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Musharraf’s book-launch in September

Read Musharraf's book. In it he explains his reasons for Kargil. I'm waiting for my copy which should take anywhere between today and a week to arrive
I really can't trust any word the man says.

I know that he stated India's troops were slowly creeping forward and he wanted to regain that territoriy.
And here's why.

He can't keep making up lies like this. Nobody believes him. Unlike in Pakistan, Kargil has been well investigated and documented in India. It has been done by the independent judiciary, it has been studied academically.

Musharraf only looses credibility when he comes up with lies. And worse, Paksitan looses credibility.

In Kargil, IA was not encroaching. Infact IA had retreated for the winter, that was when PA's NLI moved and occupied the vacant Indian positions.

How can you occupy vacant IA positions if the IA was itself moving forward? Doesn't that defy basic common sense? This sequence of events defies all common logic and it is as if Musharraf is trying to insult my intelligence by feeding me with this garbage.

Create the problem?
No way am I saying Nawaz was a straight man. He was crooked as hell. Just like Musharraf. Just like BB. Just like any other politicians anywhere in the world.
The truth is america and its allies crippled pakistan's economy from 1990-2001 in order to pressurise it to give up nuclear weapons.
Sanctions? India faced sanctions too. In the same period, for the same reasons. Yet our economy grew 1992 onwards, why? Reforms.

America is not a god. If our Govt's govern well, bring in reforms, America can't magically stop our economy's from growing.
Sri truth of the matter is The Army only butted in at times of crisis not to weild any power or thrust some dictatorship.

Musharraf's case is no different. Compare the defaulting Pakistan of 1999 to the rising nation and economy of todays Pakistan. Compare the mega development projects. Gwadar, Roads, railways. Musharraf's tenure has uplifted Pakistan from default to a promising future. Decades of mismanagement cannot be undone overnight... But he has done it in 7 years. From here we go forward.


Before 1999, Pakistan was defaulting because of years of wrong policies of Army and ISI dictated upon the civilian governments. A country which was having a hard time for survival had to fight misadventues like the one in Kargil. Where millions of dollars were spent daily. the war ended when Mushy had to force NS to go to Washington to beg US intervention and save our army from a humiliating defeat.

Gwadar and Motorway was Nawaz Sharifs plans. What if they were completed during Mushy's time. Its years of good management whose fruits we are enjoying these days.

Pakistan is no more supporting the Kashmir struggle, the Taliban, the Chechans and we dont have a daily exchange of firing with the indians. Because the very Kashmir issue is dead. This great Mushy has taken a U turn on all the policies which the very army kept alive over the years.
Pakistan is no more supporting the Kashmir struggle, the Taliban, the Chechans and we dont have a daily exchange of firing with the indians.
I think it is a positive step Lahori. What was recurring bloodshed on the LoC gaining for Pakistan or India? Nothing.
Sanctions? India faced sanctions too. In the same period, for the same reasons. Yet our economy grew 1992 onwards, why? Reforms.

America is not a god. If our Govt's govern well, bring in reforms, America can't magically stop our economy's from growing.

India's case is dramatically different from that of pakistan....india faced sanctions in 1998 and that too milatary related....Pakistan faced sanctions from 1990-2001......furthermore India was russain ally in the cold war and was not close to america ( or dependent on it ) to the level pakistan was who fell into the trap of easy life on easy american dollars. When Pakistan came to sanctions in 1990 it was in a state of tugging along with the help of american aid, remmittances and loans from institutions such as world bank......once all these three were effected at the same time...........doing reforms then would amount to digging a well when a person is dying of thirst. Now that the sun is shinning what reforms are being done??? rich are getting richer and poor poorer....yet people are being told that average income of pakistanis has risen.....ofcouse it would....if rich man goes from earning Rs 1000 per hour to Rs 2500 while the poor person is stuck at Rs20 per hour....the average rate would accordingly increase...but where is the comfort for the poor person who still gets his Rs 20 per hour.

America may not be God but in case of Pakistan it has had considerable influence...if not akin to God than more like God Father.

