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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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It want to correct Some thing ..

Why do you want to kill someone you are proud of?

I am proud of Somalian man & I wish to kill Kurt Westergaard.

He's a misguided somalian extremist, he's already shot, he'll be prosecuted and punished, but you wanting to kill him is harsh.

Kill him? wana kill who published/made cartoons.

Excuse my freedom of speech and go **** yourself

'Freedom of Speech' .. ?
What you will say about .. 'Freedom of Speech' of Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

By Putting ****** you can take advantage of Forum rules to hide your cowardly thinking.
Excuse me .. if i am wrong
It want to correct Some thing ..

I am proud of Somalian man & I wish to kill Kurt Westergaard.

Kill him? wana kill who published/made cartoons.

'Freedom of Speech' .. ?
What you will say about .. 'Freedom of Speech' of Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

By Putting ****** you can take advantage of Forum rules to hide your cowardly thinking.
Excuse me .. if i am wrong

i lol'd at the last point i mean sereiously what do you mean by taking advantage of forum rules XDD he just used a swear word and it was filtered =P.
I am proud of Somalian man & I wish to kill Kurt Westergaard.

Well, than you are a pathetic excuse for a human beeing and should be put in jail if you pursue your "wish". They really did one hell of a job on indoctrinating you, that you say that without shame...
Sad, that more than half of humanity chooses to waste their existence by giving up independent thought and lets a brutal, ancient fairytale guide them instead.

Try thinking and reading something else than the Qu'ran, maybe its not too late to cure your insanity.
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Scrumpy that's why your religion is ineffective on your own ppl making them bent towards more negativity as an example you..further since your unable to understand this topic i won't be engaging with you on this thread..

Look at the subject of this thread. Look at the responses of some of the people in this thread who want a chance to kill the cartoonist. Look at the other thread about Gwazha-E-Hind. People are willing to use religion as an excuse to kill.

Before you label me as an Islamophobe let me declare that I have similar views about all forms of organised religion.

Religion is an idea whose time has come and gone.
It want to correct Some thing ..

I am proud of Somalian man & I wish to kill Kurt Westergaard.

Kill him? wana kill who published/made cartoons.

'Freedom of Speech' .. ?
What you will say about .. 'Freedom of Speech' of Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

By Putting ****** you can take advantage of Forum rules to hide your cowardly thinking.
Excuse me .. if i am wrong

Then do it. Get on a plane to Denmark. Find his place. And shoot him.

Good luck with that. :wave:

Well, than you are a pathetic excuse for a human beeing and should be put in jail if you pursue your "wish". They really did one hell of a job on indoctrinating you, that you say that without shame...
Sad, that more than half of humanity chooses to waste their existence by giving up independent thought and lets a brutal, ancient fairytale guide them instead.

Try thinking and reading something else than the Qu'ran, maybe its not too late to cure your insanity.

sir, if you choose not to believe that is fine, but don't condemn any who does. How different are you from them now? and did you read my earlier reply? What does the German constitution have to say about freedom of speech?
Danish attack suspect also allegedly targeted Clinton: report

(AFP) – 3 hours ago

COPENHAGEN — A man charged with attempting to kill a Danish cartoonist over his Muslim prophet Mohammed caricatures was also involved in an alleged plot against US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a Danish newspaper reported Sunday.

But one Danish diplomat played down the report.

The online edition of Politiken newpaper said that the 28-year-old man charged with having tried to kill cartoonist Kurt Westergaard late Friday had also been involved in a plot against Clinton in Kenya.

Clinton visited Kenya last August.

Their report said Kenyan police had arrested the suspect in 2009 and had held him for seven weeks. The Kenyan press had linked his arrest with a plot againt Clinton, the paper added.

"This connection has been confirmed to Politiken by intelligences source," the article added.

The newspaper noted that a statement Saturday from the Danish intelligence service, PET, had said of the suspect: "He is also suspected of having been involved in terror related activities during his stay in East Africa."

Approached by Politiken, Bo Jensen, the Danish ambassador to Kenya, would neither confirm or deny that the suspect charged in Denmark was the same person the previous year in Kenya.

But Jensen told the Danish news agency Ritzau the man arrested in Kenya had been picked up because his papers were not in order.

Kenyan officials had not confirmed he was involved in any plot against Clinton, he added. "It's just a story in a newspaper."

Danish intelligence, approached by AFP, refused to comment on the story.

AFP: Danish attack suspect also allegedly targeted Clinton: report
people here do not understand the difference b/w freedom of speech and hate speech.

Making extremely insulting cartoons of the Prophet SAW to purposely provoke muslims into defensive and reactionary modes knowing the fact that muslims hold the Prophet SAW more dear than even their parents, and also incite others to hate the Prophet and Islam doesn't fall under hate speech.

IF this guy had done that in Canada, he'd be sitting in jails.
Notice how they are all tied to Al Qaeda... the Fort Hood guy, the Christmas eve plane underwear bomber and now this Somalian...
people here do not understand the difference b/w freedom of speech and hate speech.
IF this guy had done that in Canada, he'd be sitting in jails.

Not just Canada.

Denmark defended this guy's cartoons as freedom of speech, but is prosecuting a couple of Danish Arabs who drew a similar cartoon about the Holocaust because, according to Danish authorities, it "incites racial hatred".

Double standard.
people here do not understand the difference b/w freedom of speech and hate speech...

Making extremely insulting cartoons of the...

They weren't created to insult, it is YOUR problem, if you are insulted..

And if it is so horrible to you, don't look at the caricatures! (did you even see them? they are mostly completly harmless..) Furthermore the Islamic Taboo to draw Mohammed at all is irrelevant since it doesn't apply to Non-Muslims..

Furthermore, by your logic nobody could draw anything that could possibly deeply insult anybody anywhere...

IF this guy had done that in Canada, he'd be sitting in jails.
Bullsh't -.-

Hatespeech is a very slippery slope and a idiotic politically correct concept but it would be something like:
"Kill all the muslims with their dirty skin, they are taking all our jobs!" or "Jews are drinking the blood of children, we must burn them!"
A valid criticism in any form even when it exaggerates the problem as long as it aludes to actual factual flaws/problems is NOT and can NEVER be "Hatespeech".

Denmark defended this guy's cartoons as freedom of speech, but is prosecuting a couple of Danish Arabs who drew a similar cartoon about the Holocaust because, according to Danish authorities, it "incites racial hatred".

Double standard.


yeah horrible double standards right..

I am capable of self criticism..are you?

hypocrisy stinks in any form, although the cartoons are not really "islamophobic" (phobia is an IRRATIONAL fear and as we see in the title of this thread among thousands of other examples fear of Islam is not always irrational..) in my opinion the second caricature is quite accurate as well (as we have discussed here)..
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