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Mukti Bahini must be given due credit for liberating Bangladesh: Gen Jacob

EzioAltaïr;3519633 said:
Oh sure, whose history? The flawed history taught in Pakistani schools?

I can get you a picture of Niazi surrendering to a Punjabi.

File:1971 Surrender of Pakistan.gif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you really need a better history lesson than that?

RazPak told the truth. Had the Muktis not sided with IA there was no chance of an IA victory in 1971. Imagine another scenerio, Muktis fighting alongside the PA troops against IA troops. So, tell us what would be the result? We used to think always in this line if there happen to be an Indian attack on east Pakistan. People were ready to help any PA troops, be it East Bengal, Punjab or Balooch Regiment. However, history did not unfurl the way it was anticipated, we were betrayed by the west Pakistanis we used to love so much.
RazPak told the truth. Had the Muktis not sided with IA there was no chance of an IA victory in 1971. Imagine another scenerio, Muktis fighting alongside the PA troops against IA troops.

Even in this out of the world What-if scenario, India had the complete advantage in logistic, as it could blockade the supply routes. Granted the PA could live off the land, but they wouldn't get ammo from thin air right? They needed resupply.

Plus, PAF had just one squadron in Bangladesh, which would be annihilated within days, leaving Mukti and PA troops open to IAF bombardment.

At most, it would have prolonged the war, and increased Indian casualties, but the fact remains, that PA stood no chance due to India having the geographical advantage.

So, tell us what would be the result? We used to think always in this line if there happen to be an Indian attack on east Pakistan. People were ready to help any PA troops, be it East Bengal, Punjab or Balooch Regiment. However, history did not unfurl the way it was anticipated, we were betrayed by the west Pakistanis we used to love so much.

Yeah, tell me about it. I've heard stories of bravery from Bangladeshis who served under the Pakistani Army. But still, that was not the case, and that did not happen, it was Mukti vs PA, not Mukti vs IA, no point of even imagining the other way around.
Present day Pakistani races are mainly subject races puffed up by British and so you hear over the top bravado 1 Pakistani 10 Indians or pashtuns never been conquered etc. The fact is Punjabi Muslims, majority of them peasants and landlords have never been known for their battle prowess until British taught them to hold guns.

Most of the invasion to India met their first resistance in panipath while passing unharmed to and from Punjab. Historically there was no mention of Punjabi battle power except probably some lines in akbarnama about how rebels from present day Pakistan ran way without fighting.

Even if we consider the nation of Pakistan, their record in battle field is dismal to say the least.

Almost always Punjab was ruled by either kings from north India or afghan or Persia and when it's ruled by native Punjabi it's either Hindu khatri or Sikh.

I'm not saying it's bad thing, WE BENGALIS also don't have much to say about our warring capability even though palas did build a large empire. However we don't go around showing our martial race medal to everyone.

About what Bengalis you are talking here? Again like in all other posts you are here trying to distort history to satisfy your ego that fits only your 4' 11" physical height. Muslims of Bengal, whatever diverse may be their racial origins, were dominant since 1200 AD in the politics of eastern Hindustan that comprised part of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, west Bengal and Bangladesh. If you have made a distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim Punjabis, then you should have made a similar distinction when it is Bangali.

Moreover, your generalisation over Punjab is not correct. Hindus were not predominant in most of Hindustan including Punjab after the arrival of powerful nomadic muslims from the central asia. In case of Punjab, it was Sikhs who dominated the politics of Punjab for a brief period of history under Ranjit Singh. Otherwise, Delhi was so near to Punjab that like all other muslims, the Muslims from Punjab also worked for the Delhi Sultanate.

However, they did not build up a Kingdom of their own after muslim conquest of Delhi. Punjabi Muslims were in the Delhi military can be found in many historical facts. One is when Badshah Ghiyasuddin Balban invaded Bengal to punish his adopted son but a rebel Tughral, the Subedar of Bengal. Balban went first to Punjab to recruit troops for his invasion army and then proceeded eastward towards Bengal.
About what Bengalis you are talking here? Again like in all other posts you are here trying to distort history to satisfy your ego that fits only your 4' 11" physical height. Muslims of Bengal, whatever diverse may be their racial origins, were dominant since 1200 AD in the politics of eastern Hindustan that comprised part of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, west Bengal and Bangladesh. If you have made a distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim Punjabis, then you should have made a similar distinction when it is Bangali.

It seems being Bangladeshi and being gentleman is mutually exclusive, heck I wasn't even replying you or any other Bangladeshi. O timurid tall, fair handsome warrior bangladeshi, why don't you post a picture of yours and let us see the adonis you are. Oh wait the timurid Bangladeshis don't look any different than dipjol. Look Bangladeshi I'd not demean my status by relating you lot with us, so bask in your timurid glory while dancing in the tunes of Poont koira dimu.

