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Mumtaz Qadri Hanged in Adiyala Jail

Sure, that would be ideal, but my point is that the laws can be changed and reformed even while retaining the 'Islamic nature' of the State in the short to medium term IF the Mullahs are asked to justify their interpretations in court.

At the root of the whole thing is the 'Blasphemy Law' - this law is essentially the Mullah's weapon to stifle all dissent, debate and criticism of their regressive interpretations of Islam that they have peddled to the masses and used to destroy Muslim societies and nations over the past several centuries. At one point the Islamic world led or rivaled the rest of the world in scientific discovery, the arts and development - and then came Mullah power and their clampdown on free thought and speech under the guise of 'blasphemy'. And now the Islamic world is at the level of the Medieval ages when Christian priests were burning people alive for 'blasphemy' and shutting down free speech, and scientific discovery and research.
we were strong because our laws at that time was new and modern but as the time passed we didn't review them and then slowly started our journey toward radicalization and now here we are.
i don't know who thought that introducing blasphemy law was a great idea it gave those fanatic mullahs almost absolute unchecked power they can blame anyone with almost zero evidence and now it is impossible for us to repeal the law without extreme backlash.even then the feasible option that i can see is use the stick and snatch this law from them start the subtle process of state and religion.otherwise we will never be able to change our public view point and will remain this outdated civilization.but then again its only my view point other may no agree with it.
I stand firmly by my statement.
maybe... if your Intention was to avoid upcoming Protests and political agitation then its Ok
Otherwise no one is allowed to take Law in Hands.....remember a case where a Person have vendetta against someone and he allegedly make him involved in Blasphemy trials to seek revenge
why go too far....lets take a recent example of Zaid Hamid....indian lobby media group is trying multiple times to involve him in all cases where least he probably would face death penalty....a) Blasphemey Case b) Saudia Treason Case c) Self Proclaimed Prophet

Iam not going in detail whether i like ZH or not...

Conferring illmuddin to " Shahdat" is again a contentious point while attempting to put forth the upright case of Islamic murders .....

Not in mood to deviate from the sub at hand, killing someone ( until self defense) cant be justified for any reason or circumstances..... Thanks .....
Dont waste time in digging things that have no value to you....like Shahadat
Point is ...every one reserve a right to respond in case of ....Abuse or Hate Speech or ...something that comes under Public Safety act
Why not the so called MODERN WORLD put a bar on such occurrences by Legislation ....i myself is against to such instances where people take matter in their own hand
a) In mumtaz qadri case....law exist but he took matter in his own hand.....so it is UNJUSTIFIED
b) ilmuddin case...law wont exist
Taseers family was not interested in accepting blood money nor was it willing to forgive (in my view correctly). In addition, Qadri's actions were correctly determined to be terrorism by the courts, whereas neither Raymond Davis not the deaths of PIA workers fall under that category.

Where in the Quran does Allah order the killing of those criticising or degrading the prophet?
read it yourself and also read hadiths. only then you can get complete instructions after going through the complete ocean of knowledge. i don;t know what that taseer said and i also don't agree with the qadri killing taseer but the derogatory remarks about Prophet SAW no true muslim can absorb , off course i am not talking about people obsessed with west.
This might be your personal assessment based on your observation but few years ago I happened to come across official FBI document meant for military and other law enforcement agencies. According to it, Salafis are the red zone group followed by Wahabis (alah-hadith) and so, Sufi's being in the green zone. Deobandis fall somewhere in between. Idk about UK but Tabligi jamat works quite openly in America and is welcomed by Mosque run by both ICNA and Arabis from Egyptian and Saudi school of thought ( which ever imam they follow).

Exactly, you can't draw a comparison here cuz all these groups are offshoot of each other and are not supported by mainstream ulama of either Deoband or Alh-Hadith. while on the contrary, Mumtaz Qadari action is supported by mainstream Berlavi ulmma.

Not only Sufi Ulema but all the Shia and Deobandi Ulema are also supporting him.

