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Mumtaz Qadri Hanged in Adiyala Jail

This issue has made the mentalities and ignorance of our majority and religious scholars quite apparent. Unfortunately there isn't one religious scholar I could name who can take Pakistan forward or lead the people. After seeing the scholars one over the other made clips to support what Mumtaz Qadri did will further encourage lawlessness and movements against the muslim state and government. We have never seen anyone of these people make a video to discourage taliban or their actions. Unfortunately these so called Muslim scholars are the very reason violent movements against the government and the people are taking place in our country and the sole reason that these mufsideen don't feel remorse for their actions is they are never denounced by the scholars. This sense of taking up arms against the mushrik government and the people is endorsed by these groups apparently not by India or Saudia or Iran. This is home grown venom.

Secondly the issue of Salman Taseer. Let me make it clear I did not like Salman Taseer but that doesn't mean I was in favor of how we was murdered. He was too liberal and secular and I did not agree with majority of his ideas for the country. But he was not entirely wrong about the law of tauheen e risalat. To start one thing to understand is this law is man made and isn't taken from Qur'an nor Sunnah. This is something that has been decided by our people. So calling the law a black law does not constitute blasphemy. Secondly this law has been misused most of the time than being used productively either to settle personal enmities or get the minority killed lawfully.

The implementation of this law is another dilemma. I was reading a news once where a non muslim was prosecuted because he said that Muhammad is not the messenger of Allah (God Forbid). But that is something very logical to hear from a non muslim. If he/she believes that Muhammad (S.A.W) was the prophet that would obviously make him a muslim. Another distinguishing factor we need to make is what constitutes insult or mockery of the prophet and what is counter questioning his actions to find answers to Islam. If the live debates that happens between different religions is held in Pakistan, all the questioners will be prosecuted. Here we are dealing with the status of the prophet and no one loved him more than his companions. He has suffered with more than what bad is said about him now in his lifetime. He never ordered to kill anyone because of that. Allah did not order anyone to be killed because of that. Who loves the prophet more than Allah? We should be lenient if someone who has committed any such act willingly or not and seeks pardon for the first time. This can also help us the show the mercy in Islam and bring them closer to the religion. If he is adamant on what he did or repeats then should be punished with whatever the law dictates.

What Mumtaz Qadri did is a shame for a muslim and Islam stipulates a punishment for that. May Allah forgive him and grant him jannah as he has paid for what he did in his lifetime. These are the people who will be dragged towards jannah on the day of judgement given there other deeds are good. Islam doesn't allow anyone to be the judge and jury. No one has the right to punish anyone based on his own intellect. The government is responsible for that after proper investigation and even if the government doesn't we will not be questioned. What Mumtaz Qadri did under the influence of our so called scholars who claimed for him the right to be killed should be ashamed because if their ignorant guidance and actions of the Mumtaz Qadri we have probably lost a good citizen. There is nothing wrong in punishing if a righteous man commits zina and the same applies here no matter how good Mumtaz Qadri was he should be punished for murder. Whoever claims otherwise does not have a clue about the religion.
Social media campaign to block all major roads in Pakistan after his namaz e janaza

Protest against #MumtazQadri's hanging at Jinnah International Airport Karachi

Some one shared
Captain Safdar, husband of Maryam Nawaz / Son-in-law of PM Nawaz Sharif declares murderer Mumtaz Qadri a "Hero".

#Karachi & other cities on high alert on news of #MumtazQadri hanging. Mullahs gathering at Numaish Karachi


Aj uni say chuti miliaj assignment ki last date thi 3rd time extend hui :D
Kiyon kiya ap is sector mein rehtay ho

Sub BC Chutiye haien yeh log.. Qadri died a common criminal not a fukin hero and even a few days nobody is even going to remember the bastards name..

Perplexed by the Islamabad "bar". All of these judges should have their licences/degrees revoked immediately since if they dont believe in the rule of law, then they are an embarrassment to the legal profession. Its like a doctor saying I refuse to treat a patient because he belongs to a different religion. Do your job or get lost.

Bars are filled with fake degree holders.. who masquerade as lawyers... Even most of these useless lawyers are nothing but uneducated azzholez with degrees from some shitty college in their colony... worth no more than toilet paper... and shutty uobringings...Fukwits.