Coming to your second point, may be it's rocket science for you being a Bangladeshi, but I specifically mentioned Punjabi Muslims because there's little or no Punjabi Hindus or Sikhs left in Pakistan and I was debunking popular Pakistani myth of martial race.

As per Bengali Muslims are concerned, you lot can only be Timurids in PDF and other online forum but in reality majority of you are lower class convert which is still shown in your manner. I'd not act so ham handed but you Bangladeshis bring the worst of people. Bengal was ruled by Muslims indeed, but they were Persianized Turks, not Bengali Muslims. Less said the better about the military and social history Bengali Muslims.

Rest of your post is hogwash and doesn't deserve any reply. Regretting wasting 10 mins of my life for foul mouthed idiot like you.
About what Bengalis you are talking here? Again like in all other posts you are here trying to distort history to satisfy your ego that fits only your 4' 11" physical height. Muslims of Bengal, whatever diverse may be their racial origins, were dominant since 1200 AD in the politics of eastern Hindustan that comprised part of UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, west Bengal and Bangladesh. If you have made a distinction between Muslim and non-Muslim Punjabis, then you should have made a similar distinction when it is Bangali.

Moreover, your generalisation over Punjab is not correct. Hindus were not predominant in most of Hindustan including Punjab after the arrival of powerful nomadic muslims from the central asia. In case of Punjab, it was Sikhs who dominated the politics of Punjab for a brief period of history under Ranjit Singh. Otherwise, Delhi was so near to Punjab that like all other muslims, the Muslims from Punjab also worked for the Delhi Sultanate.

However, they did not build up a Kingdom of their own after muslim conquest of Delhi. Punjabi Muslims were in the Delhi military can be found in many historical facts. One is when Badshah Ghiyasuddin Balban invaded Bengal to punish his adopted son but a rebel Tughral, the Subedar of Bengal. Balban went first to Punjab to recruit troops for his invasion army and then proceeded eastward towards Bengal.

Bengal history did not just start from 1200 AD. You are well versed in Islamic history but Bengal's golden era predated long before the arrival of Islam.

Civic works

Mahipala was better known for his peaceful pursuits. A number of towns and large tanks still bear his name. Mahiganj in Rangpur district, Mahipur in Bogra district, Mahisantosa in Dinajpur[disambiguation needed] district and Mahipala in Murshidabad district; Mahipaladighi (tank) in Dinajpur and Mahipala's Sagardighi in Murshidabad - all these still bear testimony to his deeds and the high esteem in which the people held him. It is further reflected in the numerous ballads believed to exist in Bengal commemorating his name. Brindaban Das wrote in his Chaitanya Bhagavat (c. 1572 CE) that the people of Bengal in the early part of the 16th century were very fond of these songs of Mahipala. The popularity of these songs and the name of Mahipala are reflected in the common saying, Dhan bhante Mahipaler git (songs of Mahipala while husking rice), which is still prevalent in rural Bengal.
Possibly after early years of war Mahipala devoted himself to peaceful pursuits and religious activities. His public works endeared him to the hearts of the people of Bengal. The excavations at Paharpur have revealed the revival of Pala power under Mahipala as manifest in the wholesale renovation of the main temple and in the monastic cells and in the numerous votive stupas at the shrine of Tara in the Satyapir Bhita.
Mahipala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems being Bangladeshi and being gentleman is mutually exclusive, heck I wasn't even replying you or any other Bangladeshi. O timurid tall, fair handsome warrior bangladeshi, why don't you post a picture of yours and let us see the adonis you are. Oh wait the timurid Bangladeshis don't look any different than dipjol. Look Bangladeshi I'd not demean my status by relating you lot with us, so bask in your timurid glory while dancing in the tunes of Poont koira dimu.

Coming to your second point, may be it's rocket science for you being a Bangladeshi, but I specifically mentioned Punjabi Muslims because there's little or no Punjabi Hindus or Sikhs left in Pakistan and I was debunking popular Pakistani myth of martial race.

As per Bengali Muslims are concerned, you lot can only be Timurids in PDF and other online forum but in reality majority of you are lower class convert which is still shown in your manner. I'd not act so ham handed but you Bangladeshis bring the worst of people. Bengal was ruled by Muslims indeed, but they were Persianized Turks, not Bengali Muslims. Less said the better about the military and social history Bengali Muslims.

Rest of your post is hogwash and doesn't deserve any reply. Regretting wasting 10 mins of my life for foul mouthed idiot like you.

And after ruling Bengal the Persianized Turks and all the other Turkic and Turko-mongol people that migrated to Bengal by some magic vanished in thin air, or they went back to their homeland in Central Asia.
And after ruling Bengal the Persianized Turks and all the other Turkic and Turko-mongol people that migrated to Bengal by some magic vanished in thin air, or they went back to their homeland in Central Asia.