I've seen more people abandon Ahle Hadith ideas that any other sect so far. The Deobandis remain steady but have started to suffer massively in the West, due to so many terrorist groups have similar roots, that's not to say mainstream Deobandis are terrorists.

This is one man. You seriously can't be drawing a comparison between him and the likes of Sipah Sahaba, Lashkar e Jhangvi, TTP, Jammat-ul-Ahrar, Al-Qaeda, and Lashkar-e-Islam etc? These groups have declared open war against the state and army, they slaughter minorities, kill Muslims who disagree with them, bomb market places, kill children, rob banks attack schools, heck there isn't a crime they don't do. None of these groups are "Barelvi".

As for his death, he murdered someone in cold blood. This was the punishment for the crime.

Actually if you go through this thread from 1st page, peoples are enjoying his death literally.

Another Point, they are calling all sufis terrorists, which they can't do, because we all know who are terrorists exactly.
read it yourself and also read hadiths. only then you can get complete instructions after going through the complete ocean of knowledge.

Bull-crap - my position is that no such justification exists in the Quran. If you think otherwise then it is your responsibility to make your case and support it with whatever 'facts from the ocean of knowledge' you claim exists. If you are unable to provide such justification, then my argument continues to stand unchallenged. You Mullah apologists are not going to be allowed to hide behind this absurd 'learn the ocean of knowledge' argument anymore. Either provide properly sourced facts and justifications, or accept the fact that you can't refute the argument and that the Mullahs and blasphemy law supporters are wrong.
i don;t know what that taseer said and i also don't agree with the qadri killing taseer but the derogatory remarks about Prophet SAW no true muslim can absorb , off course i am not talking about people obsessed with west.
Stop behaving like a child - only a child (or an adult with the emotional control of a child) would not be able to 'not absorb derogatory remarks about XYZ individual'. Act like a mature, decent, civilized human being and react to criticism and/or derogatory remarks by either ignoring them or factually rebutting them.

Where in the Quran does ALLAH orders offering Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Maghrib , Esha prayers?
And is there a law requiring people to offer those prayers or be condemned to death because someone accused them of missing even one of those prayers during their lifetime?

The judge has sent a Shaheed to the court of ALLAH against himself.
Murderers and terrorists like Mustafa Qadri are not Shaheed - don't disgrace the term Shaheed by applying it to degenerate monsters like him.
"Where in the Quran does ALLAH orders offering Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Maghrib , Esha prayers?
And is there a law requiring people to offer those prayers or be condemned to death because someone accused them of missing even one of those prayers during their lifetime?

Lol, you cannot even answer my question..............this shows
You are using prayers to justify the blasphemy law that condemns people to death, so before I even answer your question, you need to establish that your comparison is valid, which means that you need to answer my question on whether there should be a law that forces people to offer all 5 prayers and condemns them to death if they miss even one of them in their lifetime. If there is no such law mandating 5 daily prayers and condemning people to death for missing even one, then your comparison is meaningless and your question deserves no answer.
I read on a internet post that someone was caught nude with your wife, daugther and sister? Is it true?

Now please 'ignore' my statement or 'factually rebutt' it by telling me where your wife , daugther and sister were? prove it factually please...
I'm ignoring your statement - see how easy that was?

So, again, stop behaving like a child - only a child (or an adult with the emotional control of a child) would not be able to 'absorb derogatory remarks about XYZ individual'. Act like a mature, decent, civilized human being and react to criticism and/or derogatory remarks by either ignoring them or factually rebutting them.
Now please 'ignore' my statement or 'factually rebutt' it by telling me where your wife , daugther and sister were? prove it factually please...
Please say that about my entire family too and i am more than happy to ignore it

Show restraint and tolerance just like Prophet Muhammad SAW who you claim you love, when a women in Makkah used to throw trash on him daily, Muhammad SAW never killed anyone for himself, he pardon everyone after capturing Makkah
I am still waiting your answer on ""Where in the Quran does ALLAH orders offering Fajar, Zohar, Asar, Maghrib , Esha prayers?
No clue - you tell me since you brought it up. But if the Quran doesn't order people to offer prayers 5 times a day, and there is no law forcing people to offer prayers 5 times a day and condemning them to death for missing those prayers, then there should be no Blasphemy law either.
I hope you can submit a valid response.

