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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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By your logic nobody could draw anything that could possibly insult anybody anywhere...

In Western Europe you can't say anything questioning the Holocaust.

A valid criticism in any form even when it exaggerates the problem as long as it aludes to actual factual flaws/problems is NOT and can NEVER be "Hatespeech".

And conducting historical research to validate/refute assertions about the Holocaust is hate speech? Interesting double standard.

DAWN.COM | World | Dutch to prosecute Arab group for holocaust cartoon

yeah horrible double standards right..

The fact that you would post such a racist cartoon speaks volumes about your mindset.

fear of Islam is not always irrational

Fear of radical Islam is no more rational than fear of evangelical Christianity or fear of Zionism. Yet it is a fair bet that you will rot in jail if you utter a word against Zionism in Germany.
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Pictures speak louder than words. :tup:

Intersting that you picked one cartoon out of the two, even though that cartoon is patently deceptive. Demonstrates your bias quite well.

The Danish cartoons were not innocuous pastoral sketches as it suggests, but very racist and designed to be inflammatory. Just as racist as the Jewish cartoon portrayed in your quote.
The fact that you would post such a racist cartoon speaks volumes about your hate-filled mindset.

The fact you consider such a cartoon racist speaks volumes about your self denial.

DAWN.COM | World | Dutch to prosecute Arab group for holocaust cartoon

Agreed on this. It smacks of European hypocrisy. Unbeliever's second cartoon is also accurate.


Intersting that you picked one cartoon out of the two, even though that cartoon is patently deceptive. Demonstrates your bias quite well.

I did not pick one cartoon out of the two. I just quoted the first, as quoting both for a one line post would be pointless. I'll ignore your "bias" remark.

The Danish cartoons were not innocuous pastoral sketches as it suggests, but very racist and designed to be inflammatory.

You're missing the point. It is extremely hypocritical of the Islamic world to get offended over cartoons when some of its commentators (curiously one's offended by cartoons) portray the Jewish people to be some evil other. I don't have to quote sources on this, please feel free to read the comments made by some of the members here on different threads.
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The fact you consider such a cartoon racist speaks volumes about your self denial.

The cartoon depicts Jews in a racially stereotypical way (nose, etc.).

If you don't see that it is racist towards Jews, you really have no business discussing the subject.
The cartoon depicts Jews in a racially stereotypical way (nose, etc.).

If you don't see that it is racist towards Jews, you really have no business discussing the subject.

:lol: When you didnt comprehend the cartoon, you have no business discussing the subject. Was the cartoon really intended to be offensive to Jews? or was it making a completely different point?

Let me repeat what i wrote previously -

You're missing the point. It is extremely hypocritical of the Islamic world to get offended over cartoons when some of its commentators (curiously one's offended by cartoons) portray the Jewish people to be some evil other. I don't have to quote sources on this, please feel free to read the comments made by some of the members here on different threads.
:lol: When you didnt comprehend the cartoon, you have no business discussing the subject. Was the cartoon really intended to be offensive to Jews? or was it making a completely different point?

And you fell, willingly or otherwise, for the deception in the cartoon.

Like I said, both cartoons -- of Jews and Mohammad -- are racist but the comparison cartoon paints a false picture. It suggests the Danish cartoons were innocent pastoral sketches.

The fact that some Muslim 'artists' publish racist works is an issue to be taken up with those 'artists'.

The solution, as you and others seem to condone, is not to fight racism with your own racism.

By your logic, since some Hindus are extremists, then no Hindu can ever complain of mistreatment, and it should be open season on Hindus. Since Indians kill other Indians and foreigners, then India should not complain about attacks on Indians abroad. A patently ridiculous and contorted line of reasoning to justify the racism of the Danish cartoons.

If we are talking racism and bigotry, then the racism preached by some Muslims against Jews pales in comparison to the anti-Muslim, anti-Arab bigotry promoted worldwide by the Zionist media.
OIC Expresses Concern over the Reported Attempt on the Life of Danish Cartoonist

Date: 03/01/2010

A spokesman of the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Jeddah expressed concern on the reported attempt on the life of the Danish cartoonist, who drawn the offensive and derogatory cartoons of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in 2005.

