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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

Frustration is you a loser trying to salvage some fake pride by fabricating fake history.

The Nawabs ruled Bengal, Tipu Sultan ruled Mysore, Nizam ruled Hyderabad. So what Hindu country are you talking about?

LOL The only one frustrated is you. :P

You started a thread to speak of the glories of Mughals, and worse you invited me to showcase your talent. Only to be completely humiliated and striped naked of all your Hubris.

We know you are hurting. Why not just accept the truth and the reality ?
The Nawabs ruled Bengal, Tipu Sultan ruled Mysore, Nizam ruled Hyderabad. So what Hindu country are you talking about?

All were saved by the British

Otherwise Marathas and others like Sikhs and Rajputs would have reclaimed EVERY THING
in 50 years

The Britishers SAVED you
Why is that Levina Ji?
Aurangzeb detested hindus and ergo the Rajputs, its no hidden secret. His son Akbar wanted to challenge the throne with the help of few Rajput kings, and that's when Aurangzeb (the stubborn old man with love for his throne) came up with this brilliant idea of sending a letter to his son which would, ostensibly, fall into the hands of Rajput and cause dissensions.
These 're times when I wished I had taken a keen interest in history.
@SarthakGanguly @anonymus I heard Rajputs used to take high doses of opium before going to a war. True???
I mean I know its true, but wasnt that perilous?
Sure we were,

Just like here in the UK the brits learn how the Roman empire conquered and plundered Britain, yet they still accept the glory of the Roman empire

We know these conquerors took all of india, that dosent mean they are not a empire that can stand alongside the great empires if the world

We are glad islam flourished during this period and our ancestors left idol worship and become followers of God
Only the weak ones surrender to murderers and give up their faith while their women are being brutalized and their motherland gets plundered... strong ones stand and fight.. and die for their motherland.
@Indian Patriot

Do you understand the SIGNIFICANCE of Hindu and Sikh resistance

Just Imagine for a moment that Entire India got converted


You can create a CALIPHATE from the Middle east to Burma

India is ONE Country that GOT AWAY from Islam's perspective

Hindu India stands in the WAY of creating a caliphate

Marathas had reached as far as Peshawar and Attock

They RECOVERED from their defeat at Panipat

IF the BRITISH had delayed their entry into India by 50 years

Marathas ; Sikhs : Rajputs would have reconquered and liberated many areas of Present day Pakistan

Britishers SAVED you


Where are the maratha palaces in peshawar,
Where are your Maratha monuments and administrative buildings your barracks

This is the B.S i am talking about, they had NO control over a area yet hindu egos suddenly paibt that entire area as part of some sort of mythical marathi empire

The rest of your story is more MYTH if a tiny island in the north Atlantic hadnt defeated the mighty Marathas, Sikhs and Rajputs you would have used your mighty vedic powers to conquer Europe

Sure sure your not deluded at all

Only the weak ones surrender to murderers and give up their faith while their women are being brutalized and their motherland gets plundered... strong ones stand and fight.. and die for their motherland.

You didn't stand you were conquered and defeated, the only place you stood was in your a RSS mind

Thankfully the conquering of india also allowed the flourishing of islam and our ancestors stopped worshipping idols, lingams and animal obscenities to worship the one true God
You didn't stand you were conquered and defeated, the only place you stood was in your a RSS mind
Thankfully the conquering of india also allowed the flourishing of islam and our ancestors stopped worshipping idols, lingams and animal obscenities to worship the one true God

The only thing we lost was the ownership of land.. but your ancestors lost much more... they lost their faith...they gave up their religion for the sake of money or out of fear... We still stand here... while you are trying to justify your very own existence.
All were saved by the British

Otherwise Marathas and others like Sikhs and Rajputs would have reclaimed EVERY THING
in 50 years

The Britishers SAVED you

Tell me how did this mighty marathi, sikh & rajput alliance got defeated by a tiny island in the north Atlantic
Tell me how did this mighty marathi, sikh & rajput alliance got defeated by a tiny island in the north Atlantic
They did not have one and thats the sole reason for their defeat.
The only thing we lost was the ownership of land.. but your ancestors lost much more... they lost their faith...they gave up their religion for the sake of money or out of fear... We still stand here... while you are trying to justify your very own existence.

Our old faith was stupid

Monkey Gods, kali maa gods, blue gods, animal god's. They worshiped lingams for phucks sake. Do you know what that is

We thank the lord our ancestors had the wisdom of throwing the old paganism into the dustbin and becoming muslim

They did not have one and thats the sole reason for their defeat.

