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Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

Callowness was not your trait previously, or was it?

Not then, nor now. Please get to the point if you have any other than this unncecessary comment.
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And in the course of writing this contribution to defence.pk, I've just made my mind up, I'm join PTI

good luck with your party of choice

by the way this seems to be a catch phrase of anti Musharraf critics that he sold Pakistanis for dollers?

I Urge all such commentators to name atleast five such people that have been sold by Musharraf to USA for Dollers

which ones do you mean? the only ones I know are the Al Qaeda terrorists hinding in Jamaat Islami female leaders house like Khalid Sheikh..


what else? he saved Dr Qadir from America, going by your defintion who would have stopped him from giving the doctor away? but he didnt.. just because how much important Qadir was for Pakistan and despite all the claims of the west and his secret network busted, no foreign agency was given access to Qadir Khan... look at Iranian scientists they have not been that lucky.
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Not then, nor now. Please get to the point if you have any other than this unncecessary comment.

Aren't we are already at a point, only that you consider it unnecessary, now.
the only "Pakistanis" that US ever expessed any concern or worry was the BLA terrorists that pride themselves blowing up infrastructure and killing civilains..

Yes, and therein lies an important clue as to what is coming next that only those who are not blinded by ideology will be able to see.
Latest Message On Facebook

Pervez Musharraf I would like to thank everyone that write on my Fb page. I understand that most of you expect an answer but it is unfortunately difficult to do so due to the number of people writing in. I do read all your comments and thankyou for your interest and support. PM
Is there an ethnic angle to Pakistani politics? Can anyone give me a quick rundown?

Yeah Dirty Politics gets it Involved aswell. In general Pakistanis are broad minded but the Political parties use these dirty tricks for their benifits sometimes.
Its actually unfortunate that PDF is being given a political angle and often so. Why this thread is Support Musharf's Thread marked a sticky while largest political parties in Pakistan including PPP, PMLN, MQM, ANP, PTI and the rest are not?

When you yourself cannot be fair, how do you expect forum members would be that?
10 Questions for Pervez Musharraf
Posted on March 25, 2011

Pervez Musharraf.
Levon Biss for TIME
You are planning a return to Pakistan to run again for President, a job you left in 2008. Why?

For the sake of Pakistan. I am very comfortable. I go around the world lecturing, and they pay me well. But there is a cause bigger than the self. I governed the country for nine years — successfully. So I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. And I know Pakistan is suffering. I know there is a vacuum of leadership. Therefore the cause of Pakistan pulls me toward my destiny. Maybe it’s a call of destiny much more for the nation than for myself.

You stepped down at the behest of the people. We’ve also seen Tunisia’s Zine el Abidine Ben Ali and Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak step down at the people’s demand. How would you advise Muammar Gaddafi?
I would like to seriously object to the comparison. I left peacefully through my own volition. So please don’t compare me to those two. However, you have spoken about Gaddafi. The will of the people should reign supreme. It’s almost a civil war there. A political situation must be found. (See pictures of the rise and fall of Pervez Musharraf.)

Do you see any good leadership in Pakistan that will shift the country from the grip of religious extremists?
That is why I want to go back.

So how do you combat the rise of the religious right?
You have two choices: succumb to circumstances or do something. I know the people of Pakistan are moderate. It’s unfortunate when the government itself and the leadership appease the religious groups and extremists by turning a blind eye. (See pictures of Pakistan subcultures.)

Which is more of a threat to Pakistan — extremism or India?
At the moment, it’s extremism and terrorism. But you can’t compare. Let’s not think this is a permanent situation. The orientation of 90% of Indian troops is against Pakistan. We cannot ever ignore India, which poses an existential threat to Pakistan.

Is Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world?
It is very dangerous, yes, I will have to admit. But the most dangerous is Afghanistan.

But Afghanistan doesn’t have nuclear weapons.
Yes, we have nuclear weapons, and we are proud of it. Nuclear weapons are the pride of every man, woman and child walking in the streets of Pakistan. Why are we nuclear? Because of India. (See pictures of the world’s worst nuclear disasters.)

What is preventing Pakistan from becoming the modern, progressive state you envisioned when you took power?
The condition of the region. In 1979 we launched a jihad in Afghanistan against the Soviets. Who was the spearhead of the fight? The religious militant groups. In effect we introduced religious militancy by design in Afghanistan, and then [the U.S.] left the place high and dry. The responsibility lies with the West. The U.S. encouraged it all, and we suffered. This is what we face. It comes from history.

But you can’t lay all the blame on history.
Yes, we have to take the lessons we have learned. We have to be careful not to create another blunder. The U.S. is declaring that it will quit in 2014. The Taliban are seeing that people are running away. (See pictures of the battle against the Taliban.)

So the decision to pull out in 2014 is not a good one?
I know [what] public opinion is in the West and the U.S. But real leadership comes when you need to change public opinion, not go with it, because it’s not in your interest or the world’s interest. This is the reality in Afghanistan at this moment.

Read more: 10 Questions for Pervez Musharraf - TIME
Source: Time
Musharraf indeed is so far the most best leader for Pakistani nation, He has balls to take extreme steps for greater good, He is honest and not even his worst enemies can blame him for corruption, APML,PTI,MQM should work together for Pakistan. Well things are moving towards that collision and next election will be held and won by all these three parties
Musharraf indeed is so far the most best leader for Pakistani nation, He has balls to take extreme steps for greater good, He is honest and not even his worst enemies can blame him for corruption, APML,PTI,MQM should work together for Pakistan. Well things are moving towards that collision and next election will be held and won by all these three parties

Good one bro! This is exactly what I am hoping for! APML, PTI and MQM should form a STRONG UNITED BLOC together against these PPP and PML-N idiots!
Musharraf indeed is so far the most best leader for Pakistani nation, He has balls to take extreme steps for greater good, He is honest and not even his worst enemies can blame him for corruption, APML,PTI,MQM should work together for Pakistan. Well things are moving towards that collision and next election will be held and won by all these three parties

WIP ... Insha-Allah Pakistan will be put back on track
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