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Musalmani Bangla and its transformation

Yateem Khana, Chador, Milaad, Milad Sharif, Hafta, Kalam, Kolom, Akl, Khobor, Khali, Nokol, Fakir, Bodla, Badl, Dunia, Tareek, Kabool, Zowab, Bakiy, Hishaab, Elakah, Uzon, Nokhol, Qabaristan, Khoybor, Gharib, Zomaa, Ayna, KAgoz, Sakhri, Bagan, Rastah,

These are just a tiny minority.

If it's Mullah Bangla then Hindi is also Mullah Hindi.

If these are tiny minority, can you post some more example borrowing from silent majority! :lol:

Ok just 10/15 more words will do. Go hunt internet! :lol:

There are more Portuguese words in Bengali than Arabic, doesn't make it missionary Bengali.
If these are tiny minority, can you post some more example borrowing from silent majority! :lol:

Ok just 10/15 more words will do. Go hunt internet! :lol:

There are more Portuguese words in Bengali than Arabic, doesn't make it missionary Bengali.

wudu, zakat, sadqa, sabr, allah howla, mehfil, khatham, sunnat, gunah, jamaat, hidayat,

Hunting the internet? Lmao, tell that to ur indian sardar jees...
wudu, zakat, sadqa, sabr, allah howla, mehfil, khatham, sunnat, gunah, jamaat, hidayat,

Hunting the internet? Lmao, tell that to ur indian sardar jees...
I don't even know the meaning of these hukka hua words! :lol:

O I forgot you can't even read or write Bengali.
Ironically the book written in "Musalmani Bangla" is also called "Puthi". Shouldn't it be called Kitaab or something?
Ironically the book written in "Musalmani Bangla" is also called "Puthi". Shouldn't it be called Kitaab or something?
Also writers of these Puthis used to write in Sanskrit or heavily Sanskrit influenced Bengali. So "Musalmani Bangla" is actually Sanskrit!
Firs thing should be to change name of Bangladesh to Banglamulk or Bangistan (Bongistan?). BDeshis need to purge this evil influence of malaunic language called Sanksrit and move closer to their Arab brothers with whom they share a common culture, heritage, religion, physical traits and ancestory.

Arab brothers… Bangladeshis are Arab brothers ? :D Lolzz!! These things are possible only here I guess.

I have friends from Riyadh here, they fail to distinguish between Indians and Pakistanis, leave aside Bangladeshis.

Here mostly Arabs, Iranians, Iraqis, Turkish folks etc, they generally form groups and Pakistanis, Indians and Bangladeshis make seperate groups, like South Asian union or association in Universities or Bengali Students association( Joint Association between Bangladeshi and Indian Students) and Pakistani and Indian Student associations work closely or organize jointly festivals or shows and that's the reality.

Couple of days back I went to a show organized by Pakistani Students association, where a Indian Punjabi singer came, Bhangra was performed, Honey Singh's songs were played, whereas there was another performance by Junoon which was thronged by Indians and Pakistanis.

Have also participated in shows organized by Bengali students association.

But Diwali is very famous, this year Diwali, even Guyz and Girls from Saudi, Iran and Turkey did participate.
Arab brothers… Bangladeshis are Arab brothers ? :D Lolzz!! These things are possible only here I guess.

I have friends from Riyadh here, they fail to distinguish between Indians and Pakistanis, leave aside Bangladeshis.
....this is how the Saudis treat Bangladeshis....their brothers....
Does any language with the name Musalmani Bangla exist?

There's nothing called Mushulmani Bangla. Bangla is bangla, there's nothing called Hindu Bangla or Muslim Bangla, no relationship with religion. Yeah some changes happen but that's completely regional and not related to religion.

....this is how the Saudis treat Bangladeshis....their brothers....

Dude, I have Arab friends, so I know very well, how and what they think. I am very much aware of the reality and these falsifications here does't have any effect on me. :D

Every Saturday, 3 of us Indian friends sit with 5 Saudi friends and have coffee and gossip in Starbucks here, so… :D
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Arab brothers… Bangladeshis are Arab brothers ? :D Lolzz!! These things are possible only here I guess.

But Diwali is very famous, this year Diwali, even Guyz and Girls from Saudi, Iran and Turkey did participate.
You baniya yindooo evangelist :omghaha:
So @kalu_miah when are you going to liberate al Bangla from the evil yindoo clutches.
Dump the Devnagari script and all Sanskrit words :D

Though it is best not to do such surgery and waste time on a language when you can dump it altogether and get on with the readymade solution - Classical Arabic. :omghaha:

Even Jinnah will turn in his grave!

Don't be side track by cockroaches.

True however:

There is no such thing as Islamic dress either however you do not go to Masjid wearing Dhooti. Do you?

If you translate Arabic name "Abdul Rehman" in Bangla, it become "Doyal Daas".

Now tell me, have you ever met a Muslim man name as "Doyal Daas" or Hindu with "Abdul Rehman".

Hence, your argument doesn't hold any weight with respect to fact on the ground.

Yes, we don't wear Dhooti because
The Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said,

"Whoever resembles a people is one of them." (Recorded by Abu Dawood)

Unfortunately every single one of us today dressed like Jews & Christian but that's not considered a problem to you guys. You guys are posting forum after forum on a topic that Islam didn't forbid. Muslims are allowed to use any language, but not to dress up like Jews & Christian. Our Prophet wanted differentiate Muslims specially from Jews & Christian but we are following Jews & Christian on every aspect of life.

Islam doesn't have any problem against any language, so stop trying to use Islam as tool for your personal vendetta against Bangla.

"Abdul Rehman" means "Doyalur Daas" not "Doyal Daas". Every one of is Allah's slave/daas. If u don't you know why Muslim name themselves in association with Allah, His Rasuls and our Prophet's Shahaba than here is a link

IslamiCity.com - Q & A

Even they said, "As for non-Arab names, there is nothing wrong in using them as names, so long as they bear good meanings in their language. Although the early Muslims were purely Arabs living in a pure Arab atmosphere, they found no harm in non-Arab names, as regards men and women. For example, "Mareyah" (the Mother of the Believers) who gave birth to Ibrahim, the son of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was known for her Coptic name."

Hence, my argument does hold weight with respect to fact on the ground.

Bhai Janera as fellow Muslim i would suggest stop trying prove something which is not in Qur'an & Hadith, instead use this time to study Qur'an & Hadith.
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