Ok then why did the mighty sikh, rajput and marathi super empires individually lose to a tiny island thousands of miles away in the north Atlantic
Our old faith was stupid

Monkey Gods, kali maa gods, blue gods, animal god's. They worshiped lingams for phucks sake. Do you know what that is

We thank the lord our ancestors had the wisdom of throwing the old paganism into the dustbin and becoming muslim

Ok then why did the mighty sikh, rajput and marathi super empires individually lose to a tiny island thousands of miles away in the north Atlantic

In short .. their faith in themselves was weak.. they belonged to a section of humanity that is called "Faith Traders".. they are always on the look out for a better deal. I wonder whats next.
Tell me how did this mighty marathi, sikh & rajput alliance got defeated by a tiny island in the north Atlantic

Very good question

ON a LIGHTER Note let us discuss this in detail

Infact ALL South Asians ; Hindus and Muslims must answer this

I believe we were taken aback by their new Guns ; artillerry ; miltary tactics and discipline on one hand
and on the other by the RED UNIFORM ;
the English Language and above all WHITE SKIN

The South Asians became speechless and powerless after seeing WHITES :p:
For the love of the heavens above!!!

The rajputs, and I am really sorry to hurt your feelings if you are a rajput, did not resist the Mughals. Some kingdoms, some not all, like Mewar and Ranthambore tried to resist the Mughals for a brief period. Others submitted immediately when demanded. Mewar was crushed first after the fall of chittor and Rao Surjan Hada of Ranthambore surrendered his fort after he lost the battle.

From the time of Jahangir onwards there was no independent rajput kingdom or rajput resistance.


Aurangzeb tried to install a Muslim king on the throne of Mewar after Rana Jaswant Singh Died.

This enraged the Rathors and the other Rajputs. Later when Ajjt Singh was born, the Rajputs asked Aurangzeb to install him as king of Mewar. Auragzeb refused and tried to have the baby Ajit Singh assassinated.

After this the Rajputs fought for 30 years against Auragzeb :lol:

This rebellion united the Rajput clans, and a triple-pronged alliance was formed by the states of Marwar, Mewar and jaipur. One of the conditions of this alliance was that the rulers of Jodhpur and Jaipur should regain the privilege of marriage with the ruling Sesodia dynasty of Mewar, on the understanding that the offspring of Sesodia princesses should succeed to the throne over any other offspring.

The Sikhs started as a religious movement not a military one. Ironically it was the active persecution of Sikhs by the Mughals and also their Hindu allies/auxiliaries that prompted Guru Hargobind Singh to form a military sect. The Sikh Gurus did fight the Mughals and at the time of Ranjit Singh the Mughals would tremble at the sight of the Sikhs, that is also true.

But make no mistake that the Sikhs also had to fight many north Indian Hindu kings who openly supported the Mughals.

No, the sikhs took Refuge in Hindu kingdom when they were on the run from Mughal persecutions. In fact, before the second Maratha Anglo war, teh Sikhs used to pay tribute to the Marathas.

The Marathas under the peshwas attacked Mughals. Shivaji and Sambhaji fought bravely but they could not take the attack to Agra or Delhi. It was the Peshwa confederacy which invaded Delhi AFTER the death of Aurangzeb. And yes, the Marathas also dominated the Mughals MUCH LATER.

So what ? Aurangzeb tried his best to eliminate Shivaji, only to find Shivaji establish an Empire that destroyed Aurangzeb's own empire.

The Assamese or more specifically the Ahoms did not have a long history of war against the Mughals. During the reign of Aurangzeb he sent his Mughal commander to subdue the Ahom kingdom. The Mughals were routed, but there were no further conflicts. The Mughals did not attack again and the Ahoms did not pursue Mughals.

The Ahom's who were HINDUS fought against the Muslim Empire. How is that not a resistance to a cultural and religions invasion ?

These "resistance" movements as you call were not synchronised and not all happened at the same time. These were individual incidents and there was no co-ordination or unity among the native rulers. I would seriously not put the rajputs in any resistance movement. Because according to history, not me, they did not fight.

Not True. The Very fact that a Rajput Ram Singh helped Shivaji escape from Mughal court, helped Sikh Guru escape fro Mughal court and formed a peace treaty with the Ahome king shows there was more to it. Clearly a resistance to tyranny.

India is NOT a Hindu country. And whether you like it or not it will NEVER be a Hindu country.

India WAS, IS and WILL ALWAYS remain a Hindu country. And whether you like it or not, IT WILL ALWAYS be so.
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