P.S; I'm a lawyer too.. But an educated one with a better education and background..
Poor families are far less likely to be able to afford legal counsel, let alone arrange for a sufficient amount of 'blood money' to pay to the family of the victim. Wealthy individuals/families are far more likely to be able to arrange sufficient amounts of 'blood money' to sway the families of victims. The law is therefore prejudiced against poor people.

In addition, allowing a victims family or victim to 'forgive' an individual who has committed a heinous crime is not in the interests of society. A murderer or rapist is still a threat to society (in terms of committing more murders or rapes) if he is allowed to go free just because the victim or victims family accepted money. The practice also creates an environment in which wealthy and influential individuals can coerce the victim or victims family to 'accept blood money' and 'forgive' the criminal. 'Blood money' in exchange for forgiveness is therefore an extremely flawed practice and/or law and should be repealed.

Piece by piece this edifice of bigotry, intolerance and hatred constructed in the name of 'Islam' in Pakistan by the Mullah Raj and their apologists shall be chipped away at until it stands no longer.

Nonethless it is islamic and is well re o b nised amongst pakistani legal system.
Secondly, there are NGOs which can assist people by collecting donations on behalf of killer and provide itthat to victims family

Paisay lagao 7 khoon muaf ''
The victims family has the option of refusing money and demanding his life, nothing is stopping them
Bars are filled with fake degree holders.. who masquerade as lawyers... Even most of these useless lawyers are nothing but uneducated azzholez with degrees from some shitty college in their colony... worth no more than toilet paper... and shutty uobringings...Fukwits.

P.S; I'm a lawyer too.. But an educated one with a better education and background..

I did my bachelors in law (although I have subsequently ventured away from the legal profession), so I too know that not respecting the verdict of the supreme court and behaving like this is something extremely unbecoming of lawyers. What you say makes sense though. These idiots sound like jahil do numbri "lawyers".
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Nonethless it is islamic and is well re o b nised amongst pakistani legal system.
Secondly, there are NGOs which can assist people by collecting donations on behalf of killer and provide itthat to victims family

The victims family has the option of refusing money and demanding his life, nothing is stopping them
How do you think Sharukh and Ramon Davis escaped punishment??

Nonethless it is islamic and is well re o b nised amongst pakistani legal system.
Secondly, there are NGOs which can assist people by collecting donations on behalf of killer and provide itthat to victims family

The victims family has the option of refusing money and demanding his life, nothing is stopping them
How do you think Sharukh and Ramon Davis escaped punishment??
ممتاز قادری کے جنازے سے قبل صورت حال کشیدہ، سکیورٹی سخت

