial entity in the entire world.

How does these ventures’ function? These businesses are run under the charitable banners like Asakari Foundation, Fauji Foundation (Pakistan Army), Shaheen Foundation (Pakistan Air Force), Baharia Foundation (Pakistan Navy), Army Welfare trust, Defence Housing Authorities (DHA) and so on. The very purpose of putting them under charitable organizations is to evade taxation. While the visible purpose of these organizations is the welfare of the service personal, but the entire profit gets transferred to its stakeholders who are none other than retired Army Generals. Post-retirement benefits for an Army General are huge in Pakistan.

Almost 50% of the Retired Corps Commanders and above officials of Pakistan Army/ Corresponding officials of Pakistan Navy and Air Force are directly absorbed in these charitable organizations while another 30% gets deputed as Ambassadors, foreign service or in bureaucracy. Do not worry, there are plans for a balance 20% too who gets plum positions in various government projects, public sector undertakings, advisors to governments and so on. Although these charitable (Commercial) organizations are independently run by a board of directors, but all their overall management is done by Pakistan Army’s General headquarters in Rawalpindi. You name a business and will find Pakistan Army deep into it.

They are the biggest real estate developers in Pakistan having over 50 different housing projects across the country which are not small. Each one of them is spread over several thousands of acres. DHA Islamabad is spread in over 16000 acres while DHA Karachi is over 12000 acres. These lands are allocated free of cost by the government of Pakistan which is then sold at a huge premium to common public. Pakistan Army manufactures steel, furniture, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, food products, cereals, processed meat and many other things.

Guess who is the biggest Fertilizer and cement manufacturer of Pakistan? Its Pakistan Army indeed. Askari Bank, which is among the top 5 banking institutions of the country is owned by them and they are the biggest player in the field of Wind and solar energy in Pakistan. Not only this, but they also own mines, several commercial healthcare facilities, and a large network of schools and colleges across the length and breadth of Pakistan.

Are you tired of this? Please wait. Pakistan military is the biggest giant in Petroleum and gas too with over two dozen entities involved in the import, distribution, and processing of petroleum products. When America started its so-called war against terror in Afghanistan, Pakistan Army got another lucrative opportunity. They started supplying necessary goods to the coalition forces as well as private security to all the foreign contractors working in Afghanistan, FATA & Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Although Pakistan’s space program has failed to kick off, yet Pakistan Army is the biggest contractor to Pakistan’s SUPARCO (Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission of Pakistan).

There is another field where Pakistan military is involved and that is the public sector undertakings. More than a dozen PSUs including Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), National Logistics Cell (NLC), the Frontier Works Organization (FWO) and the Special Communications Organization (SCO) are totally controlled by the Pakistan Army. If we add the revenue of these PSUs too in the $26.5 billion quoted above, then the figure will reach much higher.

Pakistan is a country where out of its 75 years of existence, there was direct military rule for over five decades and indirect military rule for the rest of the time. This is evident from the fact that none of the elected prime ministers of Pakistan could ever complete his/her tenure. Some were hanged by Pakistan Army; some were assassinated in public. Few were forced to leave the country overnight. This is the reason that whomsoever comes in power in Islamabad, is always reluctant to point a finger at these military commercial activities. Figures suggest that these organizations have been constantly growing at a rate of over 20-30% annually while the rest of the businesses of Pakistan are suffering losses. This is the highest growth of any business venture ever in Pakistan.

Unfortunately, Pakistan is the only country which does not run-on logic but on the harsh Anti-India sentiments which are pushed into the minds of its citizen. Whenever the public talks of food, electricity, water and other amenities, Pakistan Army, and its rulers gives them a rattle of Kashmir. Apparently, all the countries of the world own an Army, but Pakistan is the only country where the Army owns the entire country.
Again, black year for attack on democracy. I don't think establishment can remain neutral. It will remain dream for any prime minister to complete 5 year term. Army, Parliament, Judiciary are 3 pillars, they should remain independent and they should not interfere in other matters.
Boundaries are set, but who will implement it?
Imran Khan fate prediction

Will he become another Nelson Mandela for Pakistani ?


Or Aung San Suu Kyi ?


Time will tell..........

