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Musharaf handed over death sentence

We intruded on 5 locations and they knew only 2 or three till the end....

If the leader or country had nerves we could negotiated it for Siachin.

Exactly. Back in the Zia era, after this was proposed. It was conceived that we could capture these points in Kargil Drass and possibly use them to negotiate Indian withdrawal from Siachen. Siachen of course was a massive failure for us, Indians managed to damage us badly because of Kargil, but they still to this day haven’t paid for Siachen (Kashmir insurgency not withstanding).
Those who are commenting without keeping the article 6 of Pakistani constitution should read it and then decide what the judges have done in this judgement and how they have allowed Corrupt thug Nawaz to exercise his open hostility against Musharaf.

Article 6. High treason

6. High treason.—1[(1) Any person who abrogates or subverts or suspends or holds in abeyance, or attempts or conspires to abrogate or subvert or suspend or hold in abeyance, the Constitution by use of force or show of force or by any other unconstitutional means shall be guilty of high treason.]

(2) Any person aiding or abetting 2[or collaborating] the acts mentioned in clause (1) shall likewise be guilty of high treason.

3[(2A) An act of high treason mentioned in clause (1) or clause (2) shall not be validated by any court including the Supreme Court and a High Court.]

(3) 4[Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall by law provide for the punishment of persons found guilty of high treason.

I disagree with your framing, court decided the case based on 2007 emergency. Yet truthfully, it was his Oct 1999 coup that was undoubtedly high treason. He broke his oath, suspended assembly and constitution, and he made judiciary break their oaths. Tell me what this was besides high treason under article 6?
I disagree with your framing, court decided the case based on 2007 emergency. Yet truthfully, it was his Oct 1999 coup that was undoubtedly high treason. He broke his oath, suspended assembly and constitution, and he made judiciary break their oaths. Tell me what this was besides high treason under article 6?

Hehehe. Take a snap shot of opinion here on this forum or Pakistan in general, majority would say Musharaf was right to act against corrupt and traitor Iftikhar Chaudary. He has caused more damage to Pakistan than anyone else.

Zaid? Impressive results?
Meri post count ka Kya taluq ha is thread sa

kuch nahi, just observation.
By the way, when are you leading!!
Siachen was their version of Kargil, we tried to pay them back without proper planning and we were not ready for escalation.

India made the same mistake in 26-27 Feb, they didn’t game our response and paid the price.

Kargil plan was known to the army since Zia, and was rejected as an unsuitable plan whenever proposed due to the question of how we respond if India decides to fight back or open a new front etc.

Siachen happened way before kargil.
Indian intervention in 1971 happened way before siachen.

US promised to side with you in 1971 .. What happened ? It was during the height of cold war.

Pakistanis are stupid if they believe they will ever get kashmir if international opinion was in their favor ...

I am sorry but your opinion that International community would ever side with Pakistan is ridiculous if not completely absurd.
US until then was seen as a historical ally of Pakistan, after Kargil it began its shift towards India as you might recall.

Clinton even refused to shake hands with Musharraf in public.
If you think US shifted its tilt to india because of Kargil, i can only laugh mya$$ on that..US doesnt care about kargil but its own interests and that was to curb rise of China...But definitely US was shattered to come to know Indian Army was in a very weak state vis-a-vis Pakistan. Clinton lost next year.
Musharaf came in power.
Bush didnt follow Clinton on Pakistan but Pentagon.

Dont get me wrong..i hate Musharraf for things like
-neutralising NAB activities ,getting rid of General Amjad.
-failing to solve the bugti problem, the IftikharCh. problem. etc.
- liberalism in disguise of enlightened moderation

But on Kargil im with him, on disposing of Nawaz im with him..
If you think US shifted its tilt to india because of Kargil, i can only laugh mya$$ on that..US doesnt care about kargil but its own interests and that was to curb rise of China...But definitely US was shattered to come to know Indian Army was in a very weak state vis-a-vis Pakistan. Clinton lost next year.
Musharaf came in power.
Bush didnt follow Clinton on Pakistan but Pentagon.

Dont get me wrong..i hate Musharraf for things like
-neutralising NAB activities ,getting rid of General Amjad.
-failing to solve the bugti problem, the IftikharCh. problem. etc.
- liberalism in disguise of enlightened moderation

But on Kargil im with him, on disposing of Nawaz im with him..

Correct. US was never going to be on Pakistan's side. Remember what they did to us in 1971 and after end of Afghan war.