سلام آباد— پنجاب کے گورنر سلمان تاثیر کے قتل پر سزائے موت پانے والے ممتاز قادری کی نماز جنازہ منگل کو راولپنڈی کے تاریخی لیاقت باغ میں ادا کی جائے گی۔اس موقع پر کسی بھی نا خوشگوار واقع سے نمٹنے کے لیے ملک بھر خصوصاً راولپنڈی میں سکیورٹی کے انتہائی سخت انتظامات کیے گئے ہیں۔پولیس اور قانون نافذ کرنے والے اداروں کے اضافی اہلکاروں کی تعیناتی کے علاوہ لیاقت باغ کی طرف جانے والے راستوں کو کنٹینر لگا کر بند کر دیا گیا ہے۔عہدیداروں کے مطابق کئی دیگر علاقوں سے سے بھی پولیس کی اضافی نفری کو لیاقت باغ میں پہنچایا گیا ہے۔نمازہ جنازہ کے بعد کسی ممکنہ بڑے احتجاج کے خدشے کی وجہ سے صورت حال کشیدہ ہے۔ایلیٹ پولیس کے سابق اہلکار ممتاز قادری کو پیر کی صبح راولپنڈی کی اڈیالہ جیل میں پھانسی دی گئی تھی، جس کے بعد راولپنڈی اور اسلام آباد کو ملانے والی مرکزی شاہراہ کے علاوہ، معروف مری روڈ اور ملک کئی دیگر شہروں میں احتجاج کر کے مظاہرین نے سڑکیں بند کر دی تھیں۔احتجاج کے باعث سڑکیں بند ہونے سے ٹریفک کا نظام بری طرح متاثر ہوا اور لوگوں کو مشکلات کا سامنا رہا۔راولپنڈی کے علاوہ لاہور اور کراچی میں ممتاز قادری کو پھانسی دینے کے خلاف محدود پیمانے پر احتجاجی مظاہرے ہوئے۔راولپنڈی اور اسلام آباد میں کئی نجی اسکول منگل کو بند رہے جب کہ راولپنڈی میں تاجر تنظیموں نے تاجروں سے اپنی دکانیں بند رکھنے کی اپیل کی ہے۔وفاقی دارالحکومت میں بھی اہم سرکاری عمارتوں اور غیر ملکی سفارت خانوں والے علاقے ریڈ زون کو عام لوگوں کے لیے بند کر دیا گیا ہے۔ممتاز قادری پنجاب کے گورنر سلمان تاثیر کے سرکاری محافظوں میں شامل تھا اور نےاُس نے گورنر کو جنوری 2011ء میں اسلام آباد میں اسوقت گولیاں مار کر ہلاک کر دیا تھا جب سلمان تاثیر ایک ریسٹورنٹ سے نکل کر اپنی گاڑی میں بیٹھ رہے تھے۔پنجاب کے اُس وقت کے گورنر سلمان تاثیر نے 2010 میں ایک مسیحی خاتون آسیہ بی بی کو توہین مذہب کے ایک کیس میں سزا سنائے جانے کے بعداُس خاتون سے جیل میں ملاقات کی تھی اور توہین مذہب سے متعلق موجودہ قوانین میں ترمیم کا مطالبہ کیا تھا۔ممتاز قادری نے گرفتاری کے بعد اپنے اعترافی بیان میں کہا تھا کہ اُس نے سلمان تاثیر کو اس لیے قتل کیا کیوں کہ اُنھوں نے توہین رسالت کے قانون میں ترمیم کی حمایت کی تھی۔اسلام آباد کی انسداد دہشت گردی کی ایک عدالتنے 2011ء میں ممتاز قادری کو دو بار سزائے موت اور جرمانے کی سزا سنائی تھی۔بعد میں سپریم کورٹ نے بھی انسداد دہشت گردی کی عدالت کے فیصلے کو برقرار رکھا تھا۔
National News By Voice Of America Urdu : ممتاز قادری کے جنازے سے قبل صورت حال کشیدہ، سکیورٹی سخت


Does my opinion matter here.?
Legally they came clean! Can you prove it otherwise ?
Now you know which law created space for them
Shahzeb’s killers forgiven: Pardon of murderers surprises all - The Express Tribune
ممتاز قادری کے جنازے سے قبل صورت حال کشیدہ، سکیورٹی سخت