More like Altaf Hussein!!

Mandela is too high a criteria for most leaders in the world, even Aung San Suu Kyi is too high for the likes of Imran. Maybe Imran is equal to his Wasim Akram Plus: The Buzdar guy!!

Will Imran languish in a real prison for even a few days?? Remember what Imran's recent Tweet said, something like: 'The 'only thing' I am missing is hiking in the hills of Pakistan with my sons.' and just before that he also said something like 'my sons are worried about me'.

And he said those words while his party is being shredded, his comrades are facing repression, and his foot soldiers are in prisons in large numbers!!
IK was an idiot and to make matters worse, he had Senior Party members who were on the book of the Military ! As soon as IK took the decision of dissolving KPK and Punjab assemblies, I knew HE WAS FINISHED because only an absolute idiot would make a decision like this.

Just imagine if someone had power in two important provinces and was still UNABLE to make the life of Military miserable. Not only this, which idiot advise him to STAY in Zaman park??

Seriously, the situation had become dire, and IK should have gone to his power base in KPK where the Pushtoons would have come out in force with their weapons drawn to support him. Instead this idiot decided to remain in Zaman park so that he would be surrounded like a street dog and humiliated.

Just shows what an idiot he is and how he lost a historical opportunity due to his stupidness to win over this Corrupt vicious Army once and for all.

IK is incredibly naive. He still believes that free and fair elections will be held. He still believes he will be allowed to participate. He still believes that the generals can be changed.

More like Altaf Hussein!!

Mandela is too high a criteria for most leaders in the world, even Aung San Suu Kyi is too high for the likes of Imran. Maybe Imran is equal to his Wasim Akram Plus: The Buzdar guy!!

Will Imran languish in a real prison for even a few days?? Remember what Imran's recent Tweet said, something like: 'The 'only thing' I am missing is hiking in the hills of Pakistan with my sons.' and just before that he also said something like 'my sons are worried about me'.

And he said those words while his party is being shredded, his comrades are facing repression, and his foot soldiers are in prisons in large numbers!!

You have no clue what happens when something happens to IK. No clue. We know why the generals and the PDM gang have slowed down with their daily attacks at Zaman park. The generals and PDM understand the consequences.
More like Altaf Hussein!!

Mandela is too high a criteria for most leaders in the world, even Aung San Suu Kyi is too high for the likes of Imran. Maybe Imran is equal to his Wasim Akram Plus: The Buzdar guy!!

Will Imran languish in a real prison for even a few days?? Remember what Imran's recent Tweet said, something like: 'The 'only thing' I am missing is hiking in the hills of Pakistan with my sons.' and just before that he also said something like 'my sons are worried about me'.

And he said those words while his party is being shredded, his comrades are facing repression, and his foot soldiers are in prisons in large numbers!!

What I mean the outcome will be like between the two :

1. Nelson Mandela = IK is successful to reach his goal despite he is maybe already quite old like 78 years old something when he become Pakistan PM again with huge majority support in parliament and bring back Military to barrack.

2. Aung San Sukyi = IK ended up in prison or cannot enter politics and Pakistani Military assert more control on the country
What I mean the outcome will be like between the two :

1. Nelson Mandela = IK is successful to reach his goal despite he is maybe already quite old like 78 years old something when he become Pakistan PM again with huge majority support in parliament and bring back Military to barrack.

2. Aung San Sukyi = IK ended up in prison or cannot enter politics and Pakistani Military assert more control on the country

Anything is possible in Pakistan.
If the Noon League would be stupid enough to make Nawaz Sharif the PM of Pakistan again then there is likely going to be another clash between the Noon League and the Establishment, which would provide an opening to Imran. You see: All Imran had to do after April 2022 was to be a little patient! Just a little patience while enjoying the fruits of power in the two large provinces of Pakistan, while at near parity in the National Assembly and the Senate. The PPP/Noon-League are each others' mortal enemies and they wouldn't have lasted long together? Anyone here remembers this: After getting rid of Musharraf, their common foe, the PPP-Noon League formed a short alliance and then went after each other. This was bound to happen after April 2022--again!

