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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

Your fantasy does not make reality.
you may be living in the fantasy that the Moguls ruled the south and this shows your ignorance, please go through the maps, and read some authentic history tell me what all reagions the moghuls ruled in the south?
South India faced mughal rule briefly during Aurangzeb's time. The mainly muslim kingdoms in south were Mysore under Huder Ali and Tipu Sultan plus the deccani sultanates which were later crushed, ironically by the muslim Mughals.

First time I have heard that Tipu Sultan & Hyder Ali were crushed by the Mughals..........
First time I have heard that Tipu Sultan & Hyder Ali were crushed by the Mughals..........
this show the acamadic ability of some north indians who are brain washed by the commi text books, then think what all bullshit they would have read about india, they would have also read that alexander and porus fought battle on the banks of kaveri and alexander even reached srilanka, :omghaha:
You are illiterate because you cannot see the Hindu kings who support Mughals.

THE MUghals succeeded in forming an empire because they had Indian support. If you had a functioning intellect you would have understood that. The mughals used local support to rule just like the english did. Yet you are blind to the obvious fact.

It was the rajputs who killed sikhs under mughal orders, you find no comparison there? Don't talk like a RSS karyakarta.
Don't quote me ever from now.... You are on the way to become another isis sympathisers on forum ...... Bye....

this show the acamadic ability of some north indians who are brain washed by the commi text books, then think what all bullshit they would have read about india, they would have also read that alexander and porus fought battle on the banks of kaveri and alexander even reached srilanka, :omghaha:
Side effects of hybridization..... One can sense his invisible affinity to Mughals for conspicuous reason of his religious background....... We North Indians don't care about the mughalic cults at all.....
One who boastfully talks about the imprints of Mughals needs to visit UP from Vrindavan to Kashi ....
you may be living in the fantasy that the Moguls ruled the south and this shows your ignorance, please go through the maps, and read some authentic history tell me what all reagions the moghuls ruled in the south?

Except for Kerala the Mughals ruled south. Your childish rants won't change history. You are an emotional fellow who cannot accept facts. Even maps are fake for a child like you. Go and live in your fantasy that south India never heard of mughals, shows how pathetic education system is there.

Don't quote me ever from now.... You are on the way to become another isis sympathisers on forum ...... Bye....

This is not your forum you loser. And if you are such a proud, patriotic deshbhakt Hindu why did you even join a pakistani forum in the first place?

You are nothing but a keyboard warrior whose courage is visible in front of a computer screen but not in real life. You have no knowledge of history or any understanding what happened but like an uneducated joker you will pass sweeping statements.

ISIS rules over people like you because you are weak. Do NOT comment on this thread again.

First time I have heard that Tipu Sultan & Hyder Ali were crushed by the Mughals..........

Not your fault. You were so excited to sound cool that you forgot to read the second part of the line which mentioned deccani sultans.

One south Indian never heard about mughals, another here claims tipu sultan was crushed by mughals. ROFLOL!!!
Overall mughal influence was bad for India.
i am sure you are educated in some UP madrasa only they can have such great knowledge, so keep on with your IIM(indian institute of madrasa) farruka-bad UP education. and please inform if you are coming to the south we should be alert from incoming danger
Mughals were Timurids, hence Mongol by race.
Timurids are Turco-Mongolian mix.
Timurid dynasty | Asian history | Encyclopedia Britannica

Although Uzbeks are also said to be Turkified Mongol rather than a proper turkic race.
Uzbeks are pure Turkic originated.
Uzbeks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And Timur was a Tatar; who were Turko-Mongol mix.
Tatars are not Mongol mix. They are pure Turkic.
Tatars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think we must have had followed ISIS....
Fixed that for you ^^
Overall mughal influence was bad for India.

I'm personally not so much into this good or bad thing. Like all history, anywhere in the world, it happened. And we are what we are and where we are because it happened in the way it happened.

All we can control or do something about is what we do today and how it would shape tomorrow.
Timurids are Turco-Mongolian mix.
Timurid dynasty | Asian history | Encyclopedia Britannica

Uzbeks are pure Turkic originated.
Uzbeks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tatars are not Mongol mix. They are pure Turkic.
Tatars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fixed that for you ^^

The problem is Mughals - lke any other Central Asian tribes - had obscure origins. Nobody exactly knows where they had come up from, pretty much like the Huns. People know about Huns but their origins are debate.

Babur claimed himself to be from the lineage of Timur and Genghiz from his mother and father's side respectively. Geographically speaking the Mughals were Uzbeks, but scholars claim they were from the line of Chagtai-Turks.

Officially the Mughal stance was they were from the Timurid lineage. In fact the word Mughal itself is a corruption of the word Mongol and the Mughals prided themselves as being the descendents of Mongols.
Not your fault. You were so excited to sound cool that you forgot to read the second part of the line which mentioned deccani sultans.

One south Indian never heard about mughals, another here claims tipu sultan was crushed by mughals. ROFLOL!!!

Maybe you should learn punctuation. Your second part of the line doesn't separate it from the first. Maybe you shouldn't be so excited......

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