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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

For somebody who claims to not be the least bit interested in what I'm saying, you sure have a funny way of showing it by insisting on responding to every post with the same couple of lines worth ....:lol: Move on. Or not. I don't care either way.

Y yam deeply deezapoynted yith your poysts. Since you obviously have no education on the mughals or cannot post anything constructive it is best to ignore butt-hurt trolls like you.

Yhave ya nyaice dyay.
Hindus dont like the Mughals!

Yes, we get it. They came they conquered your land, they dominated your people and did a bunch of nasty stuff

So did the Romans
the ottomans
the british empire
the french empire
the aztecs
and a whole bunch of other empires

This is what unfortunately happens, the mughals were not unique in their brutality,
The mughals were one of the great empires of the world and they dominated india, you need to accept this and move on and stop living in ego boosting fairy tales about marathas and hindus biding their time

And all the while your Ancestors were a part of the landmass that was plundered by raiders... But thats' not the history that you were taught in you school. Right.
We don't learn fake history like some of our neighbors...we learn it the way it is. And I'm a proud Indian showing the real flags unlike your friend, for whom you jumped in!!

No you allow your proud indian part to cloud and confuse your perception of historical fact

In your mind muslim armies never won on the battlefield, hindus always lost not because they were weaker or not prepared but because of some twist of fate, some rainy day, some muslim betrayal or some other bollywood nonsense

You in your minds glorify some insignificant side battle between local mughal forces and e.g some indian group as some sort of taking on the entire mughsl empire

Your twisting of history harms only yourself

And all the while your Ancestors were a part of the landmass that was plundered by raiders... But thats' not the history that you were taught in you school. Right.

Sure we were,

Just like here in the UK the brits learn how the Roman empire conquered and plundered Britain, yet they still accept the glory of the Roman empire

We know these conquerors took all of india, that dosent mean they are not a empire that can stand alongside the great empires if the world

We are glad islam flourished during this period and our ancestors left idol worship and become followers of God
There was still Aurangzeb to ascend to the throne and he was the exact opposite. He hated lavishness and wanted an austere life.

But he was STUPID to take on the Marathas in a
27 year war and he died a SAD broken hearted DEFEATED man

He left a Bankrupt treasury and a broken army

The way Marathas terrorised and pummeled the Mighty Mughal Army
it could never stand on its feet again :D
The Indian Kings ie Rajputs ; Sikhs ; Jats ; Marathas ; And Assamese people and kings
ALL RESISTED Islamic kings and the Mughals

For the love of the heavens above!!!

The rajputs, and I am really sorry to hurt your feelings if you are a rajput, did not resist the Mughals. Some kingdoms, some not all, like Mewar and Ranthambore tried to resist the Mughals for a brief period. Others submitted immediately when demanded. Mewar was crushed first after the fall of chittor and Rao Surjan Hada of Ranthambore surrendered his fort after he lost the battle.

From the time of Jahangir onwards there was no independent rajput kingdom or rajput resistance.

The Sikhs started as a religious movement not a military one. Ironically it was the active persecution of Sikhs by the Mughals and also their Hindu allies/auxiliaries that prompted Guru Hargobind Singh to form a military sect. The Sikh Gurus did fight the Mughals and at the time of Ranjit Singh the Mughals would tremble at the sight of the Sikhs, that is also true.

But make no mistake that the Sikhs also had to fight many north Indian Hindu kings who openly supported the Mughals.

The Marathas under the peshwas attacked Mughals. Shivaji and Sambhaji fought bravely but they could not take the attack to Agra or Delhi. It was the Peshwa confederacy which invaded Delhi AFTER the death of Aurangzeb. And yes, the Marathas also dominated the Mughals MUCH LATER.

The Assamese or more specifically the Ahoms did not have a long history of war against the Mughals. During the reign of Aurangzeb he sent his Mughal commander to subdue the Ahom kingdom. The Mughals were routed, but there were no further conflicts. The Mughals did not attack again and the Ahoms did not pursue Mughals.

These "resistance" movements as you call were not synchronised and not all happened at the same time. These were individual incidents and there was no co-ordination or unity among the native rulers. I would seriously not put the rajputs in any resistance movement. Because according to history, not me, they did not fight.

You MUST curse your ancestors
They failed in their DUTY to convert entire India

Don't get personal here.

@Irfan Baloch - I am sorry to tag you again but can you please look into this?

Hence inspite of having 550 million Muslims in South Asia
it is Hindu India that is the MOST POWERFUL country

India is NOT a Hindu country. And whether you like it or not it will NEVER be a Hindu country.
This is what unfortunately happens, the mughals were not unique in their brutality,

The Portugese destroyed entire civilisations in Latin America. And by destroyed I mean they did what is called genocide. The Aztecs were brutally murdered, they were tortured before being put to death.