People are actually stupid if they ever thought US was on Pakistan's side.
I disagree with your framing, court decided the case based on 2007 emergency. Yet truthfully, it was his Oct 1999 coup that was undoubtedly high treason. He broke his oath, suspended assembly and constitution, and he made judiciary break their oaths. Tell me what this was besides high treason under article 6?
Declaring a State of Emergency allowed under Article 232 of the Constitution of Pakistan and why can't they try 99 coup ? As far the emergency the SC larger bench validated Musharraf’s Emergency on on 24 Nov 2017 and 15 Feb 2008. Govt should take up this seriously. Army should be in back seat and support govt fight it back otherwise I am afraid Army is going to be weakened beyond imagination in coming days
What matters is, in the end we won..
nothing else matters..

we got point 5353..Operation Vijay failed..We can pull of another kargil anytime we want which was unthinkable the first time.

A soldiers life is for his nation, thats what he inscripted to do.
Abandoned? Do you know what they pulled of was a daredevil act.Many fought in civilian clothes who told back home they wouldn't return..
The withdrawal act was signed on July 4th and everyone whoever survived by then was recovered.The supply line was incoherent, irregular and the weather was bad still it was achieved however possible.

Are you for real?

Point 5353 has been neutralised in theory since India enjoys similar advantage on Point 5310 on our side of LoC.

Kargil was a disaster in military terms as well as on diplomatic front. World saw our hypocrisy when we refused that we were involved in the operation at all, and the Indians showed dead bodies of our martyrs on TV.

General Musharraf should have been hanged for abandoning troops on the frontline, Pakistan Army's supply line was compromised the moment Indians brought in Bofors on the peaks.

Let me show you a piece of history;

Air Commodore (R) Kaiser Tufail, who was Director of Ops at the time, narrates this meeting at 10 Corp HQ when the Kargil Op started;

Read carefully..

"When Lt Gen Mahmood asked for questions at the end of the rather crisp and to-the-point briefing, Air Cdre Saleem Nawaz opened up by inquiring about the type of air support that might be needed for the operation. Lt Gen Mahmood assured us that air support was not envisaged and that his forces could take care of enemy aircraft, if they intervened. “I have Stingers on every peak,” he announced. Air Cdre Saleem tried to point out the limited envelope of these types of missiles, and said that nothing stopped the IAF from attacking the posts and artillery pieces from high altitude. To this, Lt Gen Mahmood’s reply was that his troops were well camouflaged and concealed, and that IAF pilots would not be able to pick out the posts from the air. As the discussion became more animated, I asked the Corps Commander if he was sure the Indians would not use their artillery to vacate our incursion, given the criticality of the situation from their standpoint. He replied that the Dras-Kargil stretch did not allow for positioning of the hundreds of guns that would be required, due to lack of depth; in any case, it would be suicidal for the Indians to denude artillery firepower from any other sector as defensive balance had to be maintained. He gave the example of the Kathua-Jammu Sector where the Indians had a compulsion to keep the bulk of their modern Bofors guns due to vulnerability of the vital road link to our offensive elements.".

Now go cook up another story..
Declaring a State of Emergency allowed under Article 232 of the Constitution of Pakistan and why can't they try 99 coup ? As far the emergency the SC larger bench validated Musharraf’s Emergency on on 24 Nov 2017 and 15 Feb 2008. Govt should take up this seriously. Army should be in back seat and support govt fight it back otherwise I am afraid Army is going to be weakened beyond imagination in coming days

Supreme Court's full court gave a verdict on 31 Jul-2009 where it declared the emergency of 2007 as illegal and all the subsequent actions as unconstitutional. You're misinformed. It declared that Article 279 of the constitution was violated by Musharraf, which actually became the basis of this treason case.
Supreme Court's full court gave a verdict on 31 Jul-2009 where it declared the emergency of 2007 as illegal and all the subsequent actions as unconstitutional. You're misinformed. It declared that Article 279 of the constitution was violated by Musharraf, which actually became the basis of this treason case.

The SC validated it during the emergency. You are talking about political decision by that thug iftkhar chudhary who declared it illegal years after.
Mixed feelings about it. When you consider what he's done - it's deserved. He bent over backwards for the Americans, covered up US airstrikes, then finally to hold onto power he let all the crooks back into the country under his NRO.

1. He's been sentenced for declaring martial law, which is dumb. The PM tried to divert his flight to India, weeks after we'd just finish fighting a war with India.

2. People guilty of a whole lot more treason like Zardari and Sharif are being let off by the courts.
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