Go search in urdu speaking fraternity of Kolkata you might find traces of them. Although most moved to Pakistan like Iskandar Mirza :tup:
Go search in urdu speaking fraternity of Kolkata you might find traces of them. Although most moved to Pakistan like Iskandar Mirza :tup:

Urdu speaking are not original immigrants to Bengal, they were later migrants from Delhi, Lucknow etc. probably after Maratha invasion of those areas and Iskandar Mirza was descendant of Mir Jafar Ali Khan, a Shia Persian, not Turkic. Epic fail again. Turkic migrants were the reason why Bengal Muslims are overwhelmingly Hanafi Sunni Muslim, which is common factor for all Turkic people throughout the world, except for some Shamanic remnants in Siberia and Shia Azeri's.

What is this obsession with historical revisionism, is it another holy grail like Aryan Invasion Theory or AMT that never happened. Oh I forgot, its OIT, white people migrated from India to Europe. India is the Urheimat of Proto-Indo-European people.

I have met many Turkic people in Central Asia, there is nothing so great about them, they are just normal human beings like the rest of us, it is not as if they are some superior beings or something. But why do we need to deny history that actually happened.
And lets not forget Indira's excellent PR campaign for the Bengalis across teh world. She really appeared many times more believable compared to hot air drunk yahya.
Here is the facts from Razpak.

Most Pakistanis today were not born before 71.

We can admit that if any of our people committed a wrongdoing against our Bengali brothers than they deserved to be punished, not by just us, but by Allah swt.

I understand that certain generals had their motives, but being a Punjabi I would be fine with a Bangladeshi President as long as he looked after me.

The Bangladeshis betrayed us for the Hindus. That is honestly how I feel.

Even if there is a problem with brothers, one must not get outsiders involved.

At the same time, I can understand that there were some people in PA that were committing atrocities, and Bangladeshi or East Pakistanis could not tolerate this.

I feel like Bangladeshis stabbed us in the heart. If they would have waited with us, there are more Pakistanis that would have supported them, than the crazy generals.

Obviously I feel like we were betrayed.

Now today when I see Bangladesh's liberators kill them one by one, it should make me happy. The Hindus are now killing Bangladeshis in a slow genocide by stealing their land.

I should feel happy because those assholes betrayed us. They are receiving their consequences for siding with the Hindus.

I should feel happy, but I DON'T.

I wish Bangladesh success as it is my former Pakistan.

Now when I read that 4 year old girls are being shot on the border, due to Indian hegemony it makes me feel sad.

Even if Bangladeshi betrayed us, they are still my people. Why Bangladeshi innocents are being killed?

If we were the same country the Indians would **** their pants, and would have never even raised their eye towards Bangladesh.

Most of you asshole Bangladeshis will say hey you met raazakars. But I love raazakars. They respect me and I respect them. I wish Bangladesh and Pakistan was still one country. That we all loved and appreciated each other.

But hey, this is coming from a Punjabi Pakistani....


I accept my leaders were wrong in the past, but that does not prevent me from loving Bangladesh or East Pakistan.

Love to all Bangladeshi brothers, and **** all Bangladeshi India lovers.
Urdu speaking are not original immigrants to Bengal, they were later migrants from Delhi, Lucknow etc. and Iskandar Mirza was descendant of Mir Jafar Ali Khan, a Shia Persian, none of these people were Turkic. Epic fail again..

I mentioned only one, who are these people?

Anyway I'm not really interested in venturing into quagmire of Bangladeshi identity crisis. My original post was aimed at Pakistanis which was replied by Pakistani with civility, but as usual Bangladeshis being more Pakistani than Pakistanis themselves took offense on behalf of their former masters.
I have met many Turkic people in Central Asia, there is nothing so great about them, they are just normal human beings like the rest of us, it is not as if they are some superior beings or something. But why do we need to deny history that actually happened.

Bangladeshis don't look Turkic, its not exactly rocket science. Look at ur username:lol:
Bangladeshis don't look Turkic, its not exactly rocket science. Look at ur username:lol:

They do not exactly look like Shudra and Dalit's either, that is because they are of mixed ancestry. Lets say they are a mix of Shudra, Dalit and some upper caste with immigrant Muslims. More mixed genes among higher classes and less so among lower classes, it is as simple as that. And what is wrong with my username, I keep my name in honor of my dark-skinned country men, you have a problem with it? I am proud of my username Kalu.
Bangladeshis don't look Turkic, its not exactly rocket science. Look at ur username:lol:

Bangladeshis are very good looking people. Their women are stunning and are one of the best in the world like Pakistanis.

They are definitely better looking than Indians, and sorry to say most of your good looking actors/ actresses were/are Bangla.

No need to hate..Appreciate..

And don't make me get personal. ;)
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