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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

annual tribute sent by the rajputs and other Hindu kings who were part of mughal empire.

The Rajputs and other Hindu Kings were ONLY BIDING their time

Nobody really liked them

Mughals were TURKS who did not like the native Indian Muslim Kings like Nizam of Hyderabad
and Bijapur Sultans

The ASHRAF and AJLAF divide was very MUCH prevailing
in the royal court; palace ; administration and ARMY

Mughals were INSECURE about their OWN back stabbing Family members
HENCE they became friends with RAJPUTS for security

Mughals were very snobbish about their Turkish and Central Asian ancestry

So dont even talk of Secularism
Still the pathetic chap who feels the need to use abuse to win an argument. A smiley is all that you are worth...:lol:

This thread is not about your accent ridden english that prevents you from reading a sentence properly and grasping what has been written. This thread is about the Mughals and their influence in India. So talk about that.

If you are so butt-hurt about your accent then go and cry somewhere else instead of trolling here. You are so pitiable that you are not even worth a smiley. Do not troll here yam-oron.

I hope your comprehension skills are strong enough to be properly able to read and also understand what has been written. Now get lost.

The Rajputs and other Hindu Kings were ONLY BIDING their time

Yes, "ONLY BIDING" their time by serving the mughals, paying tribute and fighting for the Mugals against other Indian kings. What exactly were they waiting for?

Mughals were INSECURE about their OWN back stabbing Family members
HENCE they became friends with RAJPUTS for security

LOL!! It was the rajputs who approached Mughals for security and wealth not the other way round. Smaller rajput kingdoms were quickly gobbled up when the rajas allied themselves with the Mughals to protect themselves and enhance their prestige and position. The bigger rajput kingdoms who did not surrender immediately were soon crushed and forced to surrender.

By the time of Jahangir every single rajput kingdom obeyed Mughal firmans. This is nothing against the rajputs but a simple narration of history and what happened in the medieval age.
Listen here, obviously you must be a rajput raised in the fake non-existent bravery of the cowardly rajputs. Like I said I have no interest in your shameless lies. It is well known how the rajputs served their Mughal masters.

So either talk about this topic of Mughals or keep away from this topic.

How about showing a 'little shame' and correcting your country flags!
This thread is not about your accent ridden english that prevents you from reading a sentence properly and grasping what has been written. This thread is about the Mughals and their influence in India. So talk about that.

If you are so butt-hurt about your accent then go and cry somewhere else instead of trolling here. You are so pitiable that you are not even worth a smiley. Do not troll here yam-oron.

I hope your comprehension skills are strong enough to be properly able to read and also understand what has been written. Now get lost.

Do you believe writing paragraphs saying what can be said in one line is smart? I didn't go down on the abuse route, you did. Unlike you, feel no need to be abusive nor am I interested in your abuse. You can either get used to me being here and ignore or you can continue writing more paragraphs. Either way, you don't get to decide what I do.

Happy to talk about the Mughals in India. I actually happen to agree with quite a bit of what you said. Have said parts of what you said myself on other threads.
How about showing a 'little shame' and correcting your country flags!

Yeah indian Patriot

How about you change history to appease hindus and their egos or you change your flags

There is no room for historical fact here, dont you know hindus never lost they were just "biding their their time" for 1000 years before they could pounce and show their valour
Do you believe writing paragraphs saying what can be said in one line is smart? I didn't go down on the abuse route, you did. Unlike you, feel no need to be abusive nor am I interested in your abuse. You can either get used to me being here and ignore or you can continue writing more paragraphs. Either way, you don't get to decide what I do.

Happy to talk about the Mughals in India. I actually happen to agree with quite a bit of what you said.

Cut your whining man. You are annoying as hell, either talk about the topic or move on. I am not in the least interested on what you are thinking right now so don't share your personal thoughts here.

The ONLY thing Mughals are known for is Brother killing brother

And son killing Father

Ie The Mughal Syndrome

You will NOT like it if I say the truth

Leave it

Brother killing brother is not a new thing in Indian history you emotional fool. Asoka killed his brothers. The Guptas had fratricide. Pratap Singh's own brothers Shakti Singh turned against him. Lust for power overrides everything else.

And you will not like it when I post graphic details of how the Hindu kings especially the rajputs served the mughals. If you hate the mughals then also hate those people who served and fought for the mughals.
What has religion got to do anything here you troll?

@Irfan Baloch - Are posters here allowed to drag in religion?
it is unfortunately inevitable
although i suggest the posters NOT to make it the primary point of discussion. Mughals by chance were Muslims, they could have been pagan or whatever but rest assured they would have impost their imprint on their occupied land in a different way than Minarites and Mosques to something else. this is just an expression of power / authority and possession.

All i know is that no universities, no scientific research and no navies were build. 50% of the wealth was spent on Taj Mahal and another 50% was planned to be spent on the Black Taj Mahal opposite to the original Taj mahal. They were nothing but visionless power hungry monarchs.
he hey hey
dont drag in the Middle eastern Arab monarchs here
Cut your whining man. You are annoying as hell, either talk about the topic or move on. I am not in the least interested on what you are thinking right now so don't share your personal thoughts here..

For somebody who claims to not be the least bit interested in what I'm saying, you sure have a funny way of showing it by insisting on responding to every post with the same couple of lines worth ....:lol: Move on. Or not. I don't care either way.
@Indian Patriot

The Indian Kings ie Rajputs ; Sikhs ; Jats ; Marathas ; And Assamese people and kings
ALL RESISTED Islamic kings and the Mughals

That is why inspite of YOUR Much Trumpeted 1000 year rule
you could not vanquish Hindus

You MUST curse your ancestors
They failed in their DUTY to convert entire India

Hence inspite of having 550 million Muslims in South Asia
it is Hindu India that is the MOST POWERFUL country
he hey hey
dont drag in the Middle eastern Arab monarchs here

Taj Mahal was indeed very expensive and was the costliest structure build in the world that time. Artisans and architects came as far away as ottoman empire - turkey and satellite states included - and build this monument. In a fit of hysterical obsession Shah Jahan ordered the hands of every artisan involved to be chopped off. That is also a real thing. But the Taj Mahal did not make the Mughals bankrupt but yes the Mughals lived a over-the-top lavish lifestyle and it did put a strain on their treasury. If the lifestyle had continued in the same manner then perhaps the treasury would have been empty in three generations.

There was still Aurangzeb to ascend to the throne and he was the exact opposite. He hated lavishness and wanted an austere life.
Yeah indian Patriot

How about you change history to appease hindus and their egos or you change your flags

There is no room for historical fact here, dont you know hindus never lost they were just "biding their their time" for 1000 years before they could pounce and show their valour

We don't learn fake history like some of our neighbors...we learn it the way it is. And I'm a proud Indian showing the real flags unlike your friend, for whom you jumped in!!
Hindus dont like the Mughals!

Yes, we get it. They came they conquered your land, they dominated your people and did a bunch of nasty stuff

So did the Romans
the ottomans
the british empire
the french empire
the aztecs
and a whole bunch of other empires

This is what unfortunately happens, the mughals were not unique in their brutality,

The mughals were one of the great empires of the world and they dominated india, you need to accept this and move on and stop living in ego boosting fairy tales about marathas and hindus biding their time
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