The OIC spokesperson stated that if the alleged attempt on the life of the Danish cartoonist is proven to have been committed as a reaction to the infamous cartoons of 2005, then it should be rejected as it runs totally against the teachings and values of Islam.

And conducting historical research to validate/refute assertions about the Holocaust is hate speech?

Obviously not. And their is no way you would be indicted for that here.

Their has been a lot of research on that subject (in all of Europe).

Science and the Arts are exempt from the "limits" that are imposed on free speech here.

But I suspect you haven't even looked at where science stands on that topic, otherwise you wouldn't even, ask as if it was a necessity, for doing 'more research'..
We are literally sitting on a mountain of evidence here (pictures, films, the sites, there where thousands of witnesses both victims and perpetrators and the Nazi where also very very committed to a precise documentation)
So denial of the event or its magnitude (without nitpicking) equals staggering ignorance and/or stupidity..

Furthermore as I pointed out before the social stigma for being so stupid and claiming something along those lines is more than enough, so the law should be abolished. Although it is not at all what you think or make it out to be.

If another country initiates it on EU level it is not unlikely it actually will in 10-20 years.

Fear of radical Islam is no more rational than fear of evangelical Christianity or fear of Zionism. Yet it is a fair bet that you will rot in jail if you utter a word against Zionism in Germany. Yet it is a fair bet that you will rot in jail if you utter a word against Zionism in Germany.

There have been many demonstrations here in Germany against Israels unjust doings with the Palestinians..
Once again you just don't have any accurate information it seems.. You should really read and maybe also travel more.

The fact is: Any religious lunacy is fair game for criticism and especially ridicule. That is how it is here (mostly) and more importantly how it should be.
I could draw a cartoon of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammad having a threesome of war and violence if I wanted to. (and if I were suicidal, thanks to the Muslims literalists...)

Unbeliever: I am capable of self criticism..are you?


I guess the answer is no.. :rolleyes:
But I suspect you haven't even looked at where science stands on that topic, otherwise you wouldn't even, ask as if it was a necessity, for doing 'more research'..
We are literally sitting on a mountain of evidence here (pictures, films, the sites, there where thousands of witnesses both victims and perpetrators and the Nazi where also very very committed to a precise documentation)
So denial of the event or its magnitude (without nitpicking) equals staggering ignorance and/or stupidity..

Wrong yet again.

No reasonable person is questioning the existence of the Holocaust, but there is some debate about the magnitude and specifics. Why is there such a stigma towards those who would point out the suffering of the Polish people or the gypsies? The Holocaust has become an almost exclusively Jewish 'posession' and those who point out the complicity of Hitler's Jewish allies are also silenced.

Why have laws and jail sentences for people who want to do academic research?

Once again, selective laws enforce double standards and quash academic research.

There have been many demonstrations here in Germany against Israels unjust doings with the Palestinians..
Once again you just don't have any accurate information it seems.. You should really read and maybe also travel more.

I have lived extensively in Western Europe and am quite familiar with the social landscape there.

Try doing a public comparison between Zionism and racism/apartheid. Or drawing a cartoon mocking Jewish beliefs.

Don't forget to send us a postcard from jail.

The fact is: Any religious lunacy is fair game for criticism and especially ridicule. That is how it is here (mostly) and more importantly how it should be.
I could draw a cartoon of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammad having a threesome of war and violence if I wanted to. (and if I were suicidal, thanks to the Muslims literalists...)

Then you are ignorant of your own laws. Try drawing such a cartoon, especially with racist depictions of Jews/Arabs and see how far you get.

I guess the answer is no.. :rolleyes:

If you don't see why that cartoon is racist towards Jews, and disingenuous in its depiction of the controversy, then we will leave it at that.
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Science and the Arts are exempt from the "limits" that are imposed on free speech here.

please show us the section in your constitution that says so..
was that before babari masjid or after that ?

or was that before or after Indian goverment killed millions muslims in gujrat ?

And tell us about Sihks who was killed too and dont forget to tell us about other religions having hard time in India. plzzz be my guest and let us know.

ANd ya every ting is wrong in Pakistan its worst there :blah::blah: now i have asked for what is happening in India :bounce:
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