Before 1999, Pakistan was defaulting because of years of wrong policies of Army and ISI dictated upon the civilian governments. A country which was having a hard time for survival had to fight misadventues like the one in Kargil. Where millions of dollars were spent daily. the war ended when Mushy had to force NS to go to Washington to beg US intervention and save our army from a humiliating defeat.

Gwadar and Motorway was Nawaz Sharifs plans. What if they were completed during Mushy's time. Its years of good management whose fruits we are enjoying these days.

Pakistan is no more supporting the Kashmir struggle, the Taliban, the Chechans and we dont have a daily exchange of firing with the indians. Because the very Kashmir issue is dead. This great Mushy has taken a U turn on all the policies which the very army kept alive over the years.

Personally i think Benazir and Nawaz shariff did a great disservice to themselves and to Pakistanis by giving them false hope that they could or had the power which could have ever lifted pakistan out of the malaise of sanctions slapped on Pakistan 1990-2001. The army had ruled while the sun was shinning under Zia for all the ten prior years....it should have been left to the army to deal with the rainy days as well from 1990-2001.
I think it is a positive step Lahori. What was recurring bloodshed on the LoC gaining for Pakistan or India? Nothing.

This is a positive step but it should have been the same during civilian rules.

The army has made it a habit. When in power they talk of peace and when not in power they come up with talibans, Siachens and Kargils.

Kashmir has always been presented as a thing without which Pakistan cannot exist and to this date it has been used repeatedly by army to have a huge share of Pakistan's GDP. And to keep the Kashmir issue alive we have to have this army.
This is a positive step but it should have been the same during civilian rules.

The army has made it a habit. When in power they talk of peace and when not in power they come up with talibans, Siachens and Kargils.

Kashmir has always been presented as a thing without which Pakistan cannot exist and to this date it has been used repeatedly by army to have a huge share of Pakistan's GDP. And to keep the Kashmir issue alive we have to have this army.
True, when Nawaz did the Lahore Agreement, they did the war and coup; but after coming to power they are singing the same peace tunes. Kinda funny imho! :D

Before 1999, Pakistan was defaulting because of years of wrong policies of Army and ISI dictated upon the civilian governments. A country which was having a hard time for survival had to fight misadventues like the one in Kargil. Where millions of dollars were spent daily. the war ended when Mushy had to force NS to go to Washington to beg US intervention and save our army from a humiliating defeat.

Kargil was 1999, we were in bad shape throughout the 90s. The army didn't dictate Zardari to keep his stables high breed horses or told Nawaz to build his palace. That's where most of Pakistan's development funds went.

Gwadar and Motorway was Nawaz Sharifs plans. What if they were completed during Mushy's time. Its years of good management whose fruits we are enjoying these days.
How was he ever going to get them completed without any money?

Planning is one thing completing another. Look at Bahria Town, Look at the Karachi waterfront projects.

Let's not forget it was NS that froze the foreign currency accounts a charge on which alone he should've been thrown off the premiership. That hurt our economy more than the sanctions.

Pakistan is no more supporting the Kashmir struggle, the Taliban, the Chechans and we dont have a daily exchange of firing with the indians. Because the very Kashmir issue is dead. This great Mushy has taken a U turn on all the policies which the very army kept alive over the years.
Needless firing with the Indians is a good way to get Kashmir?

Kashmir is issue is hardly dead, its just that neither side would move. Can we forcibly take it? I doubt it. At least not till we're in some better shape ourselves. We have to reorganize ourselves to speak from a stronger position. We kept getting poorer and poorer and our army weaker to the point that we couldn't ask for Kashmir without looking like some beggers with some inflated steam inside to blow.


It is almost unprecedented for a head of state to publish a memoir while still in office. But Pervez Musharraf is no ordinary head of state. As President of Pakistan since 1999, his is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, and he continues to play a crucial role in the global war on terror.

A one-time supporter of the Taliban, a general who fought in several wars, President Musharraf took a decisive turn against militant Islam in 2001. Since then he has survived two assassination attempts; rooted out militants in his own government; helped direct countless raids against al-Qaeda both in his cities and in the mountains; and tracked Osama bin Laden with technical and human intelligence. I

N THE LINE OF FIRE is astonishingly revealing and honest about dozens of topics of intense interest to the world.

