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Musharraf wants to create relations with Israel!

With due respect, why have relations with India? close the high commission save the money.

I am in favour with this sir. I have nothing against Musharaf either.
I followed your post until this. You are wrong sir.

I respect your opinion & you can deny it as much as you want, but hence the in the shadows.. Just research ISI and MOSSAD a bit.. They are not like CIA and MOSSAD, obviously, but they have worked together in the past... even after the soviets invasion of Afgan.
I don't agree with Mr Musharaf's policy on this matter , Israel is a Lamb that needs a stick to control it and tech it a lesson
z9-ec, just compare the figure of exports Pakistan has with hindustan you would never achieve it with israel. Hindustan is our closest neighbor and Yes regardless of you hate it we need hindustan and hindustan needs us together our business can stabilize our economies, isreal nada.

Please have some sense I told you recognition does not come like that it would take years and official polls, consensus debates nationwide, not easy, first develop good ties-relations with US/West then seek israel for better relations ok?; Reality is different mushy is living in lala land and he will forever live in there.
Israel is here to stay either many of us like it or not... they are also human beings trust we should not trust anyone just like they don't but coming to reailty from outer space i belive in that . Yes realtions with Israel would not be a bad sign think out side the box not in it otherwise the whole world just pass you by while you just stay in the same place by your self.
No relations with the Terrorist State of Israel unless Palestine Issue is resolved . . . . After resolving the issue, then Pakistan should think about relations with Israel. . .. But before the settlement of Palestine Issue, Pakistan should not do this ..

Moreover Pakistan's masses will reject it . . . I don't expect this happening in near future. . . .

This statement of Musharaf is pathetic and it will not at all help in Pakistan in gaining votes. .
What's wrong in creating relations with Israel? If Arab countries can do business with Israel via third parties like japan and other nations then why not Pakistan should do the same if it helps your economy to grow? Pakistan is harming itself while putting emotions in their business and international relations
As long as any relation serves the National Interest of Pakistan, I'm all for it. Be it with India, Russia or Israel, I could care less. I mean when our Army can prevail ties with Taliban for the sake of National Interest, which I don't oppose, then why not Israel?
And If you talk about either's past, then trust me, we'll have almost no options to begin with.
to be honest, the only reason Pakistan doesnt recognize Israel as a state (let alone relationship with them) is because of Palestanian people. HYPOTHETICALLY speaking If Israel allows Palestanian to have a little country of their own, Pakistan would eventually recognize Israel. and the relationship could start from there on.
but thats not gonna happen...so no point in argueing about it.

(btw i watched a debate on TV about this durng Mush era, and they gave the exact same reason!)
If Israel can remain neutral between India and Pakistan we can remain neutral on their issue with the Palestinians. This means we can recognize their right to exist with equality with Palestinians but will still speak up on genocide, illegal land grab, illegal naval blockade and blockade of aid. But yes if they remain neutral between India and Pakistan we can ensure that we quell down voices of wiping Israel off and speak against plans of capturing all Israeli controlled lands.

It is a two way street. If Pakistan has spoken against Israel, Israel too has supplied weapons to India to attack us. We don't ask for weapons in return, but at least stop aiding India.
Damn how stupid you people are, once you say Pakistan comes first (i.e. w.r.t ethicity, geographical location, or country what ever you call it) and on the other hand you guyz are giving examples of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) doing business with jews (i.e. religion).

Pakistan or muslims don't have any conflict with Jews. They are most closed while comparing religion wise. But israel isn't JEW but zioniosm. which was created on the ashes of Othaman Empire. Which is killing muslims (palestini) on daily basis. who are robbing the life of them. They are daily planning against Muslims what so ever. Also, they try to target Pakistan's Nuclear assets in 1998. who helped raw inside Afghanistan to get stable and Help BLA. Israel main objective is to achieve "Greater Israel" which they are doing for all these years. Israel (as a nation or religion) can't be well wisher of Pakistan or Muslims.

If you are giving examples of Islam, then why don't read the Quran, which strickly forbidden you to get friendship with Jews and christians (but this doesn't means killing them).

Also, i don't see how the relations with israel can be good for Pakistan? Musharaf is just speaking their lords (Americans) Language.

Yes pakistan need good relationship with whole world even India. But israel is no country to be trusted or to have relationship.
It's not a bad idea. Indeed, there is one more thing to consider. Any trade with Israel is also trade with Palestinians since Palestinians live in Israel

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

It is good to have good relationship with every country including Is rail but you are not going to gain anything much in terms of miltry support right now coz India will not allow that.

Our military is strong enough, we have a bad economy. Israel would be a new market
I am a firm supporter of putting Pakistan's interest first. We Pakistanis must protect Pakistan's intersest first before protecting others. I support nations that support Pakistan ( like China and Turkey ). If some countries don't support our causes , I am not interestred in supporting their causes.
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