I did, see above.
"I'm ignoring your statement - see how easy that was?"

Well, it shows that you are not a mature person, infact you are on another extreme side.
No, I ignored your childish taunt, like any mature, civilized, decent human being would do - it is you people willing to commit violence and terrorism in the name of blasphemy and who support State terrorism via the Blasphemy laws that are childishly incapable of controlling your emotions over mere language or images. Grow up and live like decent and civilized human beings.
Some words from last sermon of Prophet (PBUH).

I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.
There are many interpretations/narrations of the last sermon that only mention the Quran, and not the part about 'Sunnah'.
Some words from last sermon of Prophet (PBUH).

I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

can you all guys clear me one thing that "this is the very place where we can discuss blasphemy Law" and openly condemn that law ?????

Peoples are condemning blasphemy law since yesterday and their is no response from mods

@waz @WAJsal @Horus @TaimiKhan @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Icarus @Oscar

Blasphemy Laws are not sunnah, they were not drafted until 1973.
Some words from last sermon of Prophet (PBUH).

I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.

can you all guys clear me one thing that "this is the very place where we can discuss blasphemy Law" and openly condemn that law ?????

Peoples are condemning blasphemy law since yesterday and their is no response from mods

@waz @WAJsal @Horus @TaimiKhan @WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Icarus @Oscar
What is the procedure of blasphmey law and was it followed in the case of Salman taseer.
As they say Innocent untill proven guilty
So if Salman taseer was not proven guilty by court, so dosent that make qadri a murderer.
No one is questioning blashpmey law but Mullah brigade dont know what blasphmey law is according to them it is shoot at sight.

Can anyone now prove that Qadri murder taseer due to his statment and not due to taking money from some terrorist organization?
What is the procedure of blasphmey law and was it followed in the case of Salman taseer.
As they say Innocent untill proven guilty
So if Salman taseer was not proven guilty by court, so dosent that make qadri a murderer.
No one is questioning blashpmey law but Mullah brigade dont know what blasphmey law is according to them it is shoot at sight.
The Mullah brigade knows exactly what the Blasphemy laws state, what they require, and that they do not in any way allow people like Mustafa Qadri to commit terrorism and murder on the basis of their own twisted views.

But what you are missing is the point that I alluded to earlier - the entire structure of Blasphemy as it is currently set up allows the Mullah's to continue promoting their perverted interpretations without any challenge or criticism. Question any of their horrible interpretations and they can shut down the debate through accusations of blasphemy and mob violence. Slaman Taseer, in championing a review of the Blasphemy laws to reform, not repeal, was going to start demolishing this unjust system of laws that allowed the Mullah's to stop debate and discussion over their preferred interpretations of religion. They therefore had a vested interest in Qadri being set free, because his hanging by the State is a very strong message that the Mullah way is wrong.
What is the procedure of blasphmey law and was it followed in the case of Salman taseer.
As they say Innocent untill proven guilty
So if Salman taseer was not proven guilty by court, so dosent that make qadri a murderer.
No one is questioning blashpmey law but Mullah brigade dont know what blasphmey law is according to them it is shoot at sight.

Can anyone now prove that Qadri murder taseer due to his statment and not due to taking money from some terrorist organization?

Qadri shot him in the head, Govt hanged him from his neck. what else you want kid. stop whining like a m@d bitch, first sort out LAL Masjid sh!tt of yours.
"Ijtihad" is on the above mentioned line.
Based on what? Is the Quran incomplete? Why wouldn't Allah include everything that He wanted to command Muslims to do in the Quran?
the laws are UN-islamic ???
Yes - no sane or rational justification can be offered for killing or imprisoning (by the State or non-State individuals) people for merely saying, writing or drawing things.
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