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Musharaf handed over death sentence

The SC validated it during the emergency. You are talking about political decision by that thug iftkhar chudhary who declared it illegal years after.

The "SC" that you refer to were the judges who broke their oath and then took oath on PCO.

The Supreme Court that declared the emergency illegal was a unanimous decision by a full court, which included 14 judges, of which 3 went on to become the Chief Justice, and one of them heads you NAB right now.
i think its positive aspect is that in future no one will accuse army for influencing judiciary and politicians should be given severe punishment according to law,also no one in establishment will think of nro after seeing what happened to musharaf
in Pakistan judiciary is much more independent than india as evident from indian courts decision against babri Masjid and ending of cases against modi for commiting genocide against Muslims of gujrat.After all this it is evident that india is no more democracy but a fascist dictatorship run under terrorist regime and Pakistan is much more democratic than india
exactly but the question is THE PRINCIPLE is applicable to everyone ....???

It should be, this is the first time in history any COAS serving or other has been summoned, and another tried. And it’s good that it is happening.
I feel pity for Pakistanis who love it when the Army intervenes in politics. You guys are the biggest plague to this country since you encourage the violation of professionalism of our armed forces and incite the soldiers to break their oath.
I feel pity for Pakistanis who love it when the Army intervenes in politics. You guys are the biggest plague to this country since you encourage the violation of professionalism of our armed forces and incite the soldiers to break their oath.
Which bubble do you live in. Cause things don't work like this in this universe.
Declaring a State of Emergency allowed under Article 232 of the Constitution of Pakistan and why can't they try 99 coup ? As far the emergency the SC larger bench validated Musharraf’s Emergency on on 24 Nov 2017 and 15 Feb 2008. Govt should take up this seriously. Army should be in back seat and support govt fight it back otherwise I am afraid Army is going to be weakened beyond imagination in coming days
You are making completely invalid arguments.

First question for you, was the PCO of 1999 constitutional or not? If you are being serious then the answer is a definite “no”.

As for the dates you’ve cited, 24 Nov 07 and early 08, was after removal of opposing judges and house arrest of some. In 2009 PCO judges case ruled the 2007 emergency illegal and unconstitutional. All it took to decide this was a slightly more independent judiciary. They cited Article 279 and said subsequent removal and appointment of judges too was unconstitutional.

SC didn’t even challenge Musharraf’s coup in the first instance, CJ at the time stayed true to the constitution and his oath and refused PCO. He was removed subsequently, other judges were jailed. It was under these conditions that Musharraf’s high treason was validated. But there is no doubt to anyone with sense that this is what it was. Point being, none of what happened then is valid.
Now it's finally clear that the corrupt, treacherous and incompetent politicians, judges, lawyers and etc are on one page to save their DEMOCRAZY and etc. And these bastards have tried to send a message to the Army.

Letting the corrupt go out on a 50RS paper, staying deaf, mute & blind on the thugs(lawyers) of judges, letting gadari out on poor reasons and so many nonsense more is a proof that this judiciary is incompet, corrupt & rotten.
if the decision is right or wrong or if this can be implemented ever its another debate but it will serve as a reminder for future generals / officers of Army that now onwards they have to start respecting the constitution
Welcome back!

SCP was over eager to hear a petition under Suo Motto and then ..... 3 days of total humiliation in open court... the target was the Instituition with absolute judicial overreach by Khosa and his sidekicks.. the same SCP did nothing against terrorist attack on PIC by the Crows...
They did. They supported them by doing nothing. In the end they will get bail and never-ending pending case. Might be small jail time because of public outrage.
For Referrence check previous incident when Lawyers beat Police Man in broad daylight and he did nothing like a SLAVE. Next day court awarded bail before interest.
This is not the first time and nor will be last unless they face Military Courts. But that will be High Treason against Democratic Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

How about facilitators in this emergency? How about those judges?
How on earth emergency can be high treason when Constituation allows it.
And what about all the Coup Facilitators include Judiciary and and elected members.
PML-N is an illegitimate child born because of Military Coup.

Musharraf must be tried for treason
... because he gave NRO to Economic-Social-Terrorists! This is his crime...
Agreed. But we should also Punish Judges who don't give them punishment, Lawyer, NGO & Media who supports them and people and who give them vote.
Who People goes out to support those Corrupt? Why people give them vote? and later cried about corruption.

This is totally new front in Hybridwar against Pakistan.

Does WorldBank provide funding/salaries to the judges? Please, dig it...

Any beat on PTM/Fazlu combo?
Why blame the world. We created this monster. Problem is that for Army even if that action is must to protect the country they will become a Traitor by going against a piece of paper.
But for Judiciary anything they Say is LAW.

PTM/Fazlu not only has support from Hostile Foreign Forces but also from within(Civilian,religious,ethnic,political,Media and NGO)
if the decision is right or wrong or if this can be implemented ever its another debate but it will serve as a reminder for future generals / officers of Army that now onwards they have to start respecting the constitution
Exactly right, and I hope that’s the lesson learnt.
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