In Goa the same Portugese did the inquisition where Hindus would be tied to posts and burnt alive. And many thousands of Hindus were forcibly converted or burnt at stake by these Portugese. Yet no Hindu hates the Portugese for what they did.

The english would tie rebels on to the mouth of a cannon and blos their bodies to bits. Dead bodies were hung from ropes that were tied to tree branches as a warning. Lucknow faced such a carnage that the streets were red with blood.

Two million people died in the artificial famine of Bengal thanks to british.

But for some odd reason hate only the mughals.
@Indian Patriot

You have your own version of history
so do we

We are proud of our resistance ; our struggles and ultimately our victory

You stupid fool. Your personal fantasy is not history.

You never had any resistance. If not for the british then India would have been under mughal occupation. With maybe the Sikhs ruling north India. Maratha power was badly hurt in the disastrous 3rd battle of panipat, or did you forget about abdali?
Aurangzeb's letter to his Son Akbar showing his Hatred for Rajputs, :P

Muhammad Akbar, my son! close to my heart, a piece of my liver [as it were], dear as my life—be assured of and exalted with my sincere kindness, and know:- God be my witness, that I held you dearer and more beloved than all my other sons. But you, through your own ill-luck, were tempted by the deception and stratagem of the Rajputs, those Satans in a human shape, to lose your portion of the wealth of Paradise and to become a wanderer in the hill and wilderness of Misfortune. What remedy can I contrive and what help can I give ? My heart became plunged in extreme sorrow and grief when I heard of your present miserable condition of anxiety, perplexity, ruin and wretchedness. Nay more, life itself tasted bitter to me; what need I say of other things? Alas! a thousand times alas! leaving out of your sight your [legitimate] pride of rank and majesty as a prince and Emperor's son, you in your simplicity took no pity on your own [extreme] youth : you showed no regard for your wives and children, but in the most wretched condition threw [them] into the captivity of those beast-looking beast-hearted wicked Rajputs! And you are roaming in all directions like a polo ball, now rising, now falling, now fleeing!

Jaswant, the chief of Rajputs, assisted and joined Dara Shukoh, [but that prince] met with nothing save humiliation and reverses in consequence. Know for certain [that the same will be your fate, too.] Providence befriend you! God make it your lot to follow the right path.

I hope you know Aurangzeb's intention behind writing this letter. Aurangzeb tried to create dissensions between Prince Akbar and the Rajputs and for some time he succeeded in his mission. And this letter is just the proof of it.
Can't believe that man lived for 89yrs and died on a friday. He should've met with a more violent death.
Taj Mahal was indeed very expensive and was the costliest structure build in the world that time. Artisans and architects came as far away as ottoman empire - turkey and satellite states included - and build this monument. In a fit of hysterical obsession Shah Jahan ordered the hands of every artisan involved to be chopped off. That is also a real thing. But the Taj Mahal did not make the Mughals bankrupt but yes the Mughals lived a over-the-top lavish lifestyle and it did put a strain on their treasury. If the lifestyle had continued in the same manner then perhaps the treasury would have been empty in three generations.

There was still Aurangzeb to ascend to the throne and he was the exact opposite. He hated lavishness and wanted an austere life.

Rubbish :lol:

Aurangzeb wasted ALL his resources in Wars that destroyed the Empire. The end result was an empty treasury and famine and starvation. Not to mention fuelling the hate that destroyed what his father and forefathers had built.
But he was STUPID to take on the Marathas in a
27 year war and he died a SAD broken hearted DEFEATED man

He left a Bankrupt treasury and a broken army

The way Marathas terrorised and pummeled the Mighty Mughal Army
it could never stand on its feet again :D

And here is your hindu ego part distorting history again

The marathas were not a patch on the greatness of the Mughal empire and its glory

If the entire mughal empire descended on the Marathas they would have been toast

This however was not an option because the Mughals at the time did not have one enemy to take on, it has a big empire with threats eminating from the afghans, sikhs, marathas, other regions so it could never focus force on one area

It is too Aurengzebs credit that he won so many battles and took so much territory

The inherent weakness of the aftermath marathi and sikh kingdoms is evident in the fact that they ruled so poorly and for a historically short period of time before the British empire ended them completely

The ONLY thing keeping the colonial empires out were the Mughals once they were weakned the Maraths and sikhs were useless
You stupid fool. Your personal fantasy is not history.

You never had any resistance. If not for the british then India would have been under mughal occupation. With maybe the Sikhs ruling north India. Maratha power was badly hurt in the disastrous 3rd battle of panipat, or did you forget about abdali?

WRONG again. :P

Aurangzeb died in 1707. This is the map of the Maratha empire in 1760.

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