سلام آباد— پنجاب کے گورنر سلمان تاثیر کے قتل پر سزائے موت پانے والے ممتاز قادری کی نماز جنازہ منگل کو راولپنڈی کے تاریخی لیاقت باغ میں ادا کی جائے گی۔اس موقع پر کسی بھی نا خوشگوار واقع سے نمٹنے کے لیے ملک بھر خصوصاً راولپنڈی میں سکیورٹی کے انتہائی سخت انتظامات کیے گئے ہیں۔پولیس اور قانون نافذ کرنے والے اداروں کے اضافی اہلکاروں کی تعیناتی کے علاوہ لیاقت باغ کی طرف جانے والے راستوں کو کنٹینر لگا کر بند کر دیا گیا ہے۔عہدیداروں کے مطابق کئی دیگر علاقوں سے سے بھی پولیس کی اضافی نفری کو لیاقت باغ میں پہنچایا گیا ہے۔نمازہ جنازہ کے بعد کسی ممکنہ بڑے احتجاج کے خدشے کی وجہ سے صورت حال کشیدہ ہے۔ایلیٹ پولیس کے سابق اہلکار ممتاز قادری کو پیر کی صبح راولپنڈی کی اڈیالہ جیل میں پھانسی دی گئی تھی، جس کے بعد راولپنڈی اور اسلام آباد کو ملانے والی مرکزی شاہراہ کے علاوہ، معروف مری روڈ اور ملک کئی دیگر شہروں میں احتجاج کر کے مظاہرین نے سڑکیں بند کر دی تھیں۔احتجاج کے باعث سڑکیں بند ہونے سے ٹریفک کا نظام بری طرح متاثر ہوا اور لوگوں کو مشکلات کا سامنا رہا۔راولپنڈی کے علاوہ لاہور اور کراچی میں ممتاز قادری کو پھانسی دینے کے خلاف محدود پیمانے پر احتجاجی مظاہرے ہوئے۔راولپنڈی اور اسلام آباد میں کئی نجی اسکول منگل کو بند رہے جب کہ راولپنڈی میں تاجر تنظیموں نے تاجروں سے اپنی دکانیں بند رکھنے کی اپیل کی ہے۔وفاقی دارالحکومت میں بھی اہم سرکاری عمارتوں اور غیر ملکی سفارت خانوں والے علاقے ریڈ زون کو عام لوگوں کے لیے بند کر دیا گیا ہے۔ممتاز قادری پنجاب کے گورنر سلمان تاثیر کے سرکاری محافظوں میں شامل تھا اور نےاُس نے گورنر کو جنوری 2011ء میں اسلام آباد میں اسوقت گولیاں مار کر ہلاک کر دیا تھا جب سلمان تاثیر ایک ریسٹورنٹ سے نکل کر اپنی گاڑی میں بیٹھ رہے تھے۔پنجاب کے اُس وقت کے گورنر سلمان تاثیر نے 2010 میں ایک مسیحی خاتون آسیہ بی بی کو توہین مذہب کے ایک کیس میں سزا سنائے جانے کے بعداُس خاتون سے جیل میں ملاقات کی تھی اور توہین مذہب سے متعلق موجودہ قوانین میں ترمیم کا مطالبہ کیا تھا۔ممتاز قادری نے گرفتاری کے بعد اپنے اعترافی بیان میں کہا تھا کہ اُس نے سلمان تاثیر کو اس لیے قتل کیا کیوں کہ اُنھوں نے توہین رسالت کے قانون میں ترمیم کی حمایت کی تھی۔اسلام آباد کی انسداد دہشت گردی کی ایک عدالتنے 2011ء میں ممتاز قادری کو دو بار سزائے موت اور جرمانے کی سزا سنائی تھی۔بعد میں سپریم کورٹ نے بھی انسداد دہشت گردی کی عدالت کے فیصلے کو برقرار رکھا تھا۔
National News By Voice Of America Urdu : ممتاز قادری کے جنازے سے قبل صورت حال کشیدہ، سکیورٹی سخت

Now you know which law created space for them
Shahzeb’s killers forgiven: Pardon of murderers surprises all - The Express Tribune
Can you prove them guilty legally?
Im not here to discuss the ramifications of this law, which hapens to have both good and bad effect depending on how justuce is dispensed.

So i ask you one more time can you prove them guilty of charge ? After they have fulfilled all the requirements of coming out clean ISLAMICALLY
After he is gone what I realise is

1) was he a terrorist?
No, he was truly ashiq e rasool (S.A.W) and murdered one innocent by his ignorance

2) was his mission to spread anarchy in the country?
No he wanted to kill somebody who supposedly disrespected the Prophet, considered to be more beloved than your parents

3) was his punishment justified?
Yes but he should have been hanged twice for murder and murdering his own Master for whom he was appointed and being paid to save his life

4) was it a terrorist incident?
No it was a simple case of murder just like thousands of cases every year. It should have only been treated as murder.

5) Does he deserve respect being given to him by some fractions of society?
Not at all, they will use his name for their own benefit. He is a murderer and it is as simple as that
Can you prove them guilty legally?
Im not here to discuss the ramifications of this law, which hapens to have both good and bad effect depending on how justuce is dispensed.

So i ask you one more time can you prove them guilty of charge ? After they have fulfilled all the requirements of coming out clean ISLAMICALLY
So if my family pardons my killer after my murder its all hunky dorey?
Families should have no say in pardoning killers thats my view
the laws are UN-islamic ???

They are the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan under the 1973 Constitution. Being "Islamic" or not is a matter of perspective however if there is one thing that is clear, it is that they DO NOT predate the country, they ARE drafted by man and they DO NOT command any divine authority.
4) was it a terrorist incident?
No it was a simple case of murder just like thousands of cases every year. It should have only been treated as murder.
Slightly disagree with you Sir his action is enough to instigate other bigots to do the same....what he done can be labelled as lone wolf attack (a terror act) to send message to those who dos't agree with him or have difference of opinion.
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