But, for the foreseeable future, Imran Khan is not coming back to power.
Anything is possible in Pakistan.
If the Noon League would be stupid enough to make Nawaz Sharif the PM of Pakistan again then there is likely going to be another clash between the Noon League and the Establishment, which would provide an opening to Imran. You see: All Imran had to do after April 2022 was to be a little patient! Just a little patience while enjoying the fruits of power in the two large provinces of Pakistan, while at near parity in the National Assembly and the Senate. The PPP/Noon-League are each others' mortal enemies and they wouldn't have lasted long together? Anyone here remembers this: After getting rid of Musharraf, their common foe, the PPP-Noon League formed a short alliance and then went after each other. This was bound to happen after April 2022--again!

But, for the foreseeable future, Imran Khan is not coming back to power.
If Imran Khan is disqualified, the biggest possibility is that PTI wins this year's Pakistani election under someone else's leadership and Mahmood Qureshi will become Pakistan's prime minister. A new party backed by Imran Khan would win the election if PTI were also banned. Because Imran Khan's current support rate is too high, I saw some polls, Imran Khan's current support rate in Pakistan has reached 70%. This situation is very similar to Thailand, where Thaksin Shinawatra was driven away by the Thai military, but as long as elections are held in Thailand, the party supported by Thaksin Shinawatra will definitely win.
Like Zarvan said above, if the entire system is colluding to destroy one man, then the war has already won. IK is irrelevant.

In the eyes of public, military inc and PDM stand exposed. Why do you think they keep coming up with national processions of Youm-e-XXXX or how the army represents the public narratives or IK is corrupt or abduct journalists.

This is good for Pakistan in the larger realm of things. Change doesn’t come overnight.
If Imran Khan is disqualified, the biggest possibility is that PTI wins this year's Pakistani election under someone else's leadership and Mahmood Qureshi will become Pakistan's prime minister. A new party backed by Imran Khan would win the election if PTI were also banned. Because Imran Khan's current support rate is too high, I saw some polls, Imran Khan's current support rate in Pakistan has reached 70%. This situation is very similar to Thailand, where Thaksin Shinawatra was driven away by the Thai military, but as long as elections are held in Thailand, the party supported by Thaksin Shinawatra will definitely win.

Support in Pakistan is so transient: Imran was losing byelections leading to the NCM of April 2022 and that's why, despite advice given to him, Imran had refused early elections in March. Imran used the ant-Americanism in Pakistan to ride back to popularity after losing the NCM. Will it stay with him? Or more importantly, will it even matter. Answers to both are a 'NO'.
In Pakistan, it is the 'electables' who make a big difference. People will see what's coming. I have seen such things plenty of times.
So, this articles goes into all sorts of details about how army is breaking up PTI and still says
"Imran Khan’s political games leave him isolated"?
The content of the article itself supports a more accurate headline of “Khan’s democratic credentials and popular support result in a massive unconstitutional fascist Army crackdown”

our moderator pushes this narrative on twitter HARD. never thought he was a GHQ lacky.
Which one?

The 'only thing' I am missing is hiking in the hills of Pakistan with my sons.' and just before that he also said something like 'my sons are worried about me'.
That was in the context of the fascist na-Pak Fauj trying to get IK to leave the country.

I fail to comprehend why your feelings are so hurt by a father expressing his love for his children and missing the activities (like hiking) that he used to engage in with them.

Perhaps if you had bothered to read the overwhelming majority of IK’s other tweets (not even including the official PTI twitter accounts), you would have realized how he’s raising awareness about the Na-Pak Fauj+PDM junta’s fascist abductions, torture and murders.
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our moderator pushes this narrative on twitter HARD. never thought he was a GHQ lacky.
You talking about my man Legend?
If you are talking about verified facts which is impossible due to lacks of concrete evidence. What we have is propaganda news that sells and shortcut to profits.

If news media are to rely on verified facts backed by concrete evidence, they would be out of business a lot sooner.

Verified facts are slow and lengthy which are not practical for news media; hence the court takes forever to pass the verdict.
And does the title reflect that unbiasedness, you think it is espousing by presenting both sides?

Also, all media are biased. They are run by humans, who are always biased, even if we ignore the fact that news media are for-profit companies these days.
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