Among its many revelations: exactly how Pakistani authorities tracked down and smashed three major al-Qaeda control centres in the mountains; how al-Qaeda's many-layered structure was revealed after the assassination attempts; Bin Laden's current position within the al-Qaeda hierarchy; what it has been like to deal with Bush and Blair; how Pakistan and India have avoided nuclear confrontation; and much more. The terrible earthquake of 2005, killing nearly 40,000 Pakistanis, is just one chapter in a life and career that has been filled with danger and drama. The worldwide launch of President Musharraf's memoir promises to be a sensation.

Kargil was 1999, we were in bad shape throughout the 90s. The army didn't dictate Zardari to keep his stables high breed horses or told Nawaz to build his palace. That's where most of Pakistan's development funds went.

Not to forget that public money is also being spent on publicity of a book. This is unprecedented. No president has ever done this.

Mushy took a huge team of chamchas (comprising of ministers, advisors and journalist) with him just for the launching o his book.

How was he ever going to get them completed without any money?

Planning is one thing completing another. Look at Bahria Town, Look at the Karachi waterfront projects.

Yes there was no money, for whatever we had was spent on Kargil and other covert operations which army persued.

Let's not forget it was NS that froze the foreign currency accounts a charge on which alone he should've been thrown off the premiership. That hurt our economy more than the sanctions.

Question Asim: How would u handle the panic withdrawl which would have followed

Needless firing with the Indians is a good way to get Kashmir?

Kashmir is issue is hardly dead, its just that neither side would move. Can we forcibly take it? I doubt it. At least not till we're in some better shape ourselves. We have to reorganize ourselves to speak from a stronger position. We kept getting poorer and poorer and our army weaker to the point that we couldn't ask for Kashmir without looking like some beggers with some inflated steam inside to blow.

By those who have read Mushy's book in advance they say NS was acting against the wishes and interest of Pakistan by talking of peace with India. So they army was constantly keeping an eye on him. They were afraid he might resolve the Kashmir issue peacefully. Which would mean an ultimate end to the massive army that we have to keep

Kashmir issue is dead as far as Mushy is in power. Oh Bhai Lishan to me this issue will come up again during civilian rule.

57 years of commitment to the Kashmiri for resolving the dispute according to the wishes of Kashmiri people ended when the border was fenced

If a civilian had done something like this he would have been branded as a traitor, on the other hand its a matter of national interest if its done by a general

Kashmir issue was dead because

Lemme take you back in history.

Kashmir is a core issue and no other measures can be productive untill and unless kashmir dispute is solved


Kashmir is one of the core issue


There are other issues which would ultimately lead to a resolution


Fencing of LOC


Absolute no mention of Kashmir dispute in the latest UN summit

These are facts
Article 43 of Constitution of Pakistan

(1) The President shall not hold any office of profit in the service of Pakistan or occupy any other position carrying the right to remuneration for the rendering of services.

(2) The President shall not be a candidate for election as a member of [20][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] or a Provincial Assembly; and, if a member of [20][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] or a Provincial Assembly is elected as President, his seat in [20][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] or, as the case may be, the Provincial Assembly shall become vacant on the day he enters upon his office.
Since when did the General care about the constitution? He can and has changed it at will to suit his personal needs.

The guy has lost all credibility in India, especially among the media that Asim gives so much importance too. He has become Pervez "Book Salesman" Musharraf.

People in here in South Block are having a huge laugh. ;)

PS: South Block is the place in New Delhi where the PMO and important Ministry's are located.
Since when did the General care about the constitution? He can and has changed it at will to suit his personal needs.

The guy has lost all credibility in India, especially among the media that Asim gives so much importance too. He has become Pervez "Book Salesman" Musharraf.

People in here in South Block are having a huge laugh. ;)

PS: South Block is the place in New Delhi where the PMO and important Ministry's are located.

While Mushy may have changed a few things in the constitution through Legal Framework Order (LFO) or the 17th amendments but the fact is all the rest of constitution remains the same.

We are really stupid to be talking of constitution for if we go by the law, the very position of Mushy is contradictory to constitution

Now im looking for the clause which makes the President Duty Bound not to make the state secrets public.
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