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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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IMO we should refrain from offending some one felling specially religious feelings.

If Muslims don't like or don't makes statues it is their personal choice one should not interfere in someone's religious matters.

In the west democracy means right to express feeling freely.

No matter if it is about critiquing god/religion or nudity.

But our Asian traditions are different.

In USA it's absolutely OK to wear underwear made up of US flag but in our countries India/Pakistan it is offending.:no:

Then why made big fuss about some one painted the godess nude?? mate freedom of expression doesnt mean you have hurt religious sentiments to express it :disagree:
Every time an imam issues a 'fatwa' against the Taliban or other extremist groups, they get their mosques blown up. It's not that they don't want to speak against them, it's that they are afraid to.
Therefore you have to work to create a society where perpetrators of such acts can be pursued and punished, thereby deterring them, and ultimately reducing their followers to a powerless if vocal minority. How are you going to do that?
Everybody has the right to criticize any religion at any time any where.

Thats what I am asking too ..if that so why did Hindus made a big fuss about some one painted their goddess nude and Christian organizations made a big fuss about realsing of Da-Vinchi code? Only one religion has to respect the freedom of expression is not fair and utterly disgusting ..
I am for Hussein coming back to India(he can do it now). Showing hatred against Hussein was intolerance on the part of Hindus(Marathas).
Moreover if you believe that your religion is true why should you be afraid or angered by Huassain et al ? Take it easy.Just laugh them away.
In your case it appears so, but not in everyone else case.

Religion is most of the times a personal business for people, who don't wish other people to poke in it.

what if you are atheist and are forced to listen to some one preach about god, Isnt that as offensive.

But taking personal offense in one thing, but taking offense enough to kill people thats different dont you think.

Do i get the right to kill someone every time i hear them talk about god. becuase i am offended.

People dies over the cartoon, is it worth it. Agreeably it was wrong of them to poke fun in the first place, but was the death of a number of people and constant danger to your life the appropiate response
The appropriate response in my opinion is to sushh and ignore...
Once we start to ignore they wont poke but unfortunately we are too emotional for this..

We can halt trade with them but by burning our own markets and killing of our own people (happened n Pakistan) will not lead us anywhere...

Prophet Muhammad (Peace is upon Him) did not kill anyone instead He taught them tolerance by not responding!

Prophet Muhammad (Peace is upon Him) did not kill anyone instead He taught them tolerance by not responding!
It seems Muhammed may have been tolerant of those who made fun of him personally, but that didn't stop him from demonstrating intolerance by destroying the 360 idols of the Kaaba, did it?
It seems Muhammed may have been tolerant of those who made fun of him personally, but that didn't stop him from demonstrating intolerance by destroying the 360 idols of the Kaaba, did it?

Well with all the respect towards my Prophet I wanna state something...

Some kafir (non believer) asked a Prophet (don't remember the name) that for instance we believe you and your God, Prophet and we let you to destroy our idols..would you be able to show us your God as you can see our idols...Prophet said no..he cannot be seen...Kafir (non believer) said are we able to feel, smell, touch your God..Prophet said no you cant do anything...

Non believer said Prophet at least our idol is better than yours..we can see, touch, feel...

So...I hope my hidden words explain your answer.....

and I don't know why the Prophet destroyed idols...
I know peeople say that God said it...
but if I state that people are right than another problem arises...

So I will choose not to comment!

When you read this post...read it with open/broad mind!

إلى الله ننتمي إليها جميعا.
To Allah we all belong!
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It seems Muhammed may have been tolerant of those who made fun of him personally, but that didn't stop him from demonstrating intolerance by destroying the 360 idols of the Kaaba, did it?

Wow, look who is talking. You guys in claiming your promised land have kicked out hundred of thousands of families, left them to rot in refugee camps, killed and kill thousands of innocent human beings without any remorse, desecrated places of worship with no hesitation, waiting to tear down one of Muslims most sacred worshiping place to raise your Temple of Solomon and you come here and talk of removal of some stone made statues from a place which was and is destined to be the house of one God since its time of inception, not 360 man made statues.

Read the history of Kaaba and then talk.

Guys like you don't miss a chance. Pathetic.
Wow, look who is talking. You guys in claiming your promised land have kicked out hundred of thousands of families, left them to rot in refugee camps, killed and kill thousands of innocent human beings without any remorse, desecrated places of worship with no hesitation, waiting to tear down one of Muslims most sacred worshiping place to raise your Temple of Solomon and you come here and talk of removal of some stone made statues from a place which was and is destined to be the house of one God since its time of inception, not 360 man made statues.

Read the history of Kaaba and then talk.

Guys like you don't miss a chance. Pathetic.

Hey TaimiK...

The question he asked was not that simple..
It involves our Prophet..

Ordinary Muslims killing Jews or Jews killing Muslims is a separate issue!

Prophet destroying idols is a different issue!

In my opinion....

My point, gentlemen, is that Muslims of today fall short of the example of Mohammed: he was intolerant, but his limits were different. For the rest I won't respond, for that would be off-topic.
Prophets should go through the same critical examination that a common man goes through. Sorry, no preferential treatment for prophets.
My point, gentlemen, is that Muslims of today fall short of the example of Mohammed: he was intolerant, but his limits were different. For the rest I won't respond, for that would be off-topic.

Your knowledge about Prophet Muhammad (Peace is upon Him) is less than 0.001%..

Muslims are intolerant but don't say anything bad about the Prophet! :disagree:

We expect a smart reply from you Solomon!

Now this thread has been hacked by some unwanted people...
I am going..

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