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Muhammad Cartoonist Attacked

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Pagans...apart from the originals, these other so called talibans are takfiris most almost all of the muslims call them takifiris, takifiris are kafirs so the fact they've nothing in their mind but idiocy to call others as kafirs and oppose to all muslims for every tom dick and harry situations and problems..therefore when you call talibans are muslims specify which one.. : )
But the talibans are Muslims.

The answer to your question is quite complex. In order to understand the nature of Wahabi movement you'll have to go back into history.

Wahhabism, and its variously inspired kin such as the Salafis and in its most extreme manifestation the Taliban, are not Islam. In fact, much of what they preach and practice is un-Islamic: particularly when dealing with women, their unacceptance of multiple forms of devotion, their sitting in judgement of others, and their silencing of debate. These go against the very teachings of the Prophet (PBUH), which they proclaim they are preserving.

What they really represent is the ideology and practices they attempt to impose upon all Muslims, is an interpretation that neither captures the spirit nor the humanity of Islam. Unfortunately, they are particularly vocal and well-funded (courtesy of the “house of Saud”, the 19th century upstarts whose only legitimacy to the throne of Saudi Arabia is the fact that the British colonial empire so despised the Ottomans and in return for their support to fight the Ottomans, placed the Saud's in possession of Saudi Arabia and thus the sacred landscape of Islam). The eighteenth century was an era of Western colonial expansionism. The Taliban are a remnant offspring of the former British colonial rule.

Now, judge for yourself whether the Taliban are Muslim or not.

I think that Wahhabi Muslims would argue that YOU are not a legitimate Muslim and that they are. Since there is no real human authority that can say with any credibility who is a Muslim and who is not, only Allah can judge. Since no one now receives messages from Allah, no one can say what is Allah's judgment in this matter. So, Muslims are left with many schools of thought, each proclaiming their version as true Islam, and no can deny them their right to do so. Even you.

I think that Wahhabi Muslims would argue that YOU are not a legitimate Muslim and that they are. Since there is no real human authority that can say with any credibility who is a Muslim and who is not, only Allah can judge. Since no one now receives messages from Allah, no one can say what is Allah's judgment in this matter. So, Muslims are left with many schools of thought, each proclaiming their version as true Islam, and no can deny them their right to do so. Even you.

True, they would argue that, but their actions speak otherwise. Their actions are quite the opposite to the teachings and practices of the holy prophet (PBUH). The highest authority after Allah (SWT). Even the holy prophet (PBUH) prophecised about this rigid offspring and that every believer should be wary of them. Actions after all speak louder than words. I'm just stating historical facts. The Wahabi school of thought is a seed of the colonial rule which was revived during the 18th century by the Brits for petty gains. The same can be said about Christians, Jews etc. Each religion has its various branches. However, these don't conflict with one another. The Wahabi doctrine certainly conflicts with Islamic teachings.
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Truth Seeker and illuminatus worry not The Prophet already clarified things that there will be 70 or so sects claiming that they are righteous rest aren't..Hadith mentions clearly those who follow The Prophet and his Companions the sahabas are on the right path..if someone deviates well they've earn something for themselves for hereafter its simple..Prophet knew so in advance he explain and told us so its not that complicated that who'll decide who is right who is not we are not left alone Quran and Hadith is there to guide us...Definition of a Muslim is he who follow The Prophet and His Companions Believe in One God (Allah SWT) so xyz groups can come and say oh we are right and this and that nothing works for them..
The same can be said about Christians, Jews etc. Each religion has its various branches. However, these don't conflict with one another. The Wahabi doctrine certainly conflicts with Islamic teachings.

Well, of course this isn't true, at least for Christian branches. many Christian branches, while minor, have teachings that contradict the Nicene creed, the most widely agreed upon expression of the basic tenets of Christianity. In the USA we have had, for example, the Deists of which several of our founding fathers (Benjamin Franklin, for example) were adherents who did not believe in the divinity of Christ but still called themselves "Christians". The Mormons who are now a large sect in the USA call themselves "Christians" but believe in additional prophets that most other Christians do not, like the Ahmadis and Islam.
truth seeker..So care to tell us why some of the books were not included as the part of bible... that one major..omitting removing some of the books...

And what you explained above is major as well it isn't minor..therefore you have sects too and hence there are major differences...
truth seeker..So care to tell us why some of the books were not included as the part of bible... that one major..omitting removing some of the books...

And what you explained above is major as well it isn't minor..therefore you have sects too and hence there are major differences...

I am not a Scholar of the New Testament so what I say is, perhaps, not as accurate as it should be. After the death of Jesus, Christianity grew in a variety of communities all around the Mediterranean. There were sects that believed Jesus was the Son of God, some that he was simply a man, some a prophet, and others that he was devine but wasn't really human and not killed. Anyway, around 390 A.D. the Christian Church leaders decided that too much variation of belief was going on and they convened a conference at Nicea to decide what was Christian and what was not. They decided on the tenets that characterize Christianity today, primarily the Trinity, but other aspects as well. They also decided which written accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus were "authentic" and which were questionable. The "accepted" books became the New Testament of today's Christian Bible. So the Christian Bible did not exist in its present form until ~ 400 A.D. Individual books, like Mathew, Mark, Luke and John did, but not the "collection" of books called the New Testament. Later, Protestant churches removed some of the 400 A.D. books as inauthentic. These are still used by Roman Catholics and are called the Apocrypha. So the Protestant Bible has fewer books or chapters than does the Catholic Bible.

By "minor" I meant in terms of the % of Christians who believe the non-mainstream tenets, not the degree of doctrinal disagreement. Indeed, it is the position of the overwhelming majority of Christian sects that, as a minimum, you have to believe the Nicene Creed to be a Christian.
Where does it stop?

Time and time again the message is preached Islam is the religion of peace, yet it is hard to find a post where some one does not call for Indians,American or Jews to be shot.

What counts as an insult sufficient to warrant murder, a cartoon what other horrendous offence, if i have ham on a pizza or a beer should i be shot? If i only pray twice a day perhaps or give less to charity than i should? All are wrong but isnt murder a greater sin?

The actions of a fool do not make you foolish, even less can a simple drawing on a page affect Allah. you only become a fool your self when you allow the fool to provoke you into wrong actions.

When you are perfect in thought and deed your self then look to judge others, i have yet to meet such a man.
Every time an imam issues a 'fatwa' against the Taliban or other extremist groups, they get their mosques blown up. It's not that they don't want to speak against them, it's that they are afraid to. If you asked an Imam why he never criticizes the extremist groups, he'll probably tell you the same thing.

And when one of the Imam's get the guts to do so, the media obviously is going to ignore it.
Somali Faces Terror Charge for Cartoonist Attack

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, January 11, 2010

COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Prosecutors filed a preliminary charge of terrorism Monday against a Somali man accused of trying to kill a Danish cartoonist who caricatured the Prophet Muhammad.

The man had faced a preliminary charge of attempted murder for breaking into Kurt Westergaard's home in Aarhus, in western Denmark, Jan. 1 armed with a knife and an ax.

Prosecutor Marian Thomsen said investigators changed the preliminary charge to terrorism, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison, after questioning the suspect over the weekend for the first time since his arrest.

Westergaard, 74, locked himself in a safe room and was not injured. The suspect was shot by police in the hand and knee, but was not seriously injured and is being held in jail pending the outcome of the investigation.

The man, who cannot be named under a court order, also faces preliminary charges of attempted murder of a police officer, assaulting another officer and breaking Denmark's weapons law.

The suspect claims he only wanted to scare Westergaard and has denied all the allegations except the weapons charge, according to his lawyer, Niels Christian Strauss.

Denmark's intelligence agency has said the suspect, who has a residence permit in Denmark, is linked to the Somali militant group al-Shabab and to al-Qaida leaders in eastern Africa. A spokesman in Somalia for al-Shabab denied the man was member of the group.

In Kenya, police have confirmed that the suspect was on a terror watch list and was briefly detained there before U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's visit in August.

IMO we should refrain from offending some one felling specially religious feelings.

If Muslims don't like or don't makes statues it is their personal choice one should not interfere in someone's religious matters.

In the west democracy means right to express feeling freely.

No matter if it is about critiquing god/religion or nudity.

But our Asian traditions are different.

In USA it's absolutely OK to wear underwear made up of US flag but in our countries India/Pakistan